Results: 1-9 |
Results: 9

Authors: Dalla Barba, G
Citation: G. Dalla Barba, Beyond the memory-trace paradox and the fallacy of the homunculus - A hypothesis concerning the relationship between memory, consciousness and temporality, J CONSCI ST, 8(3), 2001, pp. 51-78

Authors: Boller, F Dalla Barba, G
Citation: F. Boller et G. Dalla Barba, Neuropsychological tests in Alzheimer's disease, AGING-CLIN, 13(3), 2001, pp. 210-220

Authors: Bachoud-Levi, AC Maison, P Bartolomeo, P Boisse, MF Dalla Barba, G Ergis, AM Baudic, S Degos, JD Cesaro, P Peschanski, M
Citation: Ac. Bachoud-levi et al., Retest effects and cognitive decline in longitudinal follow-up of patientswith early HD, NEUROLOGY, 56(8), 2001, pp. 1052-1058

Authors: Dalla Barba, G
Citation: G. Dalla Barba, Memory, consciousness, and the brain, BRAIN COGN, 42(1), 2000, pp. 20-22

Authors: Bachoud-Levi, A Remy, P Nguyen, JP Brugieres, P Lefaucheur, JP Bourdet, C Baudic, S Gaura, V Maison, P Haddad, B Boisse, MF Grandmougin, T Jeny, R Bartolomeo, P Dalla Barba, G Degos, JD Lisovoski, F Ergis, AM Pailhous, E Cesaro, P Hantraye, P Peschanski, M
Citation: A. Bachoud-levi et al., Motor and cognitive improvements in patients with Huntington's disease after neural transplantation, LANCET, 356(9246), 2000, pp. 1975-1979

Authors: Bachoud-Levi, AC Bourdet, C Brugieres, P Nguyen, JP Grandmougin, T Haddad, B Jeny, R Bartolomeo, P Boisse, MF Dalla Barba, G Degos, JD Ergis, AM Lefaucheur, JP Lisovoski, F Pailhous, E Remy, P Palfi, S Defer, GL Cesaro, P Hantraye, P Peschanski, M
Citation: Ac. Bachoud-levi et al., Safety and tolerability assessment of intrastriatal neural allografts in five patients with Huntington's disease, EXP NEUROL, 161(1), 2000, pp. 194-202

Authors: Nedjam, Z Dalla Barba, G Pillon, B
Citation: Z. Nedjam et al., Confabulation in a patient with fronto-temporal dementia and a patient with Alzheimer's disease, CORTEX, 36(4), 2000, pp. 561-577

Authors: Dalla Barba, G Nedjam, Z Dubois, B
Citation: G. Dalla Barba et al., Confabulation, executive functions, and source memory in Alzheimer's disease, COGN NEUROP, 16(3-5), 1999, pp. 385-398

Authors: Traykov, L Marcie, P Dalla Barba, G Boller, F
Citation: L. Traykov et al., Neuropsychology of Alzheimer's disease., REV NEUROL, 155, 1999, pp. 4S38-4S43
Risultati: 1-9 |