Results: 1-15 |
Results: 15

Authors: London, G
Citation: G. London, Pathophysiology of cardiovascular damage in the early renal population, NEPH DIAL T, 16, 2001, pp. 3-6

Authors: Blacher, J Henry, O Iaria, P Teixeira-Ribeiro, A Holstein, J Le Dudal, K London, G Safar, M
Citation: J. Blacher et al., Measurement of the carotid intima-media thickness: an innovating techniquefor assessing cardiovascular risk, PRESSE MED, 30(4), 2001, pp. 187-191

Authors: Angelis, ALS Antos, J Beaulieu, M Beker, H Bystricky, J Catanesi, MG Cerello, P Dagan, S Dellacasa, G Di Liberto, S Dolgoshein, B Esten, M Fabjan, CW Gaidot, A Gallio, M Giubellino, P Goerlach, U Guerra, C Hamel, LA Konovalov, S Kralik, I London, G Martelli, F Martin, JP Masera, M Mazzoni, MA Meddi, F Muciaccia, MT Muraviev, S Nomerotsky, A Oren, Y Pansart, JP Poulard, G Ramello, L Riccati, L Rosa, G Sandor, L Sarris, M Scomparin, E Shmeleva, A Simone, S Smirnov, S Taras, P Urban, J Vercellin, E
Citation: Als. Angelis et al., Excess of continuum dimuon production at masses between threshold and the J/Psi in S-W interactions at 200 GeV/c/nucleon, EUR PHY J C, 13(3), 2000, pp. 433-452

Authors: London, G
Citation: G. London, Continuity and change in Cypriot pottery production, NEAR EAST A, 63(2), 2000, pp. 102-110

Authors: London, G
Citation: G. London, Ethnoarchaeology and interpretations of the past (Understanding ancient material cultures), NEAR EAST A, 63(1), 2000, pp. 2-8

Authors: Torok, B London, G Bartok, M
Citation: B. Torok et al., Reduction of carbonyl compounds to hydrocarbons by catalytic hydrogenation: A novel one-pot method using Pt/K-10 montmorillonite catalyst, SYNLETT, (5), 2000, pp. 631-632

Authors: Guerin, A Marchais, S Pannier, B London, G
Citation: A. Guerin et al., Cardiac anomalies in chronic renal failure, PRESSE MED, 29(5), 2000, pp. 274-280

Authors: Goossens, D Offer, Z London, G
Citation: D. Goossens et al., Wind tunnel and field calibration of five aeolian sand traps, GEOMORPHOLO, 35(3-4), 2000, pp. 233-252

Authors: Adam, I Aleksan, R Aston, D Benkebil, M Bernard, D Bonneaud, G Briand, H Brochard, F Brown, DN Chauveau, J Cohen-Tanugi, J Convery, M David, P De Domenico, G de Lesquen, A Emery, S Ferrag, S Gaidot, A Geld, T de Monchenault, GH Hamon, O Hoecker, A Kadel, RW Kadyk, J Kalelkar, M Le Diberder, F London, G Lu, A Lutz, AM Lynch, G Mancinelli, G Martinez-Vidal, F Meadows, BT Plano, R Plaszczynski, S Pripstein, M Ratcliff, BN Roos, L Roussot, E Salnikov, A Schune, MH Schwiening, J Shelkov, V Sokoloff, MD Spanier, S Stark, J Telnov, A Thiebaux, C Valassi, A Vasileaidis, G Vasseur, G Va'vra, J Verderi, M Wilson, RJ Wormser, G Yeche, C Yellin, S
Citation: I. Adam et al., Status of the DIRC detector at BaBar: early operational experience, NUCL INST A, 453(1-2), 2000, pp. 301-307

Authors: Safar, ME Blacher, J Mourad, JJ London, G Frohlich, ED
Citation: Me. Safar et al., What does STOP-2 tell us about management of hypertension?, LANCET, 355(9204), 2000, pp. 651-652

Authors: Safar, M Blacher, J London, G
Citation: M. Safar et al., Pulse pressure and hypertension., ARCH MAL C, 93(11), 2000, pp. 1377-1380

Authors: Santoro, A Panzetta, G Tessitore, N Atti, M Mancini, E Esteban, J London, G Ara, JM Miguel, JL Neumann, KH Opatrny, K Perez, R Perrone, B Wizemann, V Zucchelli, P
Citation: A. Santoro et al., A prospective randomised European multicentre study of medium-long run mortality and morbidity comparing acetate-free biofiltration and bicarbonate dialysis, J NEPHROL, 12(6), 1999, pp. 375-382

Authors: Adam, I Aleksan, R Aston, D Bailly, P Beigbeder, C Benayoun, M Benkebil, M Bonneaud, G Breton, D Briand, H Brown, D Bourgeois, P Chauveau, J Cizeron, R Cohen-Tanugi, J Convery, M Dardin, S David, P De Domenico, G de la Vaissiere, C de Lesquen, A Del Buono, L Doser, M Emery, S Fouque, G Gaidot, A Gastaldi, F Genat, JF Geld, T Gosset, L Hale, D de Monchenault, GH Hamon, O Hoecker, A Imbault, D Kadel, RW Kadyk, J Kalelkar, M Karolak, M Kawahara, H Krueger, H Le Diberder, F Lebbolo, H Leruste, PH London, G Long, M Lory, J Lu, A Lutz, AM Lynch, G Mancinelli, G McCulloch, M McShurley, D Malchow, R Matricon, P Mayer, B Meadows, B Micout, P Muller, D Narjoux, JL Noppe, JM Oshatz, D Oxoby, G Plano, R Plaszczynski, S Pripstein, M Rasson, J Ratcliff, B Reif, R Renard, C Roos, L Roussot, E Salnikov, A Sarazin, X Schune, MH Schwiening, J Sen, S Shelkov, V Sokoloff, M Staengle, H Spanier, S Stiles, P Stone, R Thiebaux, C Truong, K Toki, W Valassi, A Vasileiadis, G Vasseur, G Va'vra, J Verderi, M Versille, S Warner, D Weber, T Weber, TF Wenzel, W Wilson, R Wormser, G Yeche, C Yellin, S Zhang, B Zito, M
Citation: I. Adam et al., The DIRC detector at BaBar, NUCL INST A, 433(1-2), 1999, pp. 121-127

Authors: Antokhin, E Buzykaev, A Chupyra, A Fedorov, D Ganzhur, S Kolachev, G Litvinov, A Medvedko, A Mikerov, V Mikhailov, S Onuchin, A Singatulin, S Aleksan, R Bourgeois, P Gosset, L Graffin, P London, G Mols, JP Toussaint, JC Berndt, M Coombes, R Ecklund, S Jensen, D Keller, L Krebs, J Lynch, H Wolf, Z
Citation: E. Antokhin et al., Simulation and measurement of the fringe field of the 1.5 T BABAR solenoid, NUCL INST A, 432(1), 1999, pp. 24-47

Authors: Blacher, J Bortolotto, L Iaria, P London, G Safar, M
Citation: J. Blacher et al., Evaluation of the individual absolute cardiovascular risk: A mathematical equation and/or arterial measurement, ARCH MAL C, 92(7), 1999, pp. 887-891
Risultati: 1-15 |