Results: 1-9 |
Results: 9

Authors: Schwartz, HI Curry, L Blank, K Gruman, C
Citation: Hi. Schwartz et al., Physician-assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia: A meaningless distinction for practicing physicians?, J CLIN ETH, 12(1), 2001, pp. 51-63

Authors: Venter, JC Adams, MD Myers, EW Li, PW Mural, RJ Sutton, GG Smith, HO Yandell, M Evans, CA Holt, RA Gocayne, JD Amanatides, P Ballew, RM Huson, DH Wortman, JR Zhang, Q Kodira, CD Zheng, XQH Chen, L Skupski, M Subramanian, G Thomas, PD Zhang, JH Miklos, GLG Nelson, C Broder, S Clark, AG Nadeau, C McKusick, VA Zinder, N Levine, AJ Roberts, RJ Simon, M Slayman, C Hunkapiller, M Bolanos, R Delcher, A Dew, I Fasulo, D Flanigan, M Florea, L Halpern, A Hannenhalli, S Kravitz, S Levy, S Mobarry, C Reinert, K Remington, K Abu-Threideh, J Beasley, E Biddick, K Bonazzi, V Brandon, R Cargill, M Chandramouliswaran, I Charlab, R Chaturvedi, K Deng, ZM Di Francesco, V Dunn, P Eilbeck, K Evangelista, C Gabrielian, AE Gan, W Ge, WM Gong, FC Gu, ZP Guan, P Heiman, TJ Higgins, ME Ji, RR Ke, ZX Ketchum, KA Lai, ZW Lei, YD Li, ZY Li, JY Liang, Y Lin, XY Lu, F Merkulov, GV Milshina, N Moore, HM Naik, AK Narayan, VA Neelam, B Nusskern, D Rusch, DB Salzberg, S Shao, W Shue, BX Sun, JT Wang, ZY Wang, AH Wang, X Wang, J Wei, MH Wides, R Xiao, CL Yan, CH Yao, A Ye, J Zhan, M Zhang, WQ Zhang, HY Zhao, Q Zheng, LS Zhong, F Zhong, WY Zhu, SPC Zhao, SY Gilbert, D Baumhueter, S Spier, G Carter, C Cravchik, A Woodage, T Ali, F An, HJ Awe, A Baldwin, D Baden, H Barnstead, M Barrow, I Beeson, K Busam, D Carver, A Center, A Cheng, ML Curry, L Danaher, S Davenport, L Desilets, R Dietz, S Dodson, K Doup, L Ferriera, S Garg, N Gluecksmann, A Hart, B Haynes, J Haynes, C Heiner, C Hladun, S Hostin, D Houck, J Howland, T Ibegwam, C Johnson, J Kalush, F Kline, L Koduru, S Love, A Mann, F May, D McCawley, S McIntosh, T McMullen, I Moy, M Moy, L Murphy, B Nelson, K Pfannkoch, C Pratts, E Puri, V Qureshi, H Reardon, M Rodriguez, R Rogers, YH Romblad, D Ruhfel, B Scott, R Sitter, C Smallwood, M Stewart, E Strong, R Suh, E Thomas, R Tint, NN Tse, S Vech, C Wang, G Wetter, J Williams, S Williams, M Windsor, S Winn-Deen, E Wolfe, K Zaveri, J Zaveri, K Abril, JF Guigo, R Campbell, MJ Sjolander, KV Karlak, B Kejariwal, A Mi, HY Lazareva, B Hatton, T Narechania, A Diemer, K Muruganujan, A Guo, N Sato, S Bafna, V Istrail, S Lippert, R Schwartz, R Walenz, B Yooseph, S Allen, D Basu, A Baxendale, J Blick, L Caminha, M Carnes-Stine, J Caulk, P Chiang, YH Coyne, M Dahlke, C Mays, AD Dombroski, M Donnelly, M Ely, D Esparham, S Fosler, C Gire, H Glanowski, S Glasser, K Glodek, A Gorokhov, M Graham, K Gropman, B Harris, M Heil, J Henderson, S Hoover, J Jennings, D Jordan, C Jordan, J Kasha, J Kagan, L Kraft, C Levitsky, A Lewis, M Liu, XJ Lopez, J Ma, D Majoros, W McDaniel, J Murphy, S Newman, M Nguyen, T Nguyen, N Nodell, M Pan, S Peck, J Peterson, M Rowe, W Sanders, R Scott, J Simpson, M Smith, T Sprague, A Stockwell, T Turner, R Venter, E Wang, M Wen, MY Wu, D Wu, M Xia, A Zandieh, A Zhu, XH
Citation: Jc. Venter et al., The sequence of the human genome, SCIENCE, 291(5507), 2001, pp. 1304

Authors: Unson, CG Dunbar, N Curry, L Kenyon, L Prestwood, K
Citation: Cg. Unson et al., The effects of knowledge, attitudes, and significant others on decisions to enroll in a clinical trial on osteoporosis: Implications for recruitment of older African-American women, J NAT MED A, 93(10), 2001, pp. 392-401

Authors: Curry, L Gruman, C Robison, L
Citation: L. Curry et al., Medicaid estate planning: Perceptions of morality and necessity, GERONTOLOGI, 41(1), 2001, pp. 34-42

Authors: Curry, L
Citation: L. Curry, Motherhood in black and white: Race and sax in American liberalism 1930-1965., AM HIST REV, 106(4), 2001, pp. 1412-1413

Authors: Curry, L Schwartz, HI Gruman, C Blank, K
Citation: L. Curry et al., Physicians' voices on physician-assisted suicide: Looking beyond the numbers, ETHIC BEHAV, 10(4), 2000, pp. 337-361

Authors: White, N Karson, JA Curry, L McKenzie, D Watts, AB Kusznir, N Louden, KE Buck, R
Citation: N. White et al., Geological investigation of a lineated massif at the Kane Transform Fault:implications for oceanic core complexes - Discussion, PHI T ROY A, 357(1753), 1999, pp. 737-740

Authors: Schwartz, HI Curry, L Blank, K Gruman, C
Citation: Hi. Schwartz et al., The physician-assisted suicide policy dilemma: A pilot study of the views and experiences of Connecticut physicians, J AM A PSYC, 27(4), 1999, pp. 527-539

Authors: Curry, L
Citation: L. Curry, Cognitive and learning styles in medical education, ACAD MED, 74(4), 1999, pp. 409-413
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