Results: 1-9 |
Results: 9

Authors: Di Noto, R Pane, F Camera, A Luciano, L Barone, M Lo Pardo, C Boccuni, P Intrieri, M Izzo, B Villa, MR Macri, M Rotoli, B Sacchetti, L Salvatore, F Del Vecchio, L
Citation: R. Di Noto et al., Characterization of two novel cell lines, DERL-2 (CD56(+)/CD3(+)/TCR gammadelta(+)) and DERL-7 (CD56(+)/CD3(-)/TCR gamma delta(-)), derived from a single patient with CD56(+) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, LEUKEMIA, 15(10), 2001, pp. 1641-1649

Authors: Ravaglia, G Forti, P Maioli, F Orlanducci, P Sacchetti, L Flisi, E Dalmonte, E Martignani, A Cucinotta, D Cavalli, G
Citation: G. Ravaglia et al., Conselice study: A population based survey of brain aging in a municipality of the Emilia Romagna region: (AUSL Ravenna). Design and methods, ARCH GER G, 2001, pp. 313-324

Authors: Ravaglia, G Forti, P Maioli, F Bianchi, GP Vettori, C Nesi, B Sacchetti, L Orlanducci, P Cavalli, G
Citation: G. Ravaglia et al., Oxidative stress and dementia in oldest-old subjects, ARCH GER G, 2001, pp. 325-331

Authors: Rubba, P Panico, S Bond, MG Covetti, G Celentano, E Iannuzzi, A Galasso, R Belisario, MA Pastinese, A Sacchetti, L Mancini, M Salvatore, F
Citation: P. Rubba et al., Site-specific atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries of middle-aged women from southern Italy - Associations with traditional risk factors and oxidation markers, STROKE, 32(9), 2001, pp. 1953-1959

Authors: Fortunato, G Castaldo, G Oriani, G Cerini, R Intrieri, M Molinaro, E Gentile, I Borgia, G Piazza, M Salvatore, F Sacchetti, L
Citation: G. Fortunato et al., Multivariate discriminant function based on six biochemical markers in blood can predict the cirrhotic evolution of chronic hepatitis, CLIN CHEM, 47(9), 2001, pp. 1696-1700

Authors: Sacchetti, L Tinto, N Calcagno, G Improta, P Salvatore, F
Citation: L. Sacchetti et al., Multiplex PCR typing of the three most frequent HLA alleles in celiac disease, CLIN CHIM A, 310(2), 2001, pp. 205-207

Authors: Troncone, R Maurano, F Rossi, M Micillo, M Greco, L Auricchio, R Salerno, G Salvatore, F Sacchetti, L
Citation: R. Troncone et al., IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase: An effective diagnostic test for celiac disease, J PEDIAT, 134(2), 1999, pp. 166-171

Authors: Castaldo, G Intrieri, M Castellano, L de Sio, I Blanco, CD Sacchetti, L Salvatore, F
Citation: G. Castaldo et al., Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase isoform complexed to LDL in the diagnosis of small hepatocellular carcinoma, CLIN CHEM, 45(7), 1999, pp. 1100-1102

Authors: Sacchetti, L Calcagno, G Coto, I Tinto, N Vuttariello, E Salvatore, F
Citation: L. Sacchetti et al., Efficiency of two different nine-loci short tandem repeat systems for DNA typing purposes, CLIN CHEM, 45(2), 1999, pp. 178-183
Risultati: 1-9 |