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Results: 8

Authors: Kramer, Patricia L. Pauls, David L. Price, R. Arlen Kidd, Kenneth K.
Citation: L. Kramer, Patricia et al., Estimation of segregation and linkage parameters in simulated data. II. segregation analyses with different ascertainment schemes, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(1), 1989, pp. 83-94

Authors: Osier, Michael V. Pakstis, Andrew J. Soodyall, Himla Comas, David Goldman, David Odunsi, Adekunle Okonofua, Friday Parnas, Josef Shulz, Leslie O. Bertranpetit, Jaume Bonne-Tamir, Batsheva Lu, Ru-Band Kidd, Judith R. Kidd, Kenneth K.
Citation: V. Osier, Michael et al., A Global Perspective on Genetic Variation at the ADH Genes Reveals Unusual Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium and Diversity, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 84-99

Authors: Price, R. Arlen Kramer, Patricia L. Pauls, David L. Kidd, Kenneth K.
Citation: Price, R. Arlen et al., Estimation of segregation and linkage parameters in simulated data. Il. simultaneous estimation with one linked marker, American journal of human genetics , 45-I(1), 1989, pp. 95-105

Authors: Pakstis, Andrew J. Heutink, Peter Pauls, David L. Kurlan, Roger van de Wetering, Ben J. M. Leckman, James F. Sandkuyl, Lodewijk A. Kidd, Judith R. Breedveld, Guido J. Castiglione, Carmela M. Weber, James Sparkes, Robert S. Cohen, Donald J. Kidd, Kenneth K. Oostra, Ben A.
Citation: J. Pakstis, Andrew et al., Progress in the search for genetic linkage with Tourette syndrome: An exclusion map covering more than 50% of the autosomal genome, American journal of human genetics , 48-I(2), 1991, pp. 281-294

Authors: Han, Yi Gu, Sheng Oota, Hiroki Osier, Michael V. Pakstis, Andrew J. Speed, William C. Kidd, Judith R. Kidd, Kenneth K.
Citation: Han, Yi et al., Evidence of Positive Selection on a Class I ADH Locus, American journal of human genetics , 80(3), 2007, pp. 441-456

Authors: Wu, Jingshi Carson, Nancy L. Myers, Shirley Pakstis, Andrew J. Kidd, judith R. Castiglione, Carmela M. Anderson, Linda Hoyle, L. Suzanne Genel, Myron Verdy, Maurice Jackson, Charles E. Simpson, Nancy E. Kidd, Kenneth K.
Citation: Wu, Jingshi et al., The genetic defect in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A maps next to the centromere of chromosome 10, American journal of human genetics , 46-I(3), 1990, pp. 624-630

Authors: Carson, Nancy L. Wu, Jingshi Jackson, Charles E. Kidd, Kenneth K. Simpson, Nancy E.
Citation: L. Carson, Nancy et al., The mutation for medullary thyroid carcinoma with parathyroid tumors (MTC with PTs) is closely linked to the centromeric region of chromosome 10., American journal of human genetics , 47-II(6), 1990, pp. 946-951

Authors: Ellis, Nathan Kidd, Judy Goodfellow, Paul J. Kidd, Kenneth K. Goodfellow, Peter N.
Citation: Ellis, Nathan et al., Strong linkage disequilibrium between the XY274 polymorphism and the pseudoautosomal boundary, American journal of human genetics , 46-II(5), 1990, pp. 950-955
Risultati: 1-8 |