Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>

Table of contents of journal: *European journal of forest pathology

Results: 1-25/283

Authors: Griffin, GJ
Citation: Gj. Griffin, Frequencies and spatial patterns of white hypovirulent and pigmented strains of Cryphonectria parasitica within blight-controlled cankers on grafted American chestnut trees 15-16 years after inoculation, EUR J FORES, 29(6), 1999, pp. 377-390

Authors: Kaitera, J
Citation: J. Kaitera, Cronartium flaccidum fruitbody production on Melampyrum spp. and some important alternate hosts to pine, EUR J FORES, 29(6), 1999, pp. 391-398

Authors: Roitto, M Ahonen-Jonnarth, U Lamppu, J Huttunen, S
Citation: M. Roitto et al., Apoplastic and total peroxidase activities in Scots pine needles at subarctic polluted sites, EUR J FORES, 29(6), 1999, pp. 399-410

Authors: Miot, S Frey, P Pinon, J
Citation: S. Miot et al., Varietal mixture of poplar clones: Effects on infection by Melampsora larici-populina and on plant growth, EUR J FORES, 29(6), 1999, pp. 411-423

Authors: Woodward, S Gibbs, J
Citation: S. Woodward et J. Gibbs, Obituary - Ray Pearce, EUR J FORES, 29(5), 1999, pp. 313-315

Authors: Belisario, A
Citation: A. Belisario, Cultural characteristics and pathogenicity of Melanconium juglandinum, EUR J FORES, 29(5), 1999, pp. 317-322

Authors: Garcia, D Troispoux, V Grange, N Rivano, F d'Auzac, J
Citation: D. Garcia et al., Evaluation of the resistance of 36 Hevea clones to Microcyclus ulei and relation to their capacity to accumulate scopoletin and lignins, EUR J FORES, 29(5), 1999, pp. 323-338

Authors: Nicolotti, G Gonthier, P Varese, GC
Citation: G. Nicolotti et al., Effectiveness of some biocontrol and chemical treatments against Heterobasidion annosum on Norway spruce stumps, EUR J FORES, 29(5), 1999, pp. 339-346

Authors: Guven, K Davis, JML Turner, JG
Citation: K. Guven et al., Geographical distribution of Erwinia salicis strains, the cause of watermark disease of willows, EUR J FORES, 29(5), 1999, pp. 347-363

Authors: Plattner, K Volgger, W Oberhuber, W Mayr, S Bauer, H
Citation: K. Plattner et al., Dry mass production in seedlings of Norway spruce infected by the needle rust Chrysomyxa rhododendri, EUR J FORES, 29(5), 1999, pp. 365-370

Authors: Fedorkov, A
Citation: A. Fedorkov, Influence of air pollution on seed quality of Picea obovata, EUR J FORES, 29(5), 1999, pp. 371-375

Authors: Swedjemark, G Johannesson, H Stenlid, J
Citation: G. Swedjemark et al., Intraspecific variation in Heterobasidion annosum for growth in sapwood ofPicea abies and Pinus sylvestris, EUR J FORES, 29(4), 1999, pp. 249-258

Authors: Hunt, RS Ekramoddoullah, AKM Zamani, A
Citation: Rs. Hunt et al., Production of a polyclonal antibody to Phellinus pini and examination of its potential use in diagnostic assays, EUR J FORES, 29(4), 1999, pp. 259-272

Authors: Dai, YC Korhonen, K
Citation: Yc. Dai et K. Korhonen, Heterobasidion annosum group S identified in north-eastern China, EUR J FORES, 29(4), 1999, pp. 273-279

Authors: Wonisch, A Muller, M Tausz, M Soja, G Grill, D
Citation: A. Wonisch et al., Simultaneous analyses of chromosomes in root meristems and of the biochemical status of needle tissues of three different clones of Norway spruce trees challenged with moderate ozone levels, EUR J FORES, 29(4), 1999, pp. 281-294

Authors: Fischer, M Wagner, T
Citation: M. Fischer et T. Wagner, RFLP analysis as a tool for identification of lignicolous basidiomycetes: European polypores, EUR J FORES, 29(4), 1999, pp. 295-304

Authors: Hiratsuka, Y Chakravarty, P
Citation: Y. Hiratsuka et P. Chakravarty, Role of Phialemonium curvatum as a potential biological control agent against a blue stain fungus on aspen, EUR J FORES, 29(4), 1999, pp. 305-310

Authors: Schubert, R Bahnweg, G Nechwatal, J Jung, T Cooke, DEL Duncan, JM Muller-Starck, G Langebartels, C Sandermann, H Osswald, W
Citation: R. Schubert et al., Detection and quantification of Phytophthora species which are associated with root-rot diseases in European deciduous forests by species-specific polymerase chain reaction, EUR J FORES, 29(3), 1999, pp. 169-188

Authors: Torelli, N Shortle, WC Cufar, K Ferlin, F Smith, KT
Citation: N. Torelli et al., Detecting changes in tree health and productivity of silver fir in Slovenia, EUR J FORES, 29(3), 1999, pp. 189-197

Authors: Wardlaw, TJ
Citation: Tj. Wardlaw, Endothia gyrosa associated with severe stem cankers on plantation grown Eucalyptus nitens in Tasmania, Australia, EUR J FORES, 29(3), 1999, pp. 199-208

Authors: Vannini, A Mazzaglia, A Anselmi, N
Citation: A. Vannini et al., Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for detection of genetic variation and proof of the heterothallic mating system in Hypoxylon mediterraneum, EUR J FORES, 29(3), 1999, pp. 209-218

Authors: Solberg, S
Citation: S. Solberg, Crown density changes of Norway spruce and the influence from increased age on permanent monitoring plots in Norway during 1988-1997, EUR J FORES, 29(3), 1999, pp. 219-230

Authors: Vainio, EJ Hantula, J
Citation: Ej. Vainio et J. Hantula, Variation of RAMS markers within the intersterility groups of Heterobasidion annosum in Europe, EUR J FORES, 29(3), 1999, pp. 231-246

Authors: Filip, GM Rosso, PH
Citation: Gm. Filip et Ph. Rosso, Cypress mortality (mal del cipres) in the Patagonian Andes: comparisons with similar forest diseases and declines in North America, EUR J FORES, 29(2), 1999, pp. 89-96

Authors: Dallavalle, E Zambonelli, A
Citation: E. Dallavalle et A. Zambonelli, Epidemiological role of strains of Cryphonectria parasitica isolated from hosts other than chestnut, EUR J FORES, 29(2), 1999, pp. 97-102
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>