Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>
Results: 1-25/141

Authors: Lopez, J Ramirez, C Torres, A Abad, MJ Barral, L Cano, J Diez, FJ
Citation: J. Lopez et al., Isothermal curing by dynamic mechanical analysis of three epoxy resin systems: Gelation and vitrification, J APPL POLY, 83(1), 2002, pp. 78-85

Authors: Heister, A Schael, S Barate, R De Bonis, I Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, C Jezequel, S Lees, JP Martin, F Merle, E Minard, MN Pietrzyk, B Trocme, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Lopez, J Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Paneque, D Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D De Filippis, N de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Barklow, T Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Gianotti, F Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Hutchcroft, DE Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Lemaitre, V Maley, P Mato, P Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Valassi, A Ward, JJ Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Dessagne, S Falvard, A Fayolle, D Gay, P Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Pascolo, JM Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Brient, JC Machefert, F Rouge, A Swynghedauw, M Tanaka, R Videau, H Focardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Chalmers, M Halley, AW Kennedy, J Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raeven, B Smith, D Thompson, AS Wasserbaeck, S Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hepp, V Kluge, EE Leibenguth, G Putzer, A Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Davies, G Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Nowell, J Przysiezniak, H Rutherford, S Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC White, R Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Thacker, E Bowdery, CK Clarke, DP Ellis, G Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Pearson, MR Robertson, NA Smizanska, M Giehl, I Holldorfer, F Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Krocker, M Muller, AS Nurnberger, HA Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Schmeling, S Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Ziegler, T Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Curtil, C Ealet, A Fouchez, D Leroy, O Kachelhoffer, T Payre, P Rousseau, D Tilquin, A Aleppo, M Gilardoni, S Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, G Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Settles, R Stenzel, H Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Serin, L Veillet, JJ Videau, I de Regie, JBD Yuan, C Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giammanco, A Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Awunor, O Blair, GA Coles, J Cowan, G Garcia-Bellido, A Green, MG Jones, LT Medcalf, T Misiejuk, A Strong, JA Teixeira-Dias, P Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Boumediene, D Colas, P Fabbro, B Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Rosowsky, A Seager, P Trabelsi, A Tuchming, B Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N Litke, AM Loomis, C Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Hodgson, PN Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Hess, J Ngac, A Prange, G Sieler, U Borean, C Giannini, G He, H Putz, J Rothberg, J Armstrong, SR Cranmer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saadi, Y Scott, LJ von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Walsh, J Wiedenmann, W Wu, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, G
Citation: A. Heister et al., Measurement of triple gauge-boson couplings at LEP energies up to 189 GeV, EUR PHY J C, 21(3), 2001, pp. 423-441

Authors: Barate, R Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, P Jezequel, S Lees, JP Martin, F Merle, E Minard, MN Pietrzyk, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Lopez, J Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Paneque, D Ruiz, H Colalco, A Creanza, D De Filippis, N de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Gianotti, F Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Hutchcroft, DE Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Lemaitre, V Maley, P Mato, P Minten, A Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Schmitt, M Schneider, O Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Valassi, A Ward, JJ Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Dessagne, S Falvard, A Fayolle, D Gay, P Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Pascolo, JM Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Brient, JC Machefert, F Rouge, A Swynghedauw, M Tanaka, R Videau, H Forcardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Chalmers, M Halley, AW Kennedy, J Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raeven, B Smith, D Teixeira-Dias, P Thompson, AS Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hepp, V Kluge, EE Leibenguth, G Putzer, A Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Davies, G Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Nowell, J Przysiezniak, H Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC Thomson, E White, R Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Thacker, E Bowdery, CK Clarke, DP Ellis, G Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Pearson, MR Robertson, NA Smizanska, M Giehl, I Holldorfer, F Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Krocker, M Muller, AS Nurnberger, HA Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Schmeling, S Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Ziegler, T Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Curtil, C Ealet, A Fouchez, D Leroy, O Kachelhoffer, T Payre, P Rousseau, D Tilquin, A Aleppo, M Gilardoni, S Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, G Heister, A Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Schael, S Settles, R Stenzel, H Wiedenmann, W Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Serin, L Veillet, JJ Videau, I de Regie, JBD Yuan, C Zerwas, D Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giammanco, A Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Blair, GA Coles, J Cowan, G Green, MG Jones, LT Medcalf, T Strong, JA von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Boumediene, D Colas, P Fabbro, B Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Rosowsky, A Seager, P Trabelsi, A Tuchming, B Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N Loomis, C Litke, AM Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Hodgson, PN Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Hess, J Misiejuk, A Prange, G Sieler, U Borean, C Giannini, G Gobbo, B He, H Putz, J Rothberg, J Wasserbaech, S Armstrong, SR Cranmer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saddi, Y Scott, IJ Walsh, J Wu, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, G
Citation: R. Barate et al., Search for R-parity violating decays of supersymmetric particles in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies from 189 GeV to 202 GeV, EUR PHY J C, 19(3), 2001, pp. 415-428

Authors: Kurunczi, P Lopez, J Shah, H Becker, K
Citation: P. Kurunczi et al., Excimer formation in high-pressure microhollow cathode discharge plasmas in helium initiated by low-energy electron collisions, INT J MASS, 205(1-3), 2001, pp. 277-283

Authors: Grosse, S Yurkovskaya, AV Lopez, J Vieth, HM
Citation: S. Grosse et al., Field dependence of chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP) in the photoreaction of N-acetyl histidine with 2,2 '-dipyridyl in aqueous solution, J PHYS CH A, 105(26), 2001, pp. 6311-6319

Authors: Curet, MJ Weber, DM Sae, A Lopez, J
Citation: Mj. Curet et al., Effects of helium pneumoperitoneum in pregnant ewes, SURG ENDOSC, 15(7), 2001, pp. 710-714

Authors: Siegel, D Lopez, J Meier, J Cunningham, F
Citation: D. Siegel et al., Changes in the pharmacologic treatment of hypertension in the department of veterans affairs 1997-1999: Decreased use of calcium antagonists and increased use of beta-blockers and thiazide diuretics, AM J HYPERT, 14(9), 2001, pp. 957-962

Authors: Faura, F Lopez, J Hernandez, J
Citation: F. Faura et al., On the optimum plunger acceleration law in the slow shot phase of pressuredie casting machines, INT J MACH, 41(2), 2001, pp. 173-191

Authors: Barre, F Lopez, J
Citation: F. Barre et J. Lopez, On a 3D extension of the MOTIF method (ISO 12085), INT J MACH, 41(13-14), 2001, pp. 1873-1880

Authors: Fores, P Lopez, J Rodriguez, A Harran, R
Citation: P. Fores et al., Endoscopy of the upper airways and the proximal digestive tract in the donkey (Equus asinus), J EQUINE V, 21(1), 2001, pp. 17-20

Authors: Caillot, D Couaillier, JF Bernard, A Casasnovas, O Denning, DW Mannone, L Lopez, J Couillault, G Piard, F Vagner, O Guy, H
Citation: D. Caillot et al., Increasing volume and changing characteristics of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis on sequential thoracic computed tomography scans in patients with neutropenia, J CL ONCOL, 19(1), 2001, pp. 253-259

Authors: Barate, R Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, C Jezequel, S Lees, JP Martin, F Merle, E Minard, MN Pietrzyk, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Lopez, J Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Paneque, D Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D De Filippis, N de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, C Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, C Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, G Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, J Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Gianotti, F Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Hutchcroft, DE Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Lemaitre, V Maley, P Mato, P Minten, A Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Schmitt, M Schneider, O Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Valassi, A Ward, JJ Wright, AE Ajaltouni, Z Badaud, F Dessagne, S Falvard, A Fayolle, D Gay, P Henrard, P Jousset, J Michel, B Monteil, S Montret, JC Pallin, D Pascolo, JM Perret, P Podlyski, F Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Brient, JC Machefert, F Rouge, A Swynghedauw, M Tanaka, R Videau, H Focardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, C Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Chalmers, M Halley, AW Kennedy, J Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raeven, B Smith, D Teixeira-Dias, P Thompson, AS Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hepp, V Kluge, EE Leibenguth, G Putzer, A Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Davies, G Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Nowell, J Przysiezniak, H Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC Thomson, E White, R Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Tracker, E Bowdery, CK Buck, PG Clarke, DP Ellis, G Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Robertson, NA Smizanska, M Giehl, I Holldorfer, F Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Krocker, M Muller, AS Nurnberger, HA Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Schmeling, S Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Ziegler, T Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Curtil, C Ealet, A Fouchez, D Leroy, O Kachelhoffer, T Payre, P Rousseau, D Tilquin, A Aleppo, M Gilardoni, S Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, C Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Schael, S Settles, R Stenzel, H Wiedenmann, W Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Serin, L Veillet, JJ Videau, I de Regie, JBD Yuan, C Zerwas, D Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giammanco, A Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Blair, GA Coles, J Cowan, G Green, MG Jones, LT Medcalf, T Strong, JA von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Boumediene, D Colas, P Fabbro, B Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Rosowsky, A Seager, P Trabelsi, A Tuchming, B Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N Loomis, C Litke, AM Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Hodgson, PN Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Hess, J Misiejuk, A Prange, G Sieler, U Borean, C Giannini, C Gobbo, B He, H Putz, J Rothberg, J Wasserbaech, S Armstrong, SR Cranmer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saadi, Y Scott, IJ Walsh, J Wu, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, C
Citation: R. Barate et al., Searches for neutral Higgs bosons in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-massenergies from 192 to 202 GeV, PHYS LETT B, 499(1-2), 2001, pp. 53-66

Authors: Barate, R De Bonis, I Decamp, D Ghez, P Goy, C Jezequel, S Lees, JP Martin, F Merle, E Minard, MN Pietrzyk, B Bravo, S Casado, MP Chmeissani, M Crespo, JM Fernandez, E Fernandez-Bosman, M Garrido, L Grauges, E Lopez, J Martinez, M Merino, G Miquel, R Mir, LM Pacheco, A Paneque, D Ruiz, H Colaleo, A Creanza, D De Filippis, N de Palma, M Iaselli, G Maggi, G Maggi, M Nuzzo, S Ranieri, A Raso, G Ruggieri, F Selvaggi, G Silvestris, L Tempesta, P Tricomi, A Zito, C Huang, X Lin, J Ouyang, Q Wang, T Xie, Y Xu, R Xue, S Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, W Abbaneo, D Azzurri, P Barklow, T Boix, G Buchmuller, O Cattaneo, M Cerutti, F Clerbaux, B Dissertori, G Drevermann, H Forty, RW Frank, M Gianotti, F Greening, TC Hansen, JB Harvey, J Hutchcroft, DE Janot, P Jost, B Kado, M Lemaitre, V Maley, P Mato, P Minten, A Moutoussi, A Ranjard, F Rolandi, L Schlatter, D Schmitt, M Schneider, O Spagnolo, P Tejessy, W Teubert, F Tournefier, E Valassi, A Ward, JJ Wright, AE Hansen, JD Hansen, JR Hansen, PH Nilsson, BS Waananen, A Daskalakis, G Kyriakis, A Markou, C Simopoulou, E Vayaki, A Blondel, A Brient, JC Machefert, F Rouge, A Swynghedauw, M Tanaka, R Videau, H Focardi, E Parrini, G Zachariadou, K Antonelli, A Antonelli, M Bencivenni, G Bologna, G Bossi, F Campana, P Capon, G Chiarella, V Laurelli, P Mannocchi, G Murtas, F Murtas, GP Passalacqua, L Pepe-Altarelli, M Chalmers, M Halley, AW Kennedy, J Lynch, JG Negus, P O'Shea, V Raeven, B Smith, D Teixeira-Dias, P Thompson, AS Cavanaugh, R Dhamotharan, S Geweniger, C Hanke, P Hepp, V Kluge, EE Leibenguth, G Putzer, A Tittel, K Werner, S Wunsch, M Beuselinck, R Binnie, DM Cameron, W Davies, G Dornan, PJ Girone, M Marinelli, N Nowell, J Przysiezniak, H Sedgbeer, JK Thompson, JC Thomson, E White, R Ghete, VM Girtler, P Kneringer, E Kuhn, D Rudolph, G Bouhova-Thacker, E Bowdery, CK Clarke, DP Ellis, G Finch, AJ Foster, F Hughes, G Jones, RWL Pearson, MR Robertson, NA Smizanska, M Giehl, I Holldorfer, F Jakobs, K Kleinknecht, K Krocker, M Muller, AS Nurnberger, HA Quast, G Renk, B Rohne, E Sander, HG Schmeling, S Wachsmuth, H Zeitnitz, C Ziegler, T Bonissent, A Carr, J Coyle, P Curtil, C Ealet, A Fouchez, D Leroy, O Kachelhoffer, T Payre, P Rousseau, D Tilquin, A Aleppo, M Gilardoni, S Ragusa, F David, A Dietl, H Ganis, G Heister, A Huttmann, K Lutjens, G Mannert, C Manner, W Moser, HG Schael, S Settles, R Stenzel, H Wolf, G Boucrot, J Callot, O Davier, M Duflot, L Grivaz, JF Heusse, P Jacholkowska, A Serin, L Veillet, JJ Videau, I de Regie, JBD Yuan, C Zerwas, D Bagliesi, G Boccali, T Calderini, G Ciulli, V Foa, L Giammanco, A Giassi, A Ligabue, F Messineo, A Palla, F Sanguinetti, G Sciaba, A Sguazzoni, G Tenchini, R Venturi, A Verdini, PG Blair, GA Goles, J Cowan, G Green, MG Jones, LT Medcalf, T Strong, JA Clifft, RW Edgecock, TR Norton, PR Tomalin, IR Bloch-Devaux, B Boumediene, D Colas, P Fabbro, B Lancon, E Lemaire, MC Locci, E Perez, P Rander, J Renardy, JF Rosowsky, A Seager, P Trabelsi, A Tuchming, B Vallage, B Konstantinidis, N Loomis, C Litke, AM Taylor, G Booth, CN Cartwright, S Combley, F Hodgson, PN Lehto, M Thompson, LF Affholderbach, K Bohrer, A Brandt, S Grupen, C Hess, J Misiejuk, A Prange, G Sieler, U Borean, C Giannini, G Gobbo, B He, H Putz, J Rothberg, J Wasserbaech, S Armstrong, SR Cranmer, K Elmer, P Ferguson, DPS Gao, Y Gonzalez, S Hayes, OJ Hu, H Jin, S Kile, J McNamara, PA Nielsen, J Orejudos, W Pan, YB Saadi, Y Scott, IJ von Wimmersperg-Toeller, JH Walsh, J Wiedenmann, W Wu, J Wu, SL Wu, X Zobernig, G
Citation: R. Barate et al., Search for supersymmetric particles in e(+)e(-) collisions at root s up to202 GeV and mass limit for the lightest neutralino, PHYS LETT B, 499(1-2), 2001, pp. 67-84

Authors: Lopez, J Lisboa, PN Passos, WAC Ortiz, WA Araujo-Moreira, FM
Citation: J. Lopez et al., Magnetic relaxation and magnetization field dependence measurements in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3, J MAGN MAGN, 226, 2001, pp. 500-501

Authors: Portela, JR Lopez, J Nebot, E de la Ossa, EM
Citation: Jr. Portela et al., Elimination of cutting oil wastes by promoted hydrothermal oxidation, J HAZARD M, 88(1), 2001, pp. 95-106

Authors: Ramirez, C Abad, MJ Cano, J Lopez, J Nogueira, P Barral, L
Citation: C. Ramirez et al., Enthalpy relaxation in an epoxy-cycloaliphatic amine resin, COLLOID P S, 279(2), 2001, pp. 184-189

Authors: Fantidis, P Fernandez-Ortiz, A Aragoncillo, P de Prada, TP Sanmartin, M Lopez, J Sabate, M Escaned, J Alfonso, F Hernandez, R Macaya, CBYC
Citation: P. Fantidis et al., Effect of cAMP on endothelial cell function and fibromuscular proliferation in an injured swine carotid and coronary artery, REV ESP CAR, 54(8), 2001, pp. 981-989

Authors: Carballeira, A Vazquez, MD Lopez, J
Citation: A. Carballeira et al., Biomonitoring of sporadic acidification of rivers on the basis of release of preloaded cadmium from the aquatic bryophyte Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw., ENVIR POLLU, 111(1), 2001, pp. 95-106

Authors: Lopez, J Pernot, C Aho, S Caillot, D Vagner, O Dalle, F Durnet-Archeray, MJ Chavanet, P Bonnin, A
Citation: J. Lopez et al., Decrease in Candida albicans strains with reduced susceptibility to fluconazole following changes in prescribing policies, J HOSP INF, 48(2), 2001, pp. 122-128

Authors: Lopez, J Lisboa, PN Passos, WAC Ortiz, WA Araujo-Moreira, FM de Lima, OF Schaniel, D Ghosh, K
Citation: J. Lopez et al., Magnetic relaxation behavior in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 - art. no. 224422, PHYS REV B, 6322(22), 2001, pp. 4422

Authors: Caparros, T Lopez, J Grau, T
Citation: T. Caparros et al., Early enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with a high-protein diet enriched with arginine, fiber, and antioxidants compared with a standard high-protein diet. The effect on nosocomial infections and outcome, J PARENT EN, 25(6), 2001, pp. 299-309

Authors: Lopez, J Dalle, F Mantelin, P Moiroux, P Nierlich, AC Pacot, A Cuisenier, B Vagner, O Bonnin, A
Citation: J. Lopez et al., Rapid identification of Candida glabrata based on trehalose and sucrose assimilation using Rosco diagnostic tablets, J CLIN MICR, 39(3), 2001, pp. 1172-1174

Authors: Costas, RC Lopez, J
Citation: Rc. Costas et J. Lopez, Application of the sequential elution technique to determine Cd and Cu cellular location in Ulva lactuca linnaeus, ARCH ENV C, 41(4), 2001, pp. 427-435

Authors: Hervas, J de Lara, FCM Lopez, J Gomez-Villamandos, JC Guerrero, MJ Moreno, A
Citation: J. Hervas et al., Granulomatous (pseudotumoral) iridociclitis associated with leishmaniasis in a cat, VET REC, 149(20), 2001, pp. 624-625

Authors: Venter, JC Adams, MD Myers, EW Li, PW Mural, RJ Sutton, GG Smith, HO Yandell, M Evans, CA Holt, RA Gocayne, JD Amanatides, P Ballew, RM Huson, DH Wortman, JR Zhang, Q Kodira, CD Zheng, XQH Chen, L Skupski, M Subramanian, G Thomas, PD Zhang, JH Miklos, GLG Nelson, C Broder, S Clark, AG Nadeau, C McKusick, VA Zinder, N Levine, AJ Roberts, RJ Simon, M Slayman, C Hunkapiller, M Bolanos, R Delcher, A Dew, I Fasulo, D Flanigan, M Florea, L Halpern, A Hannenhalli, S Kravitz, S Levy, S Mobarry, C Reinert, K Remington, K Abu-Threideh, J Beasley, E Biddick, K Bonazzi, V Brandon, R Cargill, M Chandramouliswaran, I Charlab, R Chaturvedi, K Deng, ZM Di Francesco, V Dunn, P Eilbeck, K Evangelista, C Gabrielian, AE Gan, W Ge, WM Gong, FC Gu, ZP Guan, P Heiman, TJ Higgins, ME Ji, RR Ke, ZX Ketchum, KA Lai, ZW Lei, YD Li, ZY Li, JY Liang, Y Lin, XY Lu, F Merkulov, GV Milshina, N Moore, HM Naik, AK Narayan, VA Neelam, B Nusskern, D Rusch, DB Salzberg, S Shao, W Shue, BX Sun, JT Wang, ZY Wang, AH Wang, X Wang, J Wei, MH Wides, R Xiao, CL Yan, CH Yao, A Ye, J Zhan, M Zhang, WQ Zhang, HY Zhao, Q Zheng, LS Zhong, F Zhong, WY Zhu, SPC Zhao, SY Gilbert, D Baumhueter, S Spier, G Carter, C Cravchik, A Woodage, T Ali, F An, HJ Awe, A Baldwin, D Baden, H Barnstead, M Barrow, I Beeson, K Busam, D Carver, A Center, A Cheng, ML Curry, L Danaher, S Davenport, L Desilets, R Dietz, S Dodson, K Doup, L Ferriera, S Garg, N Gluecksmann, A Hart, B Haynes, J Haynes, C Heiner, C Hladun, S Hostin, D Houck, J Howland, T Ibegwam, C Johnson, J Kalush, F Kline, L Koduru, S Love, A Mann, F May, D McCawley, S McIntosh, T McMullen, I Moy, M Moy, L Murphy, B Nelson, K Pfannkoch, C Pratts, E Puri, V Qureshi, H Reardon, M Rodriguez, R Rogers, YH Romblad, D Ruhfel, B Scott, R Sitter, C Smallwood, M Stewart, E Strong, R Suh, E Thomas, R Tint, NN Tse, S Vech, C Wang, G Wetter, J Williams, S Williams, M Windsor, S Winn-Deen, E Wolfe, K Zaveri, J Zaveri, K Abril, JF Guigo, R Campbell, MJ Sjolander, KV Karlak, B Kejariwal, A Mi, HY Lazareva, B Hatton, T Narechania, A Diemer, K Muruganujan, A Guo, N Sato, S Bafna, V Istrail, S Lippert, R Schwartz, R Walenz, B Yooseph, S Allen, D Basu, A Baxendale, J Blick, L Caminha, M Carnes-Stine, J Caulk, P Chiang, YH Coyne, M Dahlke, C Mays, AD Dombroski, M Donnelly, M Ely, D Esparham, S Fosler, C Gire, H Glanowski, S Glasser, K Glodek, A Gorokhov, M Graham, K Gropman, B Harris, M Heil, J Henderson, S Hoover, J Jennings, D Jordan, C Jordan, J Kasha, J Kagan, L Kraft, C Levitsky, A Lewis, M Liu, XJ Lopez, J Ma, D Majoros, W McDaniel, J Murphy, S Newman, M Nguyen, T Nguyen, N Nodell, M Pan, S Peck, J Peterson, M Rowe, W Sanders, R Scott, J Simpson, M Smith, T Sprague, A Stockwell, T Turner, R Venter, E Wang, M Wen, MY Wu, D Wu, M Xia, A Zandieh, A Zhu, XH
Citation: Jc. Venter et al., The sequence of the human genome, SCIENCE, 291(5507), 2001, pp. 1304
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>