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Results: 9

Authors: Csintalan, Z Tuba, Z Takacs, Z Laitat, E
Citation: Z. Csintalan et al., Responses of nine bryophyte and one lichen species from different microhabitats to elevated UV-B radiation, PHOTOSYNTHE, 39(2), 2001, pp. 317-320

Authors: Csintalan, Z Takacs, Z Proctor, MCF Nagy, Z Tuba, Z
Citation: Z. Csintalan et al., Early morning photosynthesis of the moss Tortula ruralis following summer dew fall in a Hungarian temperate dry sandy grassland, PLANT ECOL, 151(1), 2000, pp. 51-54

Authors: Hamerlynck, EP Tuba, Z Csintalan, Z Nagy, Z Henebry, G Goodin, D
Citation: Ep. Hamerlynck et al., Diurnal variation in photochemical dynamics and surface reflectance of thedesiccation-tolerant moss, Tortula ruralis, PLANT ECOL, 151(1), 2000, pp. 55-63

Authors: Beckett, RP Csintalan, Z Tuba, Z
Citation: Rp. Beckett et al., ABA treatment increases both the desiccation tolerance of photosynthesis, and nonphotochemical quenching in the moss Atrichum undulatum, PLANT ECOL, 151(1), 2000, pp. 65-71

Authors: Barocsi, A Kocsanyi, L Varkonyl, S Richter, P Csintalan, Z Szente, K
Citation: A. Barocsi et al., Two-wavelength, multipurpose, truly portable chlorophyll fluorometer and its application in field monitoring of phytoremediation, MEAS SCI T, 11(6), 2000, pp. 717-729

Authors: Takacs, TZ Csintalan, Z Tuba, Z
Citation: Tz. Takacs et al., Responses of the lichen Cladonia convoluta to high CO2 level and heavy metal treatment (vol 54C, vol 797, 1999), Z NATURFO C, 55(5-6), 2000, pp. 494-494

Authors: Takacs, Z Csintalan, Z Sass, L Laitat, E Vass, I Tuba, Z
Citation: Z. Takacs et al., UV-B tolerance of bryophyte species with different degrees of desiccation tolerance, J PHOTOCH B, 48(2-3), 1999, pp. 210-215

Authors: Takacs, Z Csintalan, Z Tuba, Z
Citation: Z. Takacs et al., Responses of the lichen Cladonia convoluta to high CO2 level and heavy metal treatment, Z NATURFO C, 54(9-10), 1999, pp. 797-801

Authors: Csintalan, Z Proctor, MCF Tuba, Z
Citation: Z. Csintalan et al., Chlorophyll fluorescence during drying and rehydration in the mosses Rhytidiadelphus loreus (Hedw.) Warnst., Anomodon viticulosus (Hedw.) Hook. & Tayl. and Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm., ANN BOTANY, 84(2), 1999, pp. 235-244
Risultati: 1-9 |