Results: 1-11 |
Results: 11

Authors: Andronic, A Reisdorf, W Alard, JP Barret, V Basrak, Z Bastid, N Bendarag, A Berek, G Caplar, R Crochet, P Devismes, A Dupieux, P Dzelalija, M Finck, C Fodor, Z Gobbi, A Grishkin, Y Hartmann, ON Herrmann, N Hildenbrand, KD Hong, B Kecskemeti, J Kim, YJ Kirejczyk, M Koczon, P Korolija, M Kotte, R Kress, T Kutsche, R Lebedev, A Leifels, Y Neubert, W Pelte, D Petrovici, M Rami, F de Schauenburg, B Schull, D Seres, Z Sikora, B Sim, KS Simion, V Siwek-Wilczynska, K Smolyankin, V Stockmeier, MR Stoicea, G Wagner, P Wisniewski, K Wohlfarth, D Yushmanov, I Zhilin, A
Citation: A. Andronic et al., Differential directed flow in Au plus Au collisions - art. no. 041604, PHYS REV C, 6404(4), 2001, pp. 1604

Authors: Pagano, A Aiello, S Alderighi, M Anzalone, A Baldo, M Barna, R Bartolucci, M Berceanu, I Bonasera, A Borderie, B Botvina, A Bougault, R Bruno, M Cardella, G Cavallaro, S Colonna, M D'Agostino, M D'Amico, E Dayras, R De Cesare, N De Filippo, E De Pasquale, D Di Toro, M Femino, S Fuschini, E Geraci, E Geraci, M Giustolisi, F Grzeszczuk, A Guazzoni, P Guinet, D Iacono-Manno, M Italiano, A Kolwaski, S Lanzano, G Lanzalone, G Le Neindre, N Li, S Lombardo, U Lo Nigro, S Maiolino, C Mahboub, D Manfredi, G Margagliotti, G Moisa, D Paduszynski, T Papa, M Petrovici, CM Piasecki, E Pirrone, S Politi, G Pollacco, E Pop, A Porto, F Rapisarda, A Rivet, MF Rosato, E Sambataro, S Sechi, G Simion, V Sperduto, ML Steckmeyer, JC Sutera, C Trifiro, A Trimarchi, M Vannini, G Vigilante, M Wilczynski, J Wu, H Xiao, Z Zetta, L Zipper, W
Citation: A. Pagano et al., Physics with the Chimera detector at LNS in Catania: The REVERSE experiment, NUCL PHYS A, 681, 2001, pp. 331C-338C

Authors: Andronic, A Stoicea, G Petrovici, M Simion, V Crochet, P Alard, JP Averbeck, R Barret, V Basrak, Z Bastid, N Bendarag, A Berek, G Caplar, R Devismes, A Dupieux, P Dzelalija, M Eskef, M Finck, C Fodor, Z Gobbi, A Grishkin, Y Hartmann, ON Herrmann, N Hildenbrand, KD Hong, B Kecskemeti, J Kim, YJ Kirejczyk, M Korolija, M Kotte, R Kress, T Kutsche, R Lebedev, A Lee, KS Leifels, Y Manko, V Merlitz, H Neubert, W Pelte, D Plettner, C Rami, F Reisdorf, W de Schauenburg, B Schull, D Seres, Z Sikora, B Sim, KS Siwek-Wilczynska, K Smolyankin, V Stockmeier, MR Vasiliev, M Wagner, P Wisniewski, K Wohlfarth, D Yushmanov, I Zhilin, A
Citation: A. Andronic et al., Transition from in-plane to out-of-plane azimuthal enhancement in Au plus Au collisions, NUCL PHYS A, 679(3-4), 2001, pp. 765-792

Authors: Pop, A Andronic, A Berceanu, I Duma, M Moisa, D Petrovici, M Simion, V Bonasera, A Imme, G Lanzano, G Pagano, A Raciti, G Colonna, N d'Erasmo, G Pantaleo, A Feldmeier, H Schnack, J
Citation: A. Pop et al., Global features of dissipative processes in light heavy-ion collisions, NUCL PHYS A, 679(3-4), 2001, pp. 793-823

Authors: Wisniewski, K Crochet, P Herrmann, N Andronic, A Averbeck, R Devismes, A Finck, C Gobbi, A Hartmann, O Hildenbrand, KD Koczon, P Kress, T Kutsche, R Leifels, Y Reisdorf, W Schull, D Alard, JP Barret, V Basrak, Z Bastid, N Belyaev, I Bendarag, A Berek, G Caplar, R Cindro, N Dupieux, P Dzelalija, M Eskef, M Fodor, Z Grishkin, Y Hong, B Kecskemeti, J Kim, YJ Kirejczyk, M Korolija, M Kotte, R Kowalczyk, M Lebedev, A Lee, KS Manko, V Merlitz, H Mohren, S Moisa, D Neubert, W Nianine, A Pelte, D Petrovici, M Plettner, C Rami, F de Schauenburg, B Seres, Z Sikora, B Sim, KS Simion, V Siwek-Wilczynska, K Smolyankin, V Somov, A Stockmeier, M Stoicea, G Vasiliev, M Wagner, P Wohlfarth, D Yang, JT Yushmanov, I Zhilin, A
Citation: K. Wisniewski et al., Direct comparison of phase-space distribution of K- and K+ mesons in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies - evidence for in-medium modifications of kaons?, EUR PHY J A, 9(4), 2000, pp. 515-519

Authors: Crochet, P Herrmann, N Wisniewski, K Leifels, Y Andronic, A Averbeck, R Devismes, A Finck, C Gobbi, A Hartmann, O Hildenbrand, KD Koczon, P Kress, T Kutsche, R Reisdorf, W Schull, D Alard, JP Barret, V Basrak, Z Bastid, N Belyaev, I Bendarag, A Berek, G Caplar, R Cindro, N Dupieux, P Dzelalija, M Eskef, M Fodor, Z Grishkin, Y Hong, B Kecskemeti, J Kim, YJ Kirejczyk, M Korolija, M Kotte, R Kowalczyk, M Lebedev, A Lee, KS Manko, V Merlitz, H Mohren, S Moisa, D Neubert, W Nianine, A Pelte, D Petrovici, M Plettner, C Rami, F de Schauenburg, B Seres, Z Sikora, B Sim, KS Simion, V Siwek-Wilczynska, K Smolyankin, V Somov, A Stockmeier, M Stoicea, G Vasiliev, M Wagner, P Wohlfarth, D Yang, JT Yushmanov, I Zhilin, A
Citation: P. Crochet et al., Sideward flow of K+ mesons in Ru plus Ru and Ni plus Ni reactions near threshold, PHYS LETT B, 486(1-2), 2000, pp. 6-12

Authors: Rami, F Leifels, Y de Schauenburg, B Gobbi, A Hong, B Alard, JP Andronic, A Averbeck, R Barret, V Basrak, Z Bastid, N Belyaev, I Bendarag, A Berek, G Caplar, R Cindro, N Crochet, P Devismes, A Dupieux, P Dzelalija, M Eskef, M Finck, C Fodor, Z Folger, H Fraysse, L Genoux-Lubain, A Grigorian, Y Grishkin, Y Herrmann, N Hildenbrand, KD Kecskemeti, J Kim, YJ Koczon, P Kirejczyk, M Korolija, M Kotte, R Kowalczyk, M Kress, T Kutsche, R Lebedev, A Lee, KS Manko, V Merlitz, H Mohren, S Moisa, D Mosner, J Neubert, W Nianine, A Pelte, D Petrovici, M Pinkenburg, C Plettner, C Reisdorf, W Ritman, J Schull, D Seres, Z Sikora, B Sim, KS Simion, V Siwek-Wilczynska, K Somov, A Stockmeier, MR Stoicea, G Vasiliev, M Wagner, P Wisniewski, K Wohlfarth, D Yang, JT Yushmanov, I Zhilin, A
Citation: F. Rami et al., Isospin tracing: A probe of nonequilibrium in central heavy-ion collisions, PHYS REV L, 84(6), 2000, pp. 1120-1123

Authors: Rami, F Crochet, P Dona, R de Schauenburg, B Wagner, P Alard, JP Andronic, A Basrak, Z Bastid, N Belyaev, I Bendarag, A Berek, G Best, D Caplar, R Devismes, A Dupieux, P Dzelalija, M Eskef, M Fodor, Z Gobbi, A Grishkin, Y Herrmann, N Hildenbrand, KD Hong, B Kecskemeti, J Kirejczyk, M Korolija, M Kotte, R Lebedev, A Leifels, Y Merlitz, H Mohren, S Moisa, D Neubert, W Pelte, D Petrovici, M Pinkenburg, C Plettner, C Reisdorf, W Schull, D Seres, Z Sikora, B Simion, V Siwek-Wilczynska, K Stoicea, G Stockmeir, M Vasiliev, M Wisniewski, K Wohlfarth, D Yushmanov, I Zhilin, A
Citation: F. Rami et al., Flow angle from intermediate mass fragment measurements, NUCL PHYS A, 646(3), 1999, pp. 367-384

Authors: Berceanu, I Andronic, A Duma, M Moisa, D Petrovici, M Pop, A Simion, V Del Zoppo, A D'Erasmo, G Imme, G Lanzano, G Pagano, A Pantaleo, A Raciti, G
Citation: I. Berceanu et al., Fluctuations of the second order observables for dissipative processes in F-19+Al-27 system, PRAMANA-J P, 53(3), 1999, pp. 419-424

Authors: Pop, A Andronic, A Berceanu, I Duma, M Moisa, D Petrovici, M Simion, V Imme, G Lanzano, G Pagano, A Raciti, G Coniglione, R Del Zoppo, A Piatelli, P Sapienza, P Colonna, N d'Erasmo, G Pantaleo, A
Citation: A. Pop et al., Dissipative processes in light heavy ion collisions, PRAMANA-J P, 53(3), 1999, pp. 437-441

Authors: Eskef, M Pelte, D Goebels, G Hafele, E Herrmann, N Korolija, M Leifels, Y Merlitz, H Mohren, S Stockmeier, MR Trzaska, M Alard, JP Andronic, A Averbeck, R Basrak, Z Bastid, N Belyaev, I Best, D Buta, A Caplar, R Cindro, N Coffin, JP Crochet, P Dupieux, P Dzelalija, M Fraysse, L Fodor, Z Genoux-Lubain, A Gobbi, A Hildenbrand, KD Hong, B Jundt, F Kecskemeti, J Kirejczyk, M Kotte, R Kutsche, R Lebedev, A Manko, V Mosner, J Moisa, D Neubert, W Petrovici, M Pinkenburg, C Plettner, C Pras, P Rami, F Ramillien, V Reisdorf, W Ritman, JL de Schauenburg, B Schull, D Seres, Z Sikora, B Simion, V Siwek-Wilczynska, K Smolyankin, V Vasiliev, MA Wagner, P Wang, GS Wisniewski, K Wohlfarth, D Zhilin, A
Citation: M. Eskef et al., Identification of baryon resonances in central heavy-ion collisions at energies between 1 and 2 AGeV, EUR PHY J A, 3(4), 1998, pp. 335-349
Risultati: 1-11 |