Results: 1-7 |
Results: 7

Authors: Luscher, R Ahmed, B Ali, T Alner, GJ Barton, JC Bewick, A Davidge, D Dawson, JV Gamble, T Hart, ST Howard, AS Ivaniouchenkov, I Jones, WG Joshi, MK Kudryavtsev, VA Lawson, T Lebedenko, V Lehner, MJ Lewin, JD Lightfoot, PK Liubarsky, I McMillan, JE Peak, CD Preece, RM Quenby, JJ Roberts, JW Smith, NJT Smith, PF Spooner, NCJ Sumner, T Tovey, DR
Citation: R. Luscher et al., The potential of liquid xenon for WIMP search: the ZEPLIN diagnostic array, NUCL PH B-P, 95, 2001, pp. 233-236

Authors: Lewin, JD Olsewski, J
Citation: Jd. Lewin et J. Olsewski, Spinal disorders and nerve compression syndromes, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF GERIATRIC SURGERY, 2001, pp. 957-981

Authors: Liubarsky, I Alner, GJ Ahmed, B Barton, JC Bewick, A Davidge, D Howard, AS Jones, WG Joshi, M Kudryavtsev, VA Lehner, MJ Lewin, JD Lightfoot, PK McMillan, JE Peak, CD Quenby, JJ Roberts, JW Smith, NJT Smith, PF Spooner, NJC Sumner, TJ Tovey, DR Ward, C
Citation: I. Liubarsky et al., Progress report from the UK Dark Matter search at Boulby mine, NUCL PH B-P, 87, 2000, pp. 64-66

Authors: Smith, NJT Lewin, JD Smith, PF
Citation: Njt. Smith et al., A possible mechanism for anomalous pulses observed in sodium iodide crystals, PHYS LETT B, 485(1-3), 2000, pp. 9-15

Authors: Spooner, NJC Kudryavtsev, VA Peak, CD Lightfoot, PK Lawson, TB Lehner, MJ McMillan, JE Roberts, JW Tovey, DR Smith, NJT Smith, PF Lewin, JD Homer, GJ Alner, GJ Sumner, TJ Bewick, A Jones, WG Quenby, JJ Liubarsky, I Barton, JC
Citation: Njc. Spooner et al., NaI dark matter limits and the NAIAD array - a detector with improved sensitivity to WIMPs using unencapsulated NaI, PHYS LETT B, 473(3-4), 2000, pp. 330-336

Authors: Smith, NJT Smith, PF Homer, GJ Lewin, JD Spooner, NJC Kudryavtsev, VA Lehner, MJ Peak, CD Ward, CK
Citation: Njt. Smith et al., Investigation of pulse shapes and time constants for NaI scintillation pulses produced by low energy electrons from beta decay, PHYS LETT B, 467(1-2), 1999, pp. 132-136

Authors: Smith, PF Smith, NJT Lewin, JD Homer, GJ Alner, GJ Arnison, GTJ Quenby, JJ Sumner, TJ Bewick, A Ali, T Ahmed, B Howard, AS Davidge, D Joshi, M Jones, WG Davies, G Liubarsky, I Smith, RAD Spooner, NJC Roberts, JW Tovey, DR Lehner, MJ McMillan, JE Peak, CD Kudryatsev, VA Barton, JC
Citation: Pf. Smith et al., Dark matter experiments at the UK Boulby Mine, PHYS REPORT, 307(1-4), 1998, pp. 275-282
Risultati: 1-7 |