Citation: F. Kodama et Lm. Branscomb, University research as an engine for growth: How realistic is the vision?, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 3-19
Citation: K. Pechter et S. Kakinuma, Coauthorship linkages between university research and Japanese industry, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 102-127
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Citation: Dc. Mowery et al., The effects of the Bayh-Dole Act on US university research and technology transfer, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 269-306
Citation: M. Yoshihara et K. Tamai, Lack of incentive and persisting constraints: Factors hindering technologytransfer at Japanese universities, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 348-364
Citation: J. Lerner, Venture capital and the commercialization of academic technology: Symbiosis and paradox, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 385-409
Citation: R. Kneller, University-industry cooperation in biomedical R&D in Japan and the United States: Implications for biomedical industries, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 410-438
Citation: Yt. Chien, The impact of the Internet on university-based research and innovation in the United States and Japan, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 439-470
Citation: Ms. Fogarty et Ak. Sinha, Why older regions can't generalize from Route 128 and Silicon Valley: University-industry relationships and regional innovation systems, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 473-509
Citation: Ab. Candell et Ab. Jaffe, The regional economic impact of public research funding: A case study of Massachusetts, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 510-530
Citation: S. Yamamoto, The growing sophistication of research at a time of broadened participation in higher education, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 531-546
Citation: S. Ogura et H. Kotake, Public policies for Japanese universities and the job market for engineers, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 547-576
Citation: Sw. Smith, The industrial perspective on university-industry relationships in Japan and the United States, INDUSTRIALIZING KNOWLEDGE, 1999, pp. 579-588