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Results: 18

Authors: Lacassie, E Dreyfuss, MF Gaulier, JM Marquet, P Daguet, JL Lachatre, G
Citation: E. Lacassie et al., Multiresidue determination method for organophosphorus pesticides in serumand whole blood by gas chromatography-mass-selective detection, J CHROMAT B, 759(1), 2001, pp. 109-116

Authors: Lacassie, E Marquet, P Gaulier, JM Dreyfuss, MF Lachatre, G
Citation: E. Lacassie et al., Sensitive and specific multiresidue methods for the determination of pesticides of various classes in clinical and forensic toxicology, FOREN SCI I, 121(1-2), 2001, pp. 116-125

Authors: Gaulier, JM Merle, G Lacassie, E Courtiade, B Haglund, P Marquet, P Lachatre, G
Citation: Jm. Gaulier et al., Fatal intoxications with chloral hydrate, J FOREN SCI, 46(6), 2001, pp. 1507-1509

Authors: Edno-Mcheik, L Gaulier, JM Combourieu, I Lacassie, E Hadzic, A
Citation: L. Edno-mcheik et al., Heptaminol interferes in the AxSYM FPIA Amphetamine/Methamphetamine 11 assay, CLIN CHEM, 47(8), 2001, pp. 1499-1500

Authors: Gaulier, JM Marquet, P Lacassie, E Desroches, R Lachatre, G
Citation: Jm. Gaulier et al., High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of tianeptine in plasma applied to pharmacokinetic studies, J CHROMAT B, 748(2), 2000, pp. 407-414

Authors: Lacassie, E Gaulier, JM Marquet, P Rabatel, JF Lachatre, G
Citation: E. Lacassie et al., Methods for the determination of seven selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and three active metabolites in human serum using high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography, J CHROMAT B, 742(2), 2000, pp. 229-238

Authors: Lachatre, F Marquet, P Ragot, S Gaulier, JM Cardot, P Dupuy, JL
Citation: F. Lachatre et al., Simultaneous determination of four anthracyclines and three metabolites inhuman serum by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry, J CHROMAT B, 738(2), 2000, pp. 281-291

Authors: Guillocheau, F Robin, C Allemand, P Bourquin, S Brault, N Dromart, G Friedenberg, R Garcia, JP Gaulier, JM Gaumet, F Grosdoy, B Hanot, F Le Strat, P Mettraux, M Nalpas, T Prijac, C Rigollet, C Serrano, O Grandjean, G
Citation: F. Guillocheau et al., Meso-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Paris Basin: 3D stratigraphic constraints, GEODIN ACTA, 13(4), 2000, pp. 189-245

Authors: Prijac, C Doin, MP Gaulier, JM Guillocheau, F
Citation: C. Prijac et al., Subsidence of the Paris Basin and its bearing on the late Variscan lithosphere evolution: a comparison between Plate and Chablis models, TECTONOPHYS, 323(1-2), 2000, pp. 1-38

Authors: Robin, C Guillocheau, F Allemand, P Bourquin, S Dromart, G Gaulier, JM Prijac, C
Citation: C. Robin et al., Time and space-scales of the tectonic control of a flexural intracratonic basin: the Paris Basin, B SOC GEOL, 171(2), 2000, pp. 181-196

Authors: Lacassie, E Marquet, P Martin-Dupont, S Gaulier, JM Lachatre, G
Citation: E. Lacassie et al., A non-fatal case of intoxication with foxglove, documented by means of liquid chromatography-electrospray-mass spectrometry, J FOREN SCI, 45(5), 2000, pp. 1154-1158

Authors: Gaulier, JM Marquet, P Lacassie, E Dupuy, JL Lachatre, G
Citation: Jm. Gaulier et al., Fatal intoxication following self-administration of a massive dose of buprenorphine, J FOREN SCI, 45(1), 2000, pp. 226-228

Authors: Ragot, S Marquet, P Lachatre, F Rousseau, A Lacassie, E Gaulier, JM Dupuy, JL Lachatre, G
Citation: S. Ragot et al., Sensitive determination of irinotecan (CPT-11) and its active metabolite SN-38 in human serum using liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry, J CHROMAT B, 736(1-2), 1999, pp. 175-184

Authors: Marquet, P Baudin, O Gaulier, JM Lacassie, E Dupuy, JL Francois, B Lachatre, G
Citation: P. Marquet et al., Sensitive and specific determination of midazolam and 1-hydroxymidazolam in human serum by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry, J CHROMAT B, 734(1), 1999, pp. 137-144

Authors: Cochat, P Gaulier, JM Nogueira, PCK Feber, J Jamieson, NV Rolland, MO Divry, P Bozon, D Dubourg, L
Citation: P. Cochat et al., Combined liver kidney transplantation in primary hyperoxaluria type 1, EUR J PED, 158, 1999, pp. S75-S80

Authors: Chamot-Rooke, N Gaulier, JM Jestin, F
Citation: N. Chamot-rooke et al., Constraints on Moho depth and crustal thickness in the Liguro-Provencal basin from a 3D gravity inversion: geodynamic implications, GEOL SOC SP, (156), 1999, pp. 37-61

Authors: Lacassie, E Ragot, S Gaulier, JM Marquet, P Lachatre, G
Citation: E. Lacassie et al., A specific analytical method for the analysis of 24 antidepressants using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS), ACT CLIN B, 1999, pp. 20-24

Authors: Robin, C Guillocheau, F Gaulier, JM
Citation: C. Robin et al., Discriminating between tectonic and eustatic controls on the stratigraphicrecord in the Paris basin, TERRA NOVA, 10(6), 1998, pp. 323-329
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