Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75
Results: 26-50/75

Authors: J.Fradeiro,T.Maibaum
Citation: J.fradeiro,t.maibaum, Temporal theories as modularisation units fpr concurrent system specification, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(3), 1992, pp. 239-272

Authors: J.C.M.Baeten,J.A.Bergstra
Citation: J.c.m.baeten,j.a.bergstra, On sequntial composition,action prefixes and process prefix, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(3), 1994, pp. 250-268

Authors: Carlos Miguel Angel Fernandez Leon Vidaller
Citation: Carlos Miguel et al., LOTOS extended with probabilistic behaviours, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 5(3), 1993, pp. 253-281

Authors: Pierre America Frank de Boer
Citation: Pierre America et Frank De Boer, Reasoning about dynamically evolving process structures, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(3), 1994, pp. 269-316

Authors: James H.Anderson Mohamed G.Gouda
Citation: James H.anderson et Mohamed G.gouda, A criterion for atomicity, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(3), 1992, pp. 273-298

Authors: Bill Stoddart Peter J.Knaggs
Citation: Bill Stoddart et Peter J.knaggs, Type interference in stack based languages, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 5(4), 1993, pp. 289-298

Authors: Michael Fisher
Citation: Michael Fisher, A model checker for linear time temporal logic, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(3), 1992, pp. 299-319

Authors: Paul Mukherjee Victoria Stavridou
Citation: Paul Mukherjee et Victoria Stavridou, The formal specification of safety requirements for storing explosives, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 5(4), 1993, pp. 299-336

Authors: Bard Bloom
Citation: Bard Bloom, When is partial trace equivalence adequate ?, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(3), 1994, pp. 317-338

Authors: Olaf Owe
Citation: Olaf Owe, Axiomatic treatment of processes with shared variables revisited, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(4), 1992, pp. 323-340

Authors: Esther Dennis-Jones David E.Rydeheard
Citation: Esther Dennis-jones et David E.rydeheard, Categorical ML - category-theoretic modular programming, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 5(4), 1993, pp. 337-366

Authors: Chris Brink Katarina Britz Renate A.Schmidt
Citation: Chris Brink et al., Peirce algebras, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(3), 1994, pp. 339-356

Authors: Heinz Fassbender Heiko Vogler
Citation: Heinz Fassbender et Heiko Vogler, An implementation of syntax directed functional programming on nested-stack machines, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(4), 1992, pp. 341-375

Authors: David M.Russinoff
Citation: David M.russinoff, A mechanically verified incremental garbage collector, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(4), 1994, pp. 359-390

Authors: P.H.B.Gardiner,"Carroll Morgan
Citation: P.h.b.gardiner,"carroll Morgan, A single complete rule for data refinement, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 5(4), 1993, pp. 367-382

Authors: Pierre America Jan Rutten
Citation: Pierre America et Jan Rutten, A layered semantics for a parallel object-oriented language, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(4), 1992, pp. 376-408

Authors: Matthias Weber
Citation: Matthias Weber, Definition and basic properties of the deva meta-calculus, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 5(4), 1993, pp. 391-431

Authors: Karl J.Lieberherr Walter L.Hursch Cun Xiao
Citation: Karl J.lieberherr et al., Object-extending clas transformations, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(4), 1994, pp. 391-416

Authors: Lambert Meertens
Citation: Lambert Meertens, Paramorphisms, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(5), 1992, pp. 413-424

Authors: J.P.Wray,A.Stewart
Citation: J.p.wray,a.stewart, Correct translation of data parallel assignment onto array processors, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(4), 1994, pp. 417-439

Authors: Jonathan P.Seldin
Citation: Jonathan P.seldin, Coquand's calculus of constructions:a mathematical foundation for a proof development system, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(5), 1992, pp. 425-441

Authors: M.Hennessy,A.Ingolfsdottir
Citation: M.hennessy,a.ingolfsdottir, Communicating processes with value-passing and assignments, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 5(5), 1993, pp. 432-466

Authors: Peter Dybjer
Citation: Peter Dybjer, Inductive families, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(4), 1994, pp. 440-465

Authors: Zhiming Liu Mathai Joseph
Citation: Zhiming Liu et Mathai Joseph, Transformation of programs for fault-tolerance, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 4(5), 1992, pp. 442-469

Authors: I.S.W.B.Prasetya
Citation: I.s.w.b.prasetya, Short communication error in the UNITY substitution for subscripted operators, Formal aspects of computing The international journal of formal methods , 6(4), 1994, pp. 466-470
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75