Results: 1-25 | 26-27

Table of contents of journal: *Perspectives on politics (Print)

Results: 1-25/27

Authors: Brian R. Sala John T. Scott James F. Spriggs 2.
Citation: Brian R. Sala et al., The cold war on ice: constructivism and the politics of olympic figure skating judging, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(1), 2007, pp. 17-29

Authors: Jack Citrin Amy Lerman Michael Murakami Kathryn Pearson
Citation: Jack Citrin et al., Thesting Huntington: is hispanic immigration a threat to american identity?, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(1), 2007, pp. 31-48

Authors: Joel A. Johnson
Citation: Joel A. Johnson, A Connecticut yankee in Saddam's Court?: Mark Twain on benevolent imperialism, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(1), 2007, pp. 49-61

Authors: Ange-Marie Hancock
Citation: Ange-marie Hancock, When multiplication doesn't equal quick addition: examining intersectionality as a research paradigm, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(1), 2007, pp. 63-79

Authors: David S. Meyer Steven A. Boutcher
Citation: David S. Meyer et Steven A. Boutcher, Signals and spillover: Brown v. Board of Education and other social movements, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(1), 2007, pp. 81-93

Authors: Bronwyn Leebaw
Citation: Bronwyn Leebaw, The politics of impartial activism: humanitarianism and human rights, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(2), 2007, pp. 223-239

Authors: Michael Ben-Josef Hirsch
Citation: Michael Ben-josef Hirsch, From taboo to the negotiable: the Israeli new historians and the changing representation of the palestinian refugee problem, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(2), 2007, pp. 241-258

Authors: Mark R. Beissinger
Citation: Mark R. Beissinger, Structure and example in modular political phenomena: the diffusion of bulldozer/rose/orange/tulip revolutions, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(2), 2007, pp. 259-276

Authors: Martin Elff
Citation: Martin Elff, Social structure and electoral behavior in comparative perspective: the decline of social cleavages in Western Europe revisited, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(2), 2007, pp. 277-294

Authors: Colleen J. Shogan
Citation: Colleen J. Shogan, Anti-intellectualism in the modern presidency: a republican populism, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(2), 2007, pp. 295-303

Authors: Lisa L. Miller
Citation: Lisa L. Miller, The representational biases of federalism: scope and bias in the political process, revisited, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(2), 2007, pp. 305-321

Authors: Justin Crowe Christopher F. Karpowitz
Citation: Justin Crowe et Christopher F. Karpowitz, Where have you gone, Sherman Minton? : the decline of the short-term supreme Court Justice, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 425-445

Authors: Allison M. Martens
Citation: Allison M. Martens, Riconsidering judicial supremacy: from the counter-majoritarian difficulty to constitutional transformation, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 447-459

Authors: Sidney M. Milkis Jesse H. Rhodes
Citation: Sidney M. Milkis et Jesse H. Rhodes, George W. Bush, the republican party and the "new" american party system, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 461-488

Authors: Payne Rodger A.
Citation: A. Payne Rodger, Neorealists as critical theorists: the purpose of foreign policy debate, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 503-514

Authors: Jeffrey W. Legro
Citation: Jeffrey W. Legro, What China will want: the future intentions of a rising power, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 515-534

Authors: Joshua A. Tucker
Citation: Joshua A. Tucker, Enough!Electoral fraud, collective action problems, and post-communist colored revolutions, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 535-551

Authors: Karen Beckwith Kimberly Cowell-Meyers
Citation: Karen Beckwith et Kimberly Cowell-meyers, Sheer numbers: critical representation tresholds and women's political representation, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 553-565

Authors: Michael Goodhart
Citation: Michael Goodhart, Europe's democratic deficits through the looking glass: the european union as a challenge for democracy, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(3), 2007, pp. 567-584

Authors: James Johnson
Citation: James Johnson, Introduction and comments, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(4), 2007, pp. 683-684

Authors: Deborah Boucoyannis
Citation: Deborah Boucoyannis, The freshness of fanaticism: the abolitionist defense of zealotry, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(4), 2007, pp. 685-701

Authors: Deborah Boucoyannis
Citation: Deborah Boucoyannis, The international wanderings of a liberal idea, or why liberals can learn to stop worryng and love the balance of power, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(4), 2007, pp. 703-727

Authors: Sarah A. Binder Anthony J.Madonna Steven S. Smith
Citation: Sarah A. Binder et al., Going nuclear, Senate style, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(4), 2007, pp. 729-740

Authors: Kevin A. Clarke David M.Primo
Citation: Kevin A. Clarke et David M.primo, Modernizing political science: a model based approach, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(1), 2007, pp. 741-753

Authors: Jonathan P. Kastellec Eduardo L.Leoni
Citation: Jonathan P. Kastellec et Eduardo L.leoni, Using graphs instead of tables in political science, Perspectives on politics (Print) , 5(2), 2007, pp. 755-771
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-27