Results: << | 301-325 | 326-350 | 351-375 | 376-400 | >>

Table of contents of journal: *Journal of applied econometrics

Results: 351-375/1417

Authors: Hsieh, Chih-Sheng Lee, Lung Fei
Citation: Hsieh, Chih-sheng et Lee, Lung Fei, A social interactions model with endogenous friendship formation and selectivity, Journal of applied econometrics , 31(2), 2016, pp. 301-319

Authors: Denton, F.T. Spencer, B.G.
Citation: Denton, F.t et Spencer, B.g, Resampling a time-series process: a method of estimating the probabilities associated with alternative plans for protecting pensions against inflation, Journal of applied econometrics , 6(3), 1991, pp. 303-314

Authors: Conley, Timothy G. Topa, Giorgio
Citation: G. Conley, Timothy et Topa, Giorgio, Socio-economic distance and spatial patterns in unemployment, Journal of applied econometrics , 17(4), 2002, pp. 303-327

Authors: Ichino, Andrea Mealli, Fabrizia Nannicini, Tommaso
Citation: Ichino, Andrea et al., From temporary help jobs to permanent employment: what can we learn from matching estimators and their sensitivity?, Journal of applied econometrics , 23(3), 2008, pp. 305-327

Authors: Alexander, Carol Lazar, Emese
Citation: Alexander, Carol et Lazar, Emese, Normal mixture GARCH(1,1): applications to exchange rate modelling, Journal of applied econometrics , 21(3), 2006, pp. 307-336

Authors: Mishkin, Fredric S.
Citation: S. Mishkin, Fredric, The information in the term structure: some further results, Journal of applied econometrics , 3(4), 1988, pp. 307-314

Authors: Alan, Sule Attanasio, Orazio Browning, Martin
Citation: Alan, Sule et al., Estimating Euler equations with noisy data: two exact GMM estimators, Journal of applied econometrics , 24(2), 2009, pp. 309-324

Authors: Kaufmann, Sylvia
Citation: Kaufmann, Sylvia, Dating and forecasting turning points by Bayesian clustering with dynamic structure: a suggestion with an application to Austrian data, Journal of applied econometrics , 25(2), 2010, pp. 309-344

Authors: Edison, Hali J. Klovland, Jan Tore
Citation: J. Edison, Hali et Klovland, Jan Tore, A quantitative reassessment of the purchasing power parity hypothesis: evidence from Norway and the United Kingdom, Journal of applied econometrics , 2(4), 1987, pp. 309-333

Authors: Schaller, Huntley
Citation: Schaller, Huntley, A re-examination of the Q theory of investment using U.S. firm data, Journal of applied econometrics , 5(4), 1990, pp. 309-325

Authors: Byron, R.P.
Citation: Byron, R.p, Polynomial approximations in cross-sectional models, Journal of applied econometrics , 7(3), 1992, pp. 309-322

Authors: Koopman, Siem Jan Lucas, André
Citation: Koopman, Siem Jan et Lucas, André, Business and default cycles for credit risk, Journal of applied econometrics , 20(2), 2005, pp. 311-323

Authors: Sanroman, Graciela
Citation: Sanroman, Graciela, Cost and preference heterogeneity in risky financial markets, Journal of applied econometrics , 30(2), 2015, pp. 313-332

Authors: Kapetanios, George
Citation: Kapetanios, George, Dynamic factor extraction of cross-sectional dependence in panel unit root tests, Journal of applied econometrics , 22(2), 2007, pp. 313-338

Authors: Laroque, Guy Salanié, Bernard
Citation: Laroque, Guy et Salanié, Bernard, Identifying the response of fertility to financial incentives , Journal of applied econometrics , 29(2), 2014, pp. 314-332

Authors: Tobias, Justin L. Li, Mingliang
Citation: L. Tobias, Justin et Li, Mingliang, A finite-sample hierarchical analysis of wage variation across public high schools: evidence from the NLSY and high school and beyond, Journal of applied econometrics , 18(3), 2003, pp. 315-336

Authors: Turner, David S. Wallis, Kenneth F. Whitley, John D.
Citation: S. Turner, David et al., Differences in the properties of large-scale macroeconometric models: the role of labour market specifications, Journal of applied econometrics , 4(4), 1989, pp. 317-344

Authors: Bera, Anil K. Kannan, Srinivasan
Citation: K. Bera, Anil et Kannan, Srinivasan, An adjustment procedure for predicting systematic risk, Journal of applied econometrics , 1(4), 1986, pp. 317-332

Authors: Grassi, Stefano Nonejad, Nima De Magistris, Paolo Santucci
Citation: Grassi, Stefano et al., Forecasting with the standardized self-perturbed Kalman filter, Journal of applied econometrics , 32(2), 2017, pp. 318-341

Authors: Mumtaz, Haroon Surico, Paolo
Citation: Mumtaz, Haroon et Surico, Paolo, Policy uncertainty and aggregate fluctuations, Journal of applied econometrics , 33(3), 2018, pp. 319-331

Authors: Simonsen, Marianne Skipper, Lars Skipper, Niels
Citation: Simonsen, Marianne et al., Price sensitivity of demand for prescription drugs: exploiting a regression kink design, Journal of applied econometrics , 31(2), 2016, pp. 320-337

Authors: Attanasio, Orazio P. Paiella, Monica
Citation: P. Attanasio, Orazio et Paiella, Monica, Intertemporal consumption choices, transaction costs and limited participation in financial markets: reconciling data and theory, Journal of applied econometrics , 26(2), 2011, pp. 322-343

Authors: Dhaene, Geert Santos Silva, J. M. C.
Citation: Dhaene, Geert et C. Santos Silva, J. M., Specification and testing of models estimated by quadrature, Journal of applied econometrics , 27(2), 2012, pp. 322-332

Authors: Lee, Myoung-Jae
Citation: Lee, Myoung-jae, Selection correction and sensitivity analysis for ordered treatment effect on count response, Journal of applied econometrics , 19(3), 2004, pp. 323-337

Authors: Richardson, Katarina Van Den Berg, Gerard J.
Citation: Richardson, Katarina et J. Van Den Berg, Gerard, Duration dependence versus unobserved heterogeneity in treatment effects: Swedish labor market training and the transition rate to emplyment, Journal of applied econometrics , 28(2), 2013, pp. 325-351
Risultati: << | 301-325 | 326-350 | 351-375 | 376-400 | >>