Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>
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Authors: Heister, A Schael, S Barate, R De Bonis, I Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, C Jezequel, S Lees, JP Martin, F Merle, E Minard, MN Pietrzyk, B Trocme, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Lopez, J Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Paneque, D Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D De Filippis, N de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Barklow, T Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Gianotti, F Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Hutchcroft, DE Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Lemaitre, V Maley, P Mato, P Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Valassi, A Ward, JJ Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Dessagne, S Falvard, A Fayolle, D Gay, P Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Pascolo, JM Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Brient, JC Machefert, F Rouge, A Swynghedauw, M Tanaka, R Videau, H Focardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Chalmers, M Halley, AW Kennedy, J Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raeven, B Smith, D Thompson, AS Wasserbaeck, S Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hepp, V Kluge, EE Leibenguth, G Putzer, A Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Davies, G Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Nowell, J Przysiezniak, H Rutherford, S Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC White, R Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Thacker, E Bowdery, CK Clarke, DP Ellis, G Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Pearson, MR Robertson, NA Smizanska, M Giehl, I Holldorfer, F Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Krocker, M Muller, AS Nurnberger, HA Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Schmeling, S Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Ziegler, T Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Curtil, C Ealet, A Fouchez, D Leroy, O Kachelhoffer, T Payre, P Rousseau, D Tilquin, A Aleppo, M Gilardoni, S Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, G Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Settles, R Stenzel, H Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Serin, L Veillet, JJ Videau, I de Regie, JBD Yuan, C Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giammanco, A Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Awunor, O Blair, GA Coles, J Cowan, G Garcia-Bellido, A Green, MG Jones, LT Medcalf, T Misiejuk, A Strong, JA Teixeira-Dias, P Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Boumediene, D Colas, P Fabbro, B Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Rosowsky, A Seager, P Trabelsi, A Tuchming, B Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N Litke, AM Loomis, C Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Hodgson, PN Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Hess, J Ngac, A Prange, G Sieler, U Borean, C Giannini, G He, H Putz, J Rothberg, J Armstrong, SR Cranmer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saadi, Y Scott, LJ von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Walsh, J Wiedenmann, W Wu, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, G
Citation: A. Heister et al., Measurement of triple gauge-boson couplings at LEP energies up to 189 GeV, EUR PHY J C, 21(3), 2001, pp. 423-441

Authors: Heister, A Schael, S Barate, R De Bonis, I Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, C Lees, JP Merle, E Minard, NN Pietrzyk, B Alemany, R Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Mato, P Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Schmitt, M Schneider, O Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Ward, J Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Falvard, A Gay, P Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Bonneaud, G Brient, JC Rouge, A Rumpf, M Swynghedauw, M Verderi, M Videau, H Focardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Halley, AW Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raine, C Thompson, AS Wasserbaech, S Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hansper, G Hepp, V Kluge, EE Putzer, A Sommer, J Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Thacker, E Bowdery, CK Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Pearson, MR Robertson, NA Giehl, I Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Leroy, O Payre, P Rousseau, D Talby, M Aleppo, N Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, G Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Settles, R Stenzel, H Wiedenmann, W Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Chen, S Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Lefrancois, J Nikolic, I Veillet, JJ Videau, I Yuan, C Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PC Blair, GA Cowan, G Green, MG Medcalf, T Strong, JA Teixeira-Dias, P von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Colas, P Emery, S Kozanecki, W Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Roussarie, A Schuller, JP Schwindling, J Trabelsi, A Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N Litke, AM Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Misiejuk, A Ngac, A Prange, G Sieler, U Giannini, G Rothberg, J Armstrong, SR Cranner, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saadi, Y Scott, IJ Walsh, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobering, G
Citation: A. Heister et al., Measurement of the Tau Polarisation at LEP, EUR PHY J C, 20(3), 2001, pp. 401-430

Authors: Barate, R Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, C Lees, JP Merle, E Minard, MN Pietrzyk, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LN Pacheco, A Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, A Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RN Frank, M Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Janot, P Jost, B Lehraus, L Mato, P Minten, A Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Schmitt, N Schneider, O Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Chazelle, G Deschamps, O Falvard, A Gay, P Guicheney, C Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Petersen, BA Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Bonnaud, G Brient, JC Rouge, A Rumpf, M Swynghedauw, M Verderi, M Videau, H Focardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, N Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Halley, AW Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raine, C Teixeira-Dias, P Thompson, AS Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hansper, G Hepp, V Kluge, EE Putzer, A Sommer, J Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC Thompson, E Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bowdery, CK Buck, PC Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, C Jones, RWL Robertson, NA Giehl, I Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Leroy, O Payre, P Rousseau, D Talby, M Aleppo, M Ragusa, F Dietl, H Ganis, G Heister, A Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Schael, S Settles, R Stenzel, H Wiedenmann, W Wolf, G Azzurri, P Boucrot, J Callot, O Chen, S Cordier, A Davier, X Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Le Diberder, F Lefrancois, J Lutz, AM Schune, MH Veillet, JJ Videau, I Yuan, C Zerwas, D Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Rizzo, G Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Blair, GA Cowan, G Green, MG Medcalf, T Strong, JA von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Colas, P Emery, S Kozanecki, W Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Roussarie, A Schuller, JP Schwindling, J Trabelsi, A Vallage, B Black, SN Dann, JH Johnson, RP Kim, HY Konstantinidis, N Litke, AM McNeil, MA Taylor, C Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Misiejuk, A Prange, G Sieler, U Giannini, G Gobbo, B Rothberg, J Wasserbaech, S Armstrong, SR Cranmer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saadi, Y Scott, IJ Walsh, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, C
Citation: R. Barate et al., Investigation of inclusive CP asymmetries in B-0 decays, EUR PHY J C, 20(3), 2001, pp. 431-443

Authors: Barate, R Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, P Jezequel, S Lees, JP Martin, F Merle, E Minard, MN Pietrzyk, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Lopez, J Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Paneque, D Ruiz, H Colalco, A Creanza, D De Filippis, N de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Gianotti, F Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Hutchcroft, DE Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Lemaitre, V Maley, P Mato, P Minten, A Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Schmitt, M Schneider, O Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Valassi, A Ward, JJ Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Dessagne, S Falvard, A Fayolle, D Gay, P Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Pascolo, JM Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Brient, JC Machefert, F Rouge, A Swynghedauw, M Tanaka, R Videau, H Forcardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Chalmers, M Halley, AW Kennedy, J Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raeven, B Smith, D Teixeira-Dias, P Thompson, AS Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hepp, V Kluge, EE Leibenguth, G Putzer, A Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Davies, G Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Nowell, J Przysiezniak, H Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC Thomson, E White, R Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Thacker, E Bowdery, CK Clarke, DP Ellis, G Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Pearson, MR Robertson, NA Smizanska, M Giehl, I Holldorfer, F Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Krocker, M Muller, AS Nurnberger, HA Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Schmeling, S Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Ziegler, T Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Curtil, C Ealet, A Fouchez, D Leroy, O Kachelhoffer, T Payre, P Rousseau, D Tilquin, A Aleppo, M Gilardoni, S Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, G Heister, A Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Schael, S Settles, R Stenzel, H Wiedenmann, W Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Serin, L Veillet, JJ Videau, I de Regie, JBD Yuan, C Zerwas, D Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giammanco, A Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Blair, GA Coles, J Cowan, G Green, MG Jones, LT Medcalf, T Strong, JA von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Boumediene, D Colas, P Fabbro, B Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Rosowsky, A Seager, P Trabelsi, A Tuchming, B Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N Loomis, C Litke, AM Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Hodgson, PN Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Hess, J Misiejuk, A Prange, G Sieler, U Borean, C Giannini, G Gobbo, B He, H Putz, J Rothberg, J Wasserbaech, S Armstrong, SR Cranmer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saddi, Y Scott, IJ Walsh, J Wu, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, G
Citation: R. Barate et al., Search for R-parity violating decays of supersymmetric particles in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies from 189 GeV to 202 GeV, EUR PHY J C, 19(3), 2001, pp. 415-428

Authors: Barate, R Decamp, D Chez, P Goy, C Lees, JP Merle, E Minard, MN Perrodo, P Pietrzyk, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Pascual, A Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Janot, P Jost, B Lehraus, I Mato, P Minten, A Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Schmitt, M Schneider, O Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Chazelle, G Deschamps, O Falvard, A Gay, P Guicheney, C Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Bonneaud, G Brient, JC Rouge, A Rumpf, M Swynghedauw, M Verderi, M Videau, H Focardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Halley, AW Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raine, C Teixeira-Dias, P Thompson, AS Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hansper, G Hepp, V Kluge, EE Putzer, A Sommer, J Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC Thomson, E Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bowdery, CK Buck, PG Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Robertson, NA Giehl, I Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Leroy, O Payre, P Rousseau, D Talby, M Aleppo, M Ragusa, F Dietl, H Ganis, G Heister, A Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Schael, S Settles, R Stenzel, H Wiedenmann, W Wolf, G Azzurri, P Boucrot, J Callot, O Chen, S Cordier, A Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Le Diberder, F Lefrancois, J Lutz, AM Schune, MH Veillet, JJ Videau, I Yuan, C Zerwas, D Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Blair, GA Cowan, G Green, MG Medcalf, T Strong, JA von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Colas, P Emery, S Kozanecki, W Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Roussarie, A Schuller, JP Schwindling, J Trabelsi, A Vallage, B Black, SN Dann, JH Johnson, RP Kim, HY Konstantinidis, N Litke, AM McNeil, MA Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Misiejuk, A Prange, G Sieler, U Giannini, G Gobbo, B Rothberg, J Wasserbaech, S Armstrong, SR Crammer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saadi, Y Scott, IJ Walsh, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, G
Citation: R. Barate et al., Measurements of BR(b ->tau(-)(nu)over-bar(tau)X) and BR(b ->tau(-)(nu)over-bar(tau)D(+/-)X) and upper limits on BR(B-->tau(-)(nu)over-bar(tau)) and BR(b -> s nu(nu)over-bar), EUR PHY J C, 19(2), 2001, pp. 213-227

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Authors: Segarra, AM Guerrero, R Claver, C Fernandez, E
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Authors: Durban, M Benet, J Boada, M Fernandez, E Calafell, JM Lailla, JM Sanchez-Garcia, JF Pujol, A Egozcue, J Navarro, J
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Authors: Borrell, C Fernandez, E Schiaffino, A Benach, J Rajmil, L Villalbi, JR Segura, A
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Authors: Crombet, T Torres, O Neninger, E Catala, M Rodriguez, N Ramos, M Fernandez, E Iznaga, N Perez, R Lage, A
Citation: T. Crombet et al., Phase I clinical evaluation of a neutralizing monoclonal antibody against epidermal growth factor receptor, CANC BIO R, 16(1), 2001, pp. 93-102

Authors: Terry, PW McKay, C Fernandez, E
Citation: Pw. Terry et al., The role of electron density in magnetic turbulence, PHYS PLASMA, 8(6), 2001, pp. 2707-2721

Authors: Cipher, DJ Fernandez, E Clifford, PA
Citation: Dj. Cipher et al., Cost-effectiveness and health care utilization in a multidisciplinary paincenter: Comparison of three treatment groups, J CL P MED, 8(4), 2001, pp. 237-244

Authors: Fernandez, E Siddiquee, Z Shohet, RV
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Citation: I. Lorda-sanchez et al., A maternal inherited translocation t(1;22)(q11;p11) in two infertile brothers, GEN COUNSEL, 12(1), 2001, pp. 95-100

Authors: Palacin, M Fernandez, E Chillaron, J Zorzano, A
Citation: M. Palacin et al., The amino acid transport system b(o,+) and cystinuria, MOL MEMBR B, 18(1), 2001, pp. 21-26

Authors: Font, M Feliubadalo, L Estivill, X Nunes, V Golomb, E Kreiss, Y Pras, E Bisceglia, L d'Adamo, AP Zelante, L Gasparini, P Bassi, MT George, AL Manzoni, M Riboni, M Ballabio, A Borsani, G Reig, N Fernandez, E Zorzano, A Bertran, J Palacin, M
Citation: M. Font et al., Functional analysis of mutations in SLC7A9, and genotype-phenotype correlation in non-Type I cystinuria, HUM MOL GEN, 10(4), 2001, pp. 305-316

Authors: Fernandez, E Gonzalez, JR Borras, JM Moreno, V Sanchez, V Peris, M
Citation: E. Fernandez et al., Recent decline in cancer mortality in Catalonia (Spain). A joinpoint regression analysis, EUR J CANC, 37(17), 2001, pp. 2222-2228

Authors: Sarda, S Fernandez, E Llorens, J Martinez, S Nilsson, M Planell, JA
Citation: S. Sarda et al., Rheological properties of an apatitic bone cement during initial setting, J MAT S-M M, 12(10-12), 2001, pp. 905-909

Authors: Fernandez, E Baudin, C
Citation: E. Fernandez et C. Baudin, Creep damage in different 3Al(2)O(3)center dot 2SiO(2) mullites tested in 4-point bending, J EUR CERAM, 21(12), 2001, pp. 2243-2251

Authors: Riestra, S Fernandez, E Leiva, P Garcia, S Ocio, G Rodrigo, L
Citation: S. Riestra et al., Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in the general population of northern Spain, EUR J GASTR, 13(5), 2001, pp. 477-481

Authors: Blanco, I Fernandez, E
Citation: I. Blanco et E. Fernandez, alpha 1-antitrypsin Pi phenotypes S and Z in Spain: an analysis of the published surveys, RESP MED, 95(2), 2001, pp. 109-114

Authors: Del Brio, JA Fernandez, E Junquera, B Vazquez, CJ
Citation: Ja. Del Brio et al., Joint adoption of ISO-14000-ISO-9000 occupational risk prevention practices in Spanish industrial companies: A descriptive study, TOT QUAL M, 12(6), 2001, pp. 669-686

Authors: Fernandez, PL Nayach, I Fernandez, E Fresno, L Palacin, A Farre, X Campo, E Cardesa, A
Citation: Pl. Fernandez et al., Tissue macroarrays ("microchops") for gene expression analysis, VIRCHOWS AR, 438(6), 2001, pp. 591-594
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