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Results: 15

Authors: Ronnow, HM McMorrow, DF Harrison, A Youngson, ID Coldea, R Perring, TG Aeppli, G Syljuasen, O
Citation: Hm. Ronnow et al., Correlations and fluctuations in the 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet, J MAGN MAGN, 236(1-2), 2001, pp. 4-5

Authors: Perring, TG Adroja, DT Chaboussant, G Aeppli, G Kimura, T
Citation: Tg. Perring et al., Spin waves in the bilayer manganite La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7, x=0.35, J MAGN MAGN, 226, 2001, pp. 860-862

Authors: Perring, TG Adroja, DT Chaboussant, G Aeppli, G Kimura, T Tokura, Y
Citation: Tg. Perring et al., Spectacular doping dependence of interlayer exchange and other results on spin waves in bilayer manganites - art. no. 217201, PHYS REV L, 8721(21), 2001, pp. 7201

Authors: Ronnow, HM McMorrow, DF Coldea, R Harrison, A Youngson, ID Perring, TG Aeppli, G Syljuasen, O Lefmann, K Rischel, C
Citation: Hm. Ronnow et al., Spin dynamics of the 2D spin 1/2 quantum antiferromagnet copper deuteroformate tetradeuterate (CFTD) - art. no. 037202, PHYS REV L, 8703(3), 2001, pp. 7202-NIL_134

Authors: Coldea, R Hayden, SM Aeppli, G Perring, TG Frost, CD Mason, TE Cheong, SW Fisk, Z
Citation: R. Coldea et al., Spin waves and electronic interactions in La2CuO4, PHYS REV L, 86(23), 2001, pp. 5377-5380

Authors: Adams, CP Mason, TE Fawcett, E Menshikov, AZ Frost, CD Forsyth, JB Perring, TG Holden, TM
Citation: Cp. Adams et al., High-energy magnetic excitations and anomalous spin-wave damping in FeGe2, J PHYS-COND, 12(39), 2000, pp. 8487-8493

Authors: Stockert, O Hayden, SM Perring, TG Aeppli, G
Citation: O. Stockert et al., Magnetic fluctuations in paramagnetic chromium, PHYSICA B, 281, 2000, pp. 701-702

Authors: Coldea, R Hayden, SM Aeppli, G Perring, TG Frost, CD Mason, TE Cheong, SW Fisk, Z
Citation: R. Coldea et al., Spin excitations and exchange couplings in the cuprate antiferromagnet La2CuO4, PHYSICA B, 276, 2000, pp. 592-593

Authors: Chaboussant, G Perring, TG Aeppli, G Tokura, Y
Citation: G. Chaboussant et al., Spin dynamics in the 2D colossal-magnetoresistive ferromagnet La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7, PHYSICA B, 276, 2000, pp. 801-802

Authors: Hayden, SM Doubble, R Aeppli, G Perring, TG Fawcett, E
Citation: Sm. Hayden et al., Strongly enhanced magnetic excitations near the quantum critical point of Cr1-xVx and why strong exchange enhancement need not imply heavy fermion behavior, PHYS REV L, 84(5), 2000, pp. 999-1002

Authors: Aeppli, G Bishop, DJ Broholm, C Bucher, E Cheong, SW Dai, P Fisk, Z Hayden, SM Kleiman, R Mason, TE Mook, HA Perring, TG Schroeder, A
Citation: G. Aeppli et al., Neutron scattering and the search for mechanisms of superconductivity, PHYSICA C, 318, 1999, pp. 9-17

Authors: Aeppli, G Hayden, SM Dai, P Mook, HA Hunt, RD Perring, TG Dogan, F
Citation: G. Aeppli et al., The weights of various features in the magnetic spectra of cuprates, PHYS ST S-B, 215(1), 1999, pp. 519-522

Authors: Itoh, S Endoh, Y Kakurai, K Tanaka, H Bennington, SM Perring, TG Ohoyama, K Harris, MJ Nakajima, K Frost, CD
Citation: S. Itoh et al., Spin dynamics in S=3/2 one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets CsVCl3 and CsVBr3, PHYS REV B, 59(22), 1999, pp. 14406-14416

Authors: Dai, PC Mook, HA Hayden, SM Aeppli, G Perring, TG Hunt, RD Dogan, F
Citation: Pc. Dai et al., The magnetic excitation spectrum and thermodynamics of high-T-c superconductors, SCIENCE, 284(5418), 1999, pp. 1344-1347

Authors: Perring, TG Aeppli, G Kimura, T Tokura, Y Adams, MA
Citation: Tg. Perring et al., Ordered stack of spin valves in a layered magnetoresistive perovskite, PHYS REV B, 58(22), 1998, pp. R14693-R14696
Risultati: 1-15 |