Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>
Results: 1-25/155

Authors: Stephen Harrison Michael Moran Bruce Wood
Citation: Stephen Harrison et al., Policy emergence and policy convergence: the case of scientific-bureaucratic medicine in the United States and United KIngdom, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 4(1), 2002, pp. 1-24

Authors: Tal Sadeh David Howarth
Citation: Tal Sadeh et David Howarth, Economic interest and the European Union: a catalyst for European Integration or a hindrance?, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 10(1), 2008, pp. 1-8

Authors: Brian Doherty Matthew Paterson Alexandra Plows Derek Wall
Citation: Brian Doherty et al., Explaining the fuel protests., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 5(1), 2003, pp. 1-23

Authors: Ben Rosamond Daniel Wincott
Citation: Ben Rosamond et Daniel Wincott, Constitutionalism, european integration and british political economy, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 8(1), 2006, pp. 1-14

Authors: Sarah Childs
Citation: Sarah Childs, A feminised style of politics? Women MPs in the House of Commons., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 6(1), 2004, pp. 3-19

Authors: Nelson W. Polsby
Citation: Nelson W. Polsby, Legitimacy in british policy-making: functional alternatives to the civil service., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 3(1), 2001, pp. 5-35

Authors: Patrick Leblond
Citation: Patrick Leblond, The fog of integration: reassessing the role of economic interests in european integration, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 10(1), 2008, pp. 9-26

Authors: Vivien Schmidt
Citation: Vivien Schmidt, Adapting to Europe: is it harder for Britain?, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 8(1), 2006, pp. 15-33

Authors: Rosie Campbell
Citation: Rosie Campbell, Gender, ideology and issue preference: is there such a thing as a political women's interest in Britain?, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 6(1), 2004, pp. 20-44

Authors: Adam Lent
Citation: Adam Lent, The transformation of gay and lesbian politics in Britain., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 5(1), 2003, pp. 24-49

Authors: Duncan Kelly
Citation: Duncan Kelly, The political thought of Isaiah Berlin., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 4(1), 2002, pp. 25-48

Authors: Andreas Dur
Citation: Andreas Dur, Bringing economic interests back into the study of EU trade policy-making, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 10(1), 2008, pp. 27-45

Authors: Andrew Gamble
Citation: Andrew Gamble, The european disunion, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 8(1), 2006, pp. 34-49

Authors: Colin Campbell Bert A. Rockman
Citation: Colin Campbell et Bert A. Rockman, Third Way leadership, old way government: Blair, Clinton and the power to govern, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 3(1), 2001, pp. 36-48

Authors: Vivien Lowndes
Citation: Vivien Lowndes, Getting on or getting by? Women, social capital and political participation, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 6(1), 2004, pp. 45-64

Authors: Lucia Quaglia
Citation: Lucia Quaglia, Setting the pace? : Private financial interests and european financial market integration., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 10(1), 2008, pp. 46-73

Authors: Andrew Russell Ed Fieldhouse Iain MacAllister
Citation: Andrew Russell et al., The anatomy of liberal support on Britain, 1974-1997, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 4(1), 2002, pp. 49-74

Authors: Erwin C.Hargrove
Citation: Erwin C.hargrove, The presidency and the prime ministership as institutions: an american perspective, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 3(1), 2001, pp. 49-70

Authors: Jonathan Hopkin Daniel Wincott
Citation: Jonathan Hopkin et Daniel Wincott, New labour, economic reform and the european social model, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 8(1), 2006, pp. 50-68

Authors: Deiniol Jones
Citation: Deiniol Jones, The origins of the global city: ethics and morality in contemporary cosmopolitanism., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 5(1), 2003, pp. 50-73

Authors: Mitchell P.Smith
Citation: Mitchell P.smith, All access points are not created equal: explaining the fate of diffuse interests in the EU., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 10(1), 2008, pp. 64-83

Authors: Nirmal Puwar
Citation: Nirmal Puwar, Thinking about making a difference., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 6(1), 2004, pp. 65-80

Authors: Philippa Sherrington
Citation: Philippa Sherrington, Confronting Europe: UK political parties and the Eu 2000-2005, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 8(1), 2006, pp. 69-78

Authors: B.Guy Peters
Citation: B.guy Peters, The United Kingdom becomes the Untied Kingdom? : is federalism imminent, or even possible?, British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 3(1), 2001, pp. 71-83

Authors: Howard Elcock
Citation: Howard Elcock, Regionalism and regionalisation in Britain and North America., British journal of politics & international relations (Print) , 5(1), 2003, pp. 74-101
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>