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Results: 6

Authors: Buchmann, L
Citation: L. Buchmann, Radiative cascade transitions and the C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 E2 cross section to the ground state of O-16 - art. no. 022801, PHYS REV C, 6402(2), 2001, pp. 2801

Authors: Buchmann, L Gete, E Chow, JC King, JD Measday, DF
Citation: L. Buchmann et al., beta-delayed particle decay of C-9 and the A=9, T=1/2 nuclear system: R-matrix fits, the A=9 nuclear system, and the stellar reaction rate of He-4(alpha n, gamma)Be-9 - art. no. 034303, PHYS REV C, 6303(3), 2001, pp. 4303

Authors: Bateman, N Abe, K Ball, G Buchmann, L Chow, J D'Auria, JM Fuchi, Y Iliadis, C Ishiyama, H Jackson, KP Karataglidis, S Kato, S Kubono, S Kumagai, K Kurokawa, M Liu, X Michimasa, S Strasser, P Tanaka, MH
Citation: N. Bateman et al., Measurement of the Mg-24(p,t)Mg-22 reaction and implications for the Na-21(p,gamma)Mg-22 stellar reaction rate - art. no. 035803, PHYS REV C, 6303(3), 2001, pp. 5803

Authors: Buchmann, L Tischhauser, P Azuma, RE Detwiler, R Giesen, U Gorres, J Heil, M Hinnefeld, J Kappeler, F Kolata, JJ Schatz, H Shotter, A Stech, E Vouzoukas, S Wiescher, M
Citation: L. Buchmann et al., Restrictions on the stellar C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 rate from elastic alpha-C-12 scattering, NUCL PHYS A, 688(1-2), 2001, pp. 259C-262C

Authors: Gete, E Buchmann, L Azuma, RE Anthony, D Bateman, N Chow, JC D'Auria, JM Dombsky, M Giesen, U Iliadis, C Jackson, KP King, JD Measday, DF Morton, AC
Citation: E. Gete et al., beta-delayed particle decay of C-9 and the A=9, T=1/2 nuclear system: Experiment, data, and phenomenological analysis - art. no. 064310, PHYS REV C, 6106(6), 2000, pp. 4310

Authors: Gorelov, A Behr, JA Melconian, D Trinczek, M Dube, P Hausser, O Giesen, U Jackson, KP Swanson, T D'Auria, JM Dombsky, M Ball, G Buchmann, L Jennings, B Dilling, J Schmid, J Ashery, D Deutsch, J Alford, WP Asgeirsson, D Wong, W Lee, B
Citation: A. Gorelov et al., Beta-neutrino correlation experiments on laser trapped K-38m, K-37, HYPER INTER, 127(1-4), 2000, pp. 373-380
Risultati: 1-6 |