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Results: 25

Authors: Molinari, G Rohde, M Talay, SR Chhatwal, GS Beckert, S Podbielski, A
Citation: G. Molinari et al., The role played by the group A streptococcal negative regulator Nra on bacterial interactions with epithelial cells, MOL MICROB, 40(1), 2001, pp. 99-114

Authors: Gaita, F Giustetto, C Di Donna, P Richiardi, E Libero, L Brusin, MCR Molinari, G Trevi, G
Citation: F. Gaita et al., Long-term follow-up of right ventricular monomorphic extrasystoles, J AM COL C, 38(2), 2001, pp. 364-370

Authors: Alotto, P Molfino, P Molinari, G
Citation: P. Alotto et al., Optimisation of electromagnetic devices with uncertain parameters and tolerances in the design variables, COMPEL, 20(3), 2001, pp. 808-812

Authors: Biro, O Lowther, DA Molinari, G
Citation: O. Biro et al., Selected papers from the 9th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Computation - Preface, COMPEL, 20(2), 2001, pp. 316-316

Authors: Alotto, P Molfino, P Molinari, G
Citation: P. Alotto et al., A WWW-based tool for the remote optimization of electromagnetic devices, IEEE MAGNET, 37(5), 2001, pp. 3592-3595

Authors: Talay, SR Zock, A Rohde, M Molinari, G Oggioni, M Pozzi, G Guzman, CA Chhatwal, GS
Citation: Sr. Talay et al., Co-operative binding of human fibronectin to SfbI protein triggers streptococcal invasion into respiratory epithelial cells, CELL MICROB, 2(6), 2000, pp. 521-535

Authors: Molinari, G Rohde, M Guzman, CA Chhatwal, GS
Citation: G. Molinari et al., Two distinct pathways for the invasion of Streptococcus pyogenes in non-phagocytic cells, CELL MICROB, 2(2), 2000, pp. 145-154

Authors: Zandrino, F Molinari, G Smeraldi, A Odaglia, G Masperone, MA Sardanelli, F
Citation: F. Zandrino et al., Magnetic resonance imaging of athlete's heart: myocardial mass, left ventricular function, and cross-sectional area of the coronary arteries, EUR RADIOL, 10(2), 2000, pp. 319-325

Authors: Alcaraz, J Alvisi, D Alpat, B Ambrosi, G Anderhub, H Ao, L Arefiev, A Azzarello, P Babucci, E Baldini, L Basile, M Barancourt, D Barao, F Barbier, G Barreira, G Battiston, R Becker, R Becker, U Bellagamba, L Bene, P Berdugo, J Berges, P Bertucci, B Biland, A Bizzaglia, S Blasko, S Boella, G Boschini, M Bourquin, M Bruni, G Buenerd, M Burger, JD Burger, WJ Cai, XD Cavalletti, R Camps, C Cannarsa, P Capell, M Casadei, D Casaus, J Castellini, G Chang, YH Chen, HF Chen, HS Chen, ZG Chernoplekov, NA Chiarini, A Chiueh, TH Chuang, YL Cindolo, F Commichau, V Contin, A Cotta-Ramusino, A Crespo, P Cristinziani, M da Cunha, JP Dai, TS Deus, JD Dinu, N Djambazov, L D'Antone, I Dong, ZR Emonet, P Engelberg, J Eppling, FJ Eronen, T Esposito, G Extermann, P Favier, J Feng, CC Fiandrini, E Finelli, F Fisher, PH Flaminio, R Fluegge, G Fouque, N Galaktionov, Y Gervasi, M Giusti, P Grandi, D Gu, WQ Hangarter, K Hasan, A Hermel, V Hofer, H Huang, MA Hungerford, W Ionica, M Ionica, R Jongmanns, M Karlamaa, K Karpinski, W Kenney, G Kenny, J Kim, W Klimentov, A Kossakowski, R Koutsenko, V Laborie, G Laitinen, T Lamanna, G Laurenti, G Lebedev, A Lee, SC Levi, G Levtchenko, P Liu, CL Liu, HT Lolli, M Lopes, I Lu, G Lu, YS Lubelsmeyer, K Luckey, D Lustermann, W Mana, C Margotti, A Massera, F Mayet, F McNeil, RR Meillon, B Menichelli, M Mezzanotte, F Mezzenga, R Mihul, A Molinari, G Mourao, A Mujunen, A Palmonari, F Pancaldi, G Papi, A Park, IH Pauluzzi, M Pauss, F Perrin, E Pesci, A Pevsner, A Pilastrini, R Pimenta, M Plyaskin, V Pojidaev, V Postema, H Postolache, V Prati, E Produit, N Rancoita, PG Rapin, D Raupach, F Recupero, S Ren, D Ren, Z Ribordy, M Richeux, JP Riihonen, E Ritakari, J Roeser, U Roissin, C Sagdeev, R Santos, D Sartorelli, G von Dratzig, AS Schwering, G Seo, ES Shoutko, V Shoumilov, E Siedling, R Son, D Song, T Steuer, M Sun, GS Suter, H Tang, XW Ting, SCC Ting, SM Tornikoski, M Torromeo, G Torsti, J Trumper, J Ulbricht, J Urpo, S Usoskin, I Valtonen, E Vandenhirtz, J Velcea, F Velikhov, E Verlaat, B Vetlitsky, I Vezzu, F Vialle, JP Viertel, G Vite, D Von Gunten, H Wicki, SW Wallraff, W Wang, BC Wang, JZ Wang, YH Wiik, K Williams, C Wu, SX Xia, PC Yan, JL Yan, LG Yang, CG Yang, M Ye, SW Yeh, P Xu, ZZ Zhang, HY Zhang, ZP Zhao, DX Zhu, GY Zhu, WZ Zhuang, HL Zichichi, A
Citation: J. Alcaraz et al., Protons in near earth orbit, PHYS LETT B, 472(1-2), 2000, pp. 215-226

Authors: Alotto, P Molfino, P Molinari, G
Citation: P. Alotto et al., A combined advancing-front/Delaunay technique for the meshing of curved surfaces in 3D, COMPEL, 19(2), 2000, pp. 195-199

Authors: Alotto, P Girdinio, P Molinari, G Nervi, M
Citation: P. Alotto et al., Hybrid deterministic/stochastic fuzzy methods for the optimization of electromagnetic devices, COMPEL, 19(1), 2000, pp. 30-38

Authors: Bosser, J Carli, C Chanel, M Maccaferri, R Molinari, G Maury, S Mohl, D Tranquille, G
Citation: J. Bosser et al., The production of dense lead-ion beams for the CERN LHC, NUCL INST A, 441(1-2), 2000, pp. 116-122

Authors: Molinari, G Sardanelli, F Zandrino, F Parodi, RC Bertero, G Richaiardi, E Di Donna, P Gaita, F Masperone, MA
Citation: G. Molinari et al., Adipose replacement and wall motion abnormalities in right ventricle arrhythmias: evaluation by MR imaging. Retrospective evaluation on 124 patients (vol 16, pg 105, 2000), INT J CAR I, 16(6), 2000, pp. 485-485

Authors: Molinari, G Sardanelli, F Zandrino, F Balbi, M Masperone, MA
Citation: G. Molinari et al., Value of navigator echo magnetic resonance angiography in detecting occlusion/patency of arterial and venous, single and sequential coronary bypass grafts, INT J CAR I, 16(3), 2000, pp. 149-160

Authors: Molinari, G Sardanelli, F Zandrino, F Parodi, RC Bertero, G Richiardi, E Di Donna, P Gaita, F Masperone, MA
Citation: G. Molinari et al., Adipose replacement and wall motion abnormalities in right ventricle arrhythmias: evaluation by MR imaging. Retrospective evaluation on 124 patients, INT J CAR I, 16(2), 2000, pp. 105-115

Authors: Sardanelli, F Molinari, G Zandrino, F Balbi, M
Citation: F. Sardanelli et al., Three-dimensional, navigator-echo MR coronary angiography in detecting stenoses of the major epicardial vessels, with conventional coronary angiography as the standard of reference, RADIOLOGY, 214(3), 2000, pp. 808-814

Authors: Janssen, R Riley, CP McLatchie, RCF Glasgow, C Gutierrez, T Simkin, J Brochet, P Furmaniak, C Gillon, F Molinari, G Alotto, P Lemoine, JF Drago, G
Citation: R. Janssen et al., An environment for the optimization of electromagnetic design, IEEE MAGNET, 36(4), 2000, pp. 1640-1644

Authors: Molinari, G Chhatwal, GS
Citation: G. Molinari et Gs. Chhatwal, Streptococcal invasion, CURR OPIN M, 2(1), 1999, pp. 56-61

Authors: Alcaraz, J Alvisi, D Alpat, B Ambrosi, G Anderhub, H Ao, L Arefiev, A Azzarello, P Babucci, E Baldini, L Basile, M Barancourt, D Barao, F Barbier, G Barreira, G Battison, R Becker, R Becker, U Bellagamba, L Bene, P Berdugo, J Berges, P Bertucci, B Biland, A Bizzaglia, S Blasko, S Boella, G Bourquin, M Bruni, G Buenerd, M Burger, JD Burger, WJ Cai, XD Cavalletti, R Camps, C Cannarsa, P Capell, M Casadei, D Casaus, J Castellini, G Chang, YH Chen, HS Chen, ZG Chernoplekov, NA Chiarini, A Chiueh, TH Chuang, YL Cindolo, F Commichau, V Contin, A Cotta-Ramusino, A Crespo, P Cristinziani, M da Cunha, JP Dai, TS Deus, JD Ding, LK Dinu, N Djambazov, L D'Antone, I Dong, ZR Emonet, P Eppling, FJ Eronen, T Esposito, G Extermann, P Favier, J Feng, CC Fiandrini, E Finelli, F Fisher, PH Flaminio, R Fluegge, G Fouque, N Galaktionov, Y Gervasi, M Giusti, P Gu, WQ Guzik, TG Hangarter, K Hasan, A Hermel, V Hofer, H Huang, MA Hungerford, W Ionica, M Ionica, R Isbert, J Jongmanns, M Karpinski, W Kenney, G Kenny, J Kim, W Klimentov, A Krieger, J Kossakowski, R Koutsenko, V Laborie, G Laitinen, T Lamanna, G Laurenti, G Lebedev, A Lee, SC Levi, G Levtchenko, P Li, TP Liu, CL Liu, HT Lolli, M Lopes, I Lu, G Lu, YS Lubelsmeyer, K Luckey, D Lustermann, W Maehlum, G Mana, C Margotti, A Massera, F Mayet, F McNeil, RR Meillon, B Menichelli, M Mezzanotte, F Mezzenga, R Mihul, A Molinari, G Mourao, A Mujunen, A Palmonari, F Pancaldi, G Papi, A Park, IH Pauluzzi, M Pauss, F Perrin, E Pesci, A Pevsner, A Pilastrini, R Pimenta, M Plyaskin, V Pojidaev, V Postema, H Prati, E Produit, N Rancoita, PG Rapin, D Raupach, F Recupero, S Ren, D Ren, Z Ribordy, M Richeux, JP Riihonen, E Ritakari, J Roeser, U Roissin, C Sagdeev, R Santos, D Sartorelli, G von Dratzig, AS Schwering, C Shoutko, V Shoumilov, E Siedling, R Son, D Song, T Steuer, M Sun, GS Suter, H Tang, XW Ting, SCC Ting, SM Tenbusch, F Torromeo, G Torsti, J Trumper, J Ulbricht, J Urpo, S Usoskin, I Valtonen, E Vandenhirtz, J Velikhov, E Verlaat, B Vetlitsky, I Vezzu, F Vialle, JP Viertel, G Vite, D Von Gunten, H Wicki, SW Wallraff, W Wang, BC Wang, JZ Wang, YH Wefel, JP Werner, EA Williams, C Wu, SX Xia, PC Yan, JL Yan, LG Yang, CG Yang, M Yeh, P Zhang, HY Zhao, DX Zhu, GY Zhu, WZ Zhuang, HL Zichichi, A
Citation: J. Alcaraz et al., Search for antihelium in cosmic rays, PHYS LETT B, 461(4), 1999, pp. 387-396

Authors: Richter, KR Lowther, DA Molinari, G
Citation: Kr. Richter et al., Selected papers from the 8th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria, 1998 - Preface, COMPEL, 18(3), 1999, pp. 235-235

Authors: Bosser, J Carli, C Chanel, T Hill, C Lombardi, A Maccaferri, R Maury, S Mohl, D Molinari, G Rossi, S Tanke, E Tranquille, G Vretenar, M
Citation: J. Bosser et al., Experimental investigation of electron cooling and stacking of lead ions in a low energy accumulation ring, PART ACCEL, 63(3), 1999, pp. 171-210

Authors: Guzman, CA Talay, SR Molinari, G Medina, E Chhatwal, GS
Citation: Ca. Guzman et al., Protective immune response against Streptococcus pyogenes in mice after intranasal vaccination with the fibronectin binding protein SfbI, J INFEC DIS, 179(4), 1999, pp. 901-906

Authors: Molinari, G Chhatwal, GS
Citation: G. Molinari et Gs. Chhatwal, Role played by the fibronectin-binding protein SfbI (protein F1) of Streptococcus pyogenes in bacterial internalization by epithelial cells, J INFEC DIS, 179(4), 1999, pp. 1049-1050

Authors: Medina, E Molinari, G Rohde, M Haase, B Chhatwal, GS Guzman, CA
Citation: E. Medina et al., Fc-mediated nonspecific binding between fibronectin-binding protein I of Streptococcus pyogenes and human immunoglobulins, J IMMUNOL, 163(6), 1999, pp. 3396-3402

Authors: Alotto, P Molfino, P Molinari, G Nervi, M Orlando, R
Citation: P. Alotto et al., Three-dimensional coupled thermo-magnetic analysis of toroidal field coilsof resistive high field tokamaks by FEM, COMPEL, 17(5-6), 1998, pp. 576-584
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