Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>

Table of contents of journal: *African and Asian studies (Print)

Results: 51-75/188

Authors: Thawaba, S.
Citation: S. Thawaba,, Jerusalem walls : transforming and segregating urban fabric, African and Asian studies (Print) , 10(2-3), 2011, pp. 121-142

Authors: Boafo-Arthur, K.
Citation: K. Boafo-arthur,, Chieftaincy in Ghana : challenges and prospects in the century, African and Asian studies (Print) , 2(2), 2003, pp. 125-153

Authors: Mbaku, J. M.
Citation: M. Mbaku, J., Cameroon's stalled transition to democratic governance : lessons for Africa's new democrats, African and Asian studies (Print) , 1(3), 2002, pp. 125-163

Authors: Fokuo, J. K.
Citation: K. Fokuo, J., Lighter side of marriage : skin bleaching in post-colonial Ghana politics, African and Asian studies (Print) , 8(1-2), 2009, pp. 125-146

Authors: Obi, Cyril L.
Citation: L. Obi, Cyril, African migration as the search for a wonderful world : an emerging trans-global security threat?, African and Asian studies (Print) , 9(1-2), 2010, pp. 128-148

Authors: Holslag, Jonathan
Citation: Holslag, Jonathan, China's new mercantilism in central Africa middlemen minority, African and Asian studies (Print) , 5(2), 2006, pp. 133-169

Authors: Rena, R.
Citation: R. Rena,, Historical development of money and banking in Eritrea from the Axumite Kingdom to the present, African and Asian studies (Print) , 6(1-2), 2007, pp. 135-153

Authors: Murunga,G.R.
Citation: Murunga,g.r, Conflict in Somalia and crime in Kenya: understanding the trans-territoriality of crime, African and Asian studies (Print) , 4(1-2), 2005, pp. 137-161

Authors: Edozie, R. K.
Citation: K. Edozie, R., Promoting africa 'Owned and Operated' development : a reflection on the new partnership for african development (NEPAD), African and Asian studies (Print) , 3(2), 2004, pp. 141-169

Authors: Nguyen, H, H. D. Nguyen, N. T.
Citation: D. Nguyen, H, H. et T. Nguyen, N., Examining personal values and enterpreneurial motives of vietnamese entrepreneurs in the 21st century : two empirical studies, African and Asian studies (Print) , 7(2-3), 2008, pp. 141-171

Authors: Omotosho, O. J.
Citation: J. Omotosho, O., Product labeling and sociocultural values of nigerian consumers, African and Asian studies (Print) , 10(2-3), 2011, pp. 143-156

Authors: Bhatt, W.
Citation: W. Bhatt,, Culture of indian migration : a theoretical and empirical analysis of Orissa and Rajasthan, African and Asian studies (Print) , 8(1-2), 2009, pp. 147-174

Authors: Bereketeab, R.
Citation: R. Bereketeab,, Politics of language in Eritrea : equality of languages vs. bilingual official language policy, African and Asian studies (Print) , 9(1-2), 2010, pp. 149-190

Authors: Sihlongonyane, M. F.
Citation: F. Sihlongonyane, M., The invisible hand of the royal family in the political dynamics of Swaziland, African and Asian studies (Print) , 2(2), 2003, pp. 155-187

Authors: Diallo, M.
Citation: M. Diallo,, People from different backgrounds write different histories : an essay on historiography (Britain and India), African and Asian studies (Print) , 6(1-2), 2007, pp. 155-172

Authors: Mahmoudi, V.
Citation: V. Mahmoudi,, Poverty changes during the Three Recent Development Plans in Iran (1995-2007), African and Asian studies (Print) , 10(2-3), 2011, pp. 157-179

Authors: Kieh,G.K.Jr.
Citation: Kieh,g.k.jr, State-building in post-civil war Sierra Leone, African and Asian studies (Print) , 4(1-2), 2005, pp. 163-185

Authors: Kristiansen, S., Ryen, A.
Citation: A. Kristiansen, S., Ryen,, Enacting their business environments : asian entrepreneurs in East Africa, African and Asian studies (Print) , 1(3), 2002, pp. 165-186

Authors: Alumona, V. S.
Citation: S. Alumona, V., The rethoric of unity and the quest for political power in Nigeria, African and Asian studies (Print) , 5(2), 2006, pp. 172-191

Authors: Dasylva, A.O.
Citation: Dasylva, A.o, Identity and memory in Omoboyode Arowa's Oriki performance in (Yoruba) Ekiti dialect, African and Asian studies (Print) , 6(1-2), 2007, pp. 173-200

Authors: Tang, M. Woods, D.
Citation: M. Tang, et D. Woods,, Exogenous effect of geography on economic development : the case of Sub-Saharian Africa, African and Asian studies (Print) , 7(2-3), 2008, pp. 173-189

Authors: Shah, I. A.
Citation: A. Shah, I., People's participation in rural development projects in the north-west frontier province of Pakistan : a comparative review and analysis of Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) and Integrated Rural Development Projest (IRDP), African and Asian studies (Print) , 8(1-2), 2009, pp. 175-184

Authors: Ruggunan, S.
Citation: S. Ruggunan,, Role of organised labour in preventing a "Race to the bottom" for filipino seafarers in the global labour market, African and Asian studies (Print) , 10(2-3), 2011, pp. 180-208

Authors: Spher, S., Dutt, N.
Citation: N. Spher, S., Dutt,, Exploring protest participation in india : evidence from the 1996 world value survey, African and Asian studies (Print) , 3(3-4), 2004, pp. 185-218

Authors: Samuel, E.
Citation: E. Samuel,, Dowry and dowry harassment in India : an assessment based on modified capitalist patriarchy, African and Asian studies (Print) , 1(3), 2002, pp. 187-229
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>