Results: << | 401-425 | 426-450 | 451-475 | 476-500 | >>

Table of contents of journal: *Journal of applied econometrics

Results: 426-450/1417

Authors: Böckenholt, Ulf Barlas, Sema Van Der Heijden, Peter G. M.
Citation: Böckenholt, Ulf et al., Do randomized-response designs eliminate response biases? An empirical study of non-compliance behavior, Journal of applied econometrics , 24(3), 2009, pp. 377-392

Authors: Lim, G. C. Martin, G. M. Martin, V. L.
Citation: C. Lim, G. et al., Parametric pricing of higher order moments in S&P500 options, Journal of applied econometrics , 20(3), 2005, pp. 377-404

Authors: Dungey, Mardi Osborn, Denise R.
Citation: Dungey, Mardi et R. Osborn, Denise, Modelling large open economies with international linkages: the USA and Euro area, Journal of applied econometrics , 29(3), 2014, pp. 377-393

Authors: Corsi, Fulvio Peluso, Stefano Audrino, Francesco
Citation: Corsi, Fulvio et al., Missing in asynchronicity: a Kalman-EM approach for multivariate realized covariance estimation, Journal of applied econometrics , 30(3), 2015, pp. 377-397

Authors: Chang, Minsu DiTraglia, Francis J.
Citation: Chang, Minsu et J. Ditraglia, Francis, A generalized focused information criterion for GMM, Journal of applied econometrics , 33(3), 2018, pp. 378-397

Authors: Ruge-Murcia, Francisco
Citation: Ruge-murcia, Francisco, Skewness risk and bond prices, Journal of applied econometrics , 32(2), 2017, pp. 379-400

Authors: Fair, Ray C. Taylor, John B.
Citation: C. Fair, Ray et B. Taylor, John, Full information estimation and stochastic simulation of models with rational expectations, Journal of applied econometrics , 5(4), 1990, pp. 381-392

Authors: Van Praag, B.M.S. Vermeulen, E.M.
Citation: Van Praag, B.m.s et Vermeulen, E.m, A count-amount model with endogeneous recording of observations, Journal of applied econometrics , 8(4), 1993, pp. 383-395

Authors: Greenberg, E. Pollard, W.A. Alpert, W.T.
Citation: E. Greenberg, et al., Statistical properties of data stretching, Journal of applied econometrics , 4(4), 1989, pp. 383-391

Authors: Moon, Hyungsik Roger Perron, Benoit
Citation: Moon, Hyungsik Roger et Perron, Benoit, An empirical analysis of nonstationarity in a panel of interest rates with factors, Journal of applied econometrics , 22(2), 2007, pp. 383-400

Authors: Hospido, L.
Citation: L. Hospido,, Modelling heterogeneity and dynamics in the volatility of individual wages, Journal of applied econometrics , 27(3), 2012, pp. 386-414

Authors: Kelejian, Harry H. Piras, Gianfranco
Citation: H. Kelejian, Harry et Piras, Gianfranco, An extension of the J-test to a spatial panel data framework, Journal of applied econometrics , 31(2), 2016, pp. 387-402

Authors: Schotman, Peter C. Van Dijk, Herman K.
Citation: C. Schotman, Peter et K. Van Dijk, Herman, On bayesian routes to unit roots, Journal of applied econometrics , 6(4), 1991, pp. 387-401

Authors: Riphahn, Regina T. Wambach, Achim Million, Andreas
Citation: T. Riphahn, Regina et al., Incentive effects in the demand for health care: a bivariate panel count data estimation, Journal of applied econometrics , 18(4), 2003, pp. 387-405

Authors: Kordas, Gregory
Citation: Kordas, Gregory, Smoothed binary regression quantiles, Journal of applied econometrics , 21(3), 2006, pp. 387-407

Authors: Huang, Fali Lee, Myoung-Jae
Citation: Huang, Fali et Lee, Myoung-jae, Dynamic treatment effect analysis of TV effects on child cognitive development, Journal of applied econometrics , 25(3), 2010, pp. 392-419

Authors: Kuzin, Vladimir Marcellino, Massimiliano Schumacher, Christian
Citation: Kuzin, Vladimir et al., Pooling versus model selection for nowcasting GDP with many predictors: empirical evidence for six industrialized countries, Journal of applied econometrics , 28(3), 2013, pp. 392-411

Authors: Hudomiet, Pèter Kèzdi, Gàbor Willis, Robert J.
Citation: Hudomiet, Pèter et al., Stock market crash and expectations of American households, Journal of applied econometrics , 26(3), 2011, pp. 393-415

Authors: Terza, Joseph V.
Citation: V. Terza, Joseph, Alcohol abuse and employment: a second look, Journal of applied econometrics , 17(4), 2002, pp. 393-404

Authors: Hall, S.G. Stephenson, M.J.
Citation: Hall, S.g et Stephenson, M.j, An algorithm for the solution of stochastic optimal control problems for large nonlinear econometric models, Journal of applied econometrics , 5(4), 1990, pp. 393-399

Authors: Ching, Andrew Erdem, Tülin Keane, Michael
Citation: Ching, Andrew et al., The price consideration model of brand choice, Journal of applied econometrics , 24(3), 2009, pp. 393-420

Authors: Wagenvoort, Rien J. L. Zwart, Sanne
Citation: L. Wagenvoort, Rien J. et Zwart, Sanne, Uncovering the common risk-free rate in the European monetary union, Journal of applied econometrics , 29(3), 2014, pp. 394-414

Authors: Koop, G.
Citation: G. Koop,, Aggregate shocks and macroeconomic fluctuations: a bayesian approach, Journal of applied econometrics , 7(4), 1992, pp. 395-411

Authors: Bloemen, Hans G. Kapteyn, Arie
Citation: G. Bloemen, Hans et Kapteyn, Arie, The Estimation of Utility-Consistent Labor supply models by means of simulated scores, Journal of applied econometrics , 23(4), 2008, pp. 395-422

Authors: Das, Sanghamitra Sengupta, Ramprasad
Citation: Das, Sanghamitra et Sengupta, Ramprasad, Projection pursuit regression and disaggregate productivity effects: the case of the Indian blast furnaces, Journal of applied econometrics , 19(3), 2004, pp. 397-418
Risultati: << | 401-425 | 426-450 | 451-475 | 476-500 | >>