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Results: 18

Authors: Laue, S Greiner, L Woltinger, J Liese, A
Citation: S. Laue et al., Continuous application of chemzymes in a membrane reactor: Asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone, ADV SYNTH C, 343(6-7), 2001, pp. 711-720

Authors: Janssen, J Johanns, W Weickert, U Rahmatian, M Greiner, L
Citation: J. Janssen et al., Long-term results after successful extracorporeal gallstone lithotripsy: Outcome of the first 120 stone-free patients, SC J GASTR, 36(3), 2001, pp. 314-317

Authors: Ackermann, KH Adams, N Adler, C Ahammed, Z Ahmad, S Allgower, C Amsbaugh, J Anderson, M Anderssen, E Arnesen, H Arnold, L Averichev, GS Baldwin, A Balewski, J Barannikova, O Barnby, LS Baudot, J Beddo, M Bekele, S Belaga, VV Bellwied, R Bennett, S Bercovitz, J Berger, J Betts, W Bichsel, H Bieser, F Bland, LC Bloomer, M Blyth, CO Boehm, J Bonner, BE Bonnet, D Bossingham, R Botlo, M Boucham, A Bouillo, N Bouvier, S Bradley, K Brady, FP Braithwaite, ES Braithwaite, W Brandin, A Brown, RL Brugalette, G Byrd, C Caines, H Sanchez, MCD Cardenas, A Carr, L Carroll, J Castillo, J Caylor, B Cebra, D Chatopadhyay, S Chen, ML Chen, W Chen, Y Chernenko, SP Cherney, M Chikanian, A Choi, B Chrin, J Christie, W Coffin, JP Conin, L Consiglio, C Cormier, TM Cramer, JG Crawford, HJ Danilov, VI Dayton, D DeMello, M Deng, WS Derevschikov, AA Dialinas, M Diaz, H DeYoung, PA Didenko, L Dimassimo, D Dioguardi, J Dominik, W Drancourt, C Draper, JE Dunin, VB Dunlop, JC Eckardt, V Edwards, WR Efimov, LG Eggert, T Emelianov, V Engelage, J Eppley, G Erazmus, B Etkin, A Fachini, P Feliciano, C Ferenc, D Ferguson, MI Fessler, H Finch, E Fine, V Fisyak, Y Flierl, D Flores, I Foley, KJ Fritz, D Gagunashvili, N Gans, J Gazdzicki, M Germain, M Geurts, F Ghazikhanian, V Gojak, C Grabski, J Grachov, O Grau, M Greiner, D Greiner, L Grigoriev, V Grosnick, D Gross, J Guilloux, G Gushin, E Hall, J Hallman, TJ Hardtke, D Harper, G Harris, JW He, P Heffner, M Heppelmann, S Herston, T Hill, D Hippolyte, B Hirsch, A Hjort, E Hoffmann, GW Horsley, M Howe, M Huang, HZ Humanic, TJ Hummler, H Hunt, W Hunter, J Igo, GJ Ishihara, A Ivanshin, YI Jacobs, P Jacobs, WW Jacobson, S Jared, R Jensen, P Johnson, I Jones, PG Judd, E Kaneta, M Kaplan, M Keane, D Kenney, VP Khodinov, A Klay, J Klein, SR Klyachko, A Koehler, G Konstantinov, AS Kormilitsyne, V Kotchenda, L Kotov, I Kovalenko, AD Kramer, M Kravtsov, P Krueger, K Krupien, T Kuczewski, P Kuhn, C Kunde, GJ Kunz, CL Kutuev, RK Kuznetsov, AA Lakehal-Ayat, L Lamas-Valverde, J Lamont, MAC Landgraf, JM Lange, S Lansdell, CP Lasiuk, B Laue, F Lebedev, A LeCompte, T Leonhardt, WJ Leontiev, VM Leszczynski, P LeVine, MJ Li, Q Li, Q Li, Z Liaw, CJ Lin, J Lindenbaum, SJ Lindenstruth, V Lindstrom, PJ Lisa, MA Liu, H Ljubicic, T Llope, WJ LoCurto, G Long, H Longacre, RS Lopez-Noriega, M Lopiano, D Love, WA Lutz, JR Lynn, D Madansky, L Maier, R Majka, R Maliszewski, A Margetis, S Marks, K Marstaller, R Martin, L Marx, J Matis, HS Matulenko, YA Matyushevski, EA McParland, C McShane, TS Meier, J Melnick, Y Meschanin, A Middlekamp, P Mikhalin, N Miller, B Milosevich, Z Minaev, NG Minor, B Mitchell, J Mogavero, E Moiseenko, VA Moltz, D Moore, CF Morozov, V Morse, R de Moura, MM Munhoz, MG Mutchler, GS Nelson, JM Nevski, P Ngo, T Nguyen, M Nguyen, T Nikitin, VA Nogach, LV Noggle, T Norman, B Nurushev, SB Nussbaum, T Nystrand, J Odyniec, G Ogawa, A Ogilvie, CA Olchanski, K Oldenburg, M Olson, D Ososkov, GA Ott, G Padrazo, D Paic, G Pandey, SU Panebratsev, Y Panitkin, SY Pavlinov, AI Pawlak, T Pentia, M Perevotchikov, V Peryt, W Petrov, VA Pinganaud, W Pirogov, S Platner, E Pluta, J Polk, I Porile, N Porter, J Poskanzer, AM Potrebenikova, E Prindle, D Pruneau, C Puskar-Pasewicz, J Rai, G Rasson, J Ravel, O Ray, RL Razin, SV Reichhold, D Reid, J Renfordt, RE Retiere, F Ridiger, A Riso, J Ritter, HG Roberts, JB Roehrich, D Rogachevski, OV Romero, JL Roy, C Russ, D Rykov, V Sakrejda, I Sanchez, R Sandler, Z Sandweiss, J Sappenfield, P Saulys, AC Savin, I Schambach, J Scharenberg, RP Scheblien, J Scheetz, R Schlueter, R Schmitz, N Schroeder, LS Schulz, M Schuttauf, A Sedlmeir, J Seger, J Seliverstov, D Seyboth, J Seyboth, P Seymour, R Shakaliev, EI Shestermanov, KE Shi, Y Shimanskii, SS Shuman, D Shvetcov, VS Skoro, G Smirnov, N Smykov, LP Snellings, R Solberg, K Sowinski, J Spinka, HM Srivastava, B Stephenson, EJ Stock, R Stolpovsky, A Stone, N Stone, R Strikhanov, M Stringfellow, B Stroebele, H Struck, C Suaide, AAP Sugarbaker, E Suire, C Symons, TJM Takahashi, J Tang, AH Tarchini, A Tarzian, J Thomas, JH Tikhomirov, V de Toledo, AS Tonse, S Trainor, T Trentalange, S Tokarev, M Tonjes, MB Trofimov, V Tsai, O Turner, K Ullrich, T Underwood, DG Vakula, I Van Buren, G VanderMolen, AM Vanyashin, A Vasilevski, IM Vasiliev, AN Vigdor, SE Visser, G Voloshin, SA Vu, C Wang, F Ward, H Weerasundara, D Weidenbach, R Wells, R Wells, R Wenaus, T Westfall, GD Whitfield, JP Whitten, C Wieman, H Willson, R Wilson, K Wirth, J Wisdom, J Wissink, SW Witt, R Wolf, J Wood, L Xu, N Xu, Z Yakutin, AE Yamamoto, E Yang, J Yepes, P Yokosawa, A Yurevich, VI Zanevski, YV Zhang, J Zhang, WM Zhu, J Zimmerman, D Zoulkarneev, R Zubarev, AN
Citation: Kh. Ackermann et al., Elliptic flow in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV, PHYS REV L, 86(3), 2001, pp. 402-407

Authors: Weickert, U Venzke, T Konig, J Janssen, J Remberger, K Greiner, L
Citation: U. Weickert et al., Why do bilioduodenal plastic stents become occluded? A clinical and pathological investigation on 100 consecutive patients, ENDOSCOPY, 33(9), 2001, pp. 786-790

Authors: Donovan, H Greiner, L Gunnarsdottir, S Hughes, S Murphy-Ende, K Rice, E Ward, S Kwekkeboom, K
Citation: H. Donovan et al., No justified use of placebos for pain, J NURS SCHO, 32(2), 2000, pp. 116-116

Authors: Iding, H Dunnwald, T Greiner, L Liese, A Muller, M Siegert, P Grotzinger, J Demir, AS Pohl, M
Citation: H. Iding et al., Benzoylformate decarboxylase from Pseudomonas putida as stable catalyst for the synthesis of chiral 2-hydroxy ketones, CHEM-EUR J, 6(8), 2000, pp. 1483-1495

Authors: Weickert, U Muhlen, E Janssen, J Johanns, W Greiner, L
Citation: U. Weickert et al., Dilatation of pancreatic duct stenoses by the use of the thermodilator, Z GASTROENT, 38(2), 2000, pp. 165-168

Authors: Greiner, L
Citation: L. Greiner, Whither ultrasonography?, Z GASTROENT, 38(12), 2000, pp. 939-940

Authors: Weik, C Johanns, W Janssen, J Greiner, L
Citation: C. Weik et al., Liver in hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia, Z GASTROENT, 38(1), 2000, pp. 31-37

Authors: Greiner, L
Citation: L. Greiner, Concerning the original article of C. Weik and L. Greiner, 'The liver in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Weber-Rendu-Osler disease)' - Reply, SC J GASTR, 35(7), 2000, pp. 784-784

Authors: Weickert, U Muhlen, E Janssen, J Johanns, W Greiner, L
Citation: U. Weickert et al., Holmium-YAG laser: instrument for stone fragmentation in cholelithiasis, DEUT MED WO, 124(17), 1999, pp. 514-518

Authors: Tuve, C Albergo, S Boemi, D Caccia, Z Chen, CX Costa, S Crawford, HJ Cronqvist, M Engelage, J Greiner, L Guzik, TG Knott, CN Insolia, A Lindstrom, PJ Mitchell, JW Potenza, R Russo, GV Soutoul, A Testard, O Tricomi, A Tull, CE Waddington, CJ Webber, WR Wefel, JP
Citation: C. Tuve et al., Neutron production in coincidence with fragments from the Ca-40+H reactionat E-lab=357A and 565A MeV, PHYS REV C, 59(1), 1999, pp. 233-238

Authors: Caines, H Albergo, S Bellwied, R Bennett, M Boemi, D Bonner, B Caccia, Z Christie, W Cina, G Costa, S Crawford, H Cronqvist, M Debbe, R Engelage, J Flores, I Greiner, L Hallman, T Hoffman, G Huang, H Humanic, TJ Igo, G Insolia, A Jensen, P Judd, E Kainz, K Kaplan, M Kelly, S Kotov, I Kunde, G Lindstrom, P Ljubicic, T Llope, W Lo Curto, G Longacre, R Lynn, D Madansky, L Mahzeh, N Milosevich, Z Mitchell, JT Mitchell, J Nehmeh, S Nociforo, C Paganis, S Pandey, SU Potenza, R Platner, E Riley, P Russ, D Saulys, A Schambach, J Sheen, J Stokley, C Sugarbaker, E Takahashi, J Tang, J Trentalange, S Tricomi, A Tull, C Tuve, C Whitfield, J Wilson, K
Citation: H. Caines et al., First results from the H-0 di-baryon search and hyperon production measurements by the AGS Experiment 896., NUCL PHYS A, 661, 1999, pp. 170C-176C

Authors: Lo Curto, G Albergo, S Bellwied, R Bennett, M Boemi, D Bonner, B Caccia, Z Caines, H Christie, W Cina, G Costa, S Crawford, H Cronqvist, M Debbe, R Engelage, J Flores, I Greiner, L Hallman, T Hoffman, G Huang, H Humanic, TJ Igo, G Insolia, A Jensen, P Judd, E Kainz, K Kaplan, M Kelly, S Kotov, I Kunde, G Lindstrom, P Ljubicic, T Llope, W Longacre, R Lynn, D Madansky, L Mahzeh, N Milosevich, Z Mitchell, JT Mitchell, J Nehmeh, S Nociforo, C Paganis, S Pandey, SU Potenza, R Platner, E Riley, P Russ, D Saulys, A Schambach, J Sheen, J Stokley, C Sugarbaker, E Takahashi, J Tang, J Trentalange, S Tricomi, A Tull, C Tuve, C Whitfield, J Wilson, K
Citation: G. Lo Curto et al., Strange and multi-strange baryon measurement in Au plus Au collisions at 11.6A(GeV/c) with the silicon drift detector array from the AGS experiment E896, NUCL PHYS A, 661, 1999, pp. 489C-492C

Authors: Weik, C Greiner, L
Citation: C. Weik et L. Greiner, The liver in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Weber-Rendu-Osler disease), SC J GASTR, 34(12), 1999, pp. 1241-1246

Authors: Weickert, U Muhlen, E Janssen, J Johanns, W Greiner, L
Citation: U. Weickert et al., The thermodilator: An effective instrument in the palliative therapy concept of malignant bile duct stenosis, ENDOSCOPY, 31(3), 1999, pp. 260-264

Authors: Janssen, J Johanns, W Luis, W Greiner, L
Citation: J. Janssen et al., Clinical significance of endoscopic ultrasound-guided transoesophageal fine-needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinal lesions, DEUT MED WO, 123(47), 1998, pp. 1402-1409

Authors: Candeira, M Schuch, W Greiner, L Buckley, L Gold, H Langer, A McKane, B Melin, M Oakley, M Schellenbach, J Schuch, A Thiadens, SRJ Thompson, G Upstill, C
Citation: M. Candeira et al., Workgroup V - Collaboration and advocacy, CANCER, 83(12), 1998, pp. 2888
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