Bailly, P
Beigbeder, C
Bernier, R
Breton, D
Bonneaud, G
Caceres, T
Chase, R
Chauveau, J
Del Buono, L
Dohou, F
Ducorps, A
Gastaldi, F
Genat, JF
Hrisoho, A
Imbert, P
Lebbolo, H
Matricon, P
Oxoby, G
Renard, C
Roos, L
Sen, S
Thiebaux, C
Truong, K
Tocut, V
Vasileiadis, G
Va'Vra, J
Verderi, M
Warner, D
Wilsons, RJ
Wormser, G
Zhang, B
Zomer, F
Citation: P. Bailly et al., The DIRC Front-end electronics chain for BaBar., IEEE NUCL S, 47(6), 2000, pp. 2106-2113
Bailly, P
Chauveau, J
Del Buono, L
Genat, JF
Lebbolo, H
Roos, L
Zhang, B
Beigbeder, C
Bernier, R
Breton, D
Caceres, T
Chase, R
Ducorps, A
Hrisoho, A
Imbert, P
Sen, S
Tocut, V
Truong, K
Wormser, G
Zomer, F
Bonneaud, G
Dohou, F
Gastaldi, F
Matricon, P
Renard, C
Thiebaux, C
Vasileiadis, G
Verderi, M
Oxoby, G
Va'Vra, J
Warner, D
Wilson, RJ
Citation: P. Bailly et al., The DIRC front-end electronics chain for BaBar, NUCL INST A, 433(1-2), 1999, pp. 450-455