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Acciarri, M
Achard, P
Adriani, O
Aguilar-Benitez, M
Alcaraz, J
Alemanni, G
Allaby, J
Aloisio, A
Alviggi, MG
Ambrosi, G
Anderhub, H
Andreev, VP
Angelescu, T
Anselmo, F
Arefiev, A
Azemoon, T
Aziz, T
Bagnaia, P
Baksay, L
Balandras, A
Ball, RC
Banerjee, S
Banerjee, S
Barczyk, A
Barillere, R
Barone, L
Bartalini, P
Basile, M
Battiston, R
Bay, A
Becattini, F
Becker, U
Behner, F
Bellucci, L
Berdugo, J
Berges, P
Bertucci, B
Betev, BL
Bhattacharya, S
Biasini, M
Biland, A
Blaising, JJ
Blyth, SC
Bobbink, GJ
Bohm, A
Boldizsar, L
Borgia, B
Bourilkov, D
Bourquin, M
Braccini, S
Branson, JG
Brigljevic, V
Brochu, F
Buffini, A
Buijs, A
Burger, JD
Burger, WJ
Button, A
Cai, XD
Campanelli, M
Capell, M
Romeo, GC
Carlino, G
Cartacci, AM
Casaus, J
Castellini, G
Cavallari, F
Cavallo, N
Cecchi, C
Cerrada, M
Cesaroni, F
Chamizo, M
Chang, YH
Chaturvedi, UK
Chemarin, H
Chen, A
Chen, G
Chen, GM
Chen, HF
Chen, HS
Chiefari, G
Cifarelli, L
Cindolo, F
Civinini, C
Clare, I
Clare, R
Coignet, G
Colijn, AP
Colino, N
Costantini, S
Cotorobai, F
Cozzoni, B
de la Cruz, B
Csilling, A
Cucciarelli, S
Dai, TS
van Dalen, JA
D'Alessandro, R
de Asmundis, R
Deglon, P
Degre, A
Deiters, K
della Volpe, D
Denes, P
DeNotaristefani, F
De Salvo, A
Diemoz, M
van Dierendonck, D
Di Lodovico, F
Dionisi, C
Dittmar, M
Dominguez, A
Doria, A
Dova, MT
Duchesneau, D
Dufournaud, D
Duinker, P
Duran, I
El Mamouni, H
Engler, A
Eppling, FJ
Erne, FC
Extermann, P
Fabre, M
Faccini, R
Falagan, MA
Falciano, S
Favara, A
Fay, J
Fedin, O
Felcini, M
Ferguson, T
Ferroni, F
Fesefeldt, H
Fiandrini, E
Field, JH
Filthaut, F
Fisher, PH
Fisk, I
Forconi, G
Fredj, L
Freudenreich, K
Furetta, C
Galaktionov, Y
Ganguli, SN
Garcia-Abia, P
Gataullin, M
Gau, SS
Gentile, S
Gheordanescu, N
Giagu, S
Gong, ZF
Grenier, G
Grimm, O
Gruenewald, MW
Guida, M
van Gulik, R
Gupta, VK
Gurtu, A
Gutay, LJ
Haas, D
Hasan, A
Hatzifotiadou, D
Hebbecker, T
Herve, A
Hidas, P
Hirschfelder, J
Hofer, H
Holzner, G
Hoorani, H
Hou, SR
Iashvili, I
Jin, BN
Jones, LW
de Jong, P
Josa-Mutuberria, I
Khan, RA
Kaur, M
Kienzle-Focacci, MN
Kim, D
Kim, DH
Kim, JK
Kim, SC
Kirkby, J
Kiss, D
Kittel, W
Klimentov, A
Konig, AC
Kopp, A
Koutsenko, V
Kraber, M
Kraemer, RW
Krenz, W
Kruger, A
Kunin, A
de Guevara, PL
Laktineh, I
Landi, G
Lassila-Perini, K
Lebeau, M
Lebedev, A
Lebrun, P
Lecomte, P
Lecoq, P
Le Coultre, P
Lee, HJ
Le Goff, JM
Leiste, R
Leonardi, E
Levtchenko, P
Li, C
Likhoded, S
Lin, CH
Lin, WT
Linde, FL
Lista, L
Liu, ZA
Lohmann, W
Longo, E
Lu, YS
Lubelsmeyer, K
Luci, C
Luckey, D
Lugnier, L
Luminari, L
Lustermann, W
Ma, WG
Maity, M
Malgeri, L
Malinin, A
Mana, C
Mangeol, D
Marchesini, P
Marian, G
Martin, JP
Marzano, F
Massaro, GGG
Mazumdar, K
McNeil, RR
Mele, S
Merola, L
Meschini, M
Metzger, WJ
von der Mey, M
Mihul, A
Milcent, H
Mirabelli, G
Mnich, J
Mohanty, GB
Molnar, P
Monteleoni, B
Moulik, T
Muanza, GS
Muheim, F
Muijs, AJM
Musy, M
Napolitano, M
Nessi-Tedaldi, F
Newman, H
Niessen, T
Nisati, A
Nowak, H
Oh, YD
Organtini, G
Oulianov, A
Palomares, C
Pandoulas, D
Paoletti, S
Paolucci, P
Paramatti, R
Park, HK
Park, IH
Pascale, G
Passaleva, G
Patricelli, S
Paul, T
Pauluzzi, M
Paus, C
Pauss, F
Pedace, M
Pensotti, S
Perret-Gallix, D
Petersen, B
Piccolo, D
Pierella, F
Pieri, M
Piroue, PA
Pistolesi, E
Plyaskin, V
Pohl, M
Pojidaev, V
Postema, H
Pothier, J
Produit, N
Prokofiev, DO
Prokofiev, D
Quartieri, J
Rahal-Callot, G
Rahaman, MA
Raics, P
Raja, N
Ramelli, R
Rancoita, PG
Raspereza, A
Raven, G
Razis, P
Ren, D
Rescigno, M
Reucroft, S
van Rhee, T
Riemann, S
Riles, K
Robohm, A
Rodin, J
Roe, BP
Romero, L
Rosca, A
Rosier-Lees, S
Rubio, JA
Ruschmeier, D
Rykaczewski, H
Saremi, S
Sarkar, S
Salicio, J
Sanchez, E
Sanders, MP
Sarakinos, ME
Schafer, C
Schegelsky, V
Schmidt-Kaerst, S
Schmitz, D
Schopper, H
Schotanus, DJ
Schwering, G
Sciacca, C
Sciarrino, D
Seganti, A
Servoli, L
Shevchenko, S
Shivarov, N
Shoutko, V
Shumilov, E
Shvorob, A
Siedenburg, T
Son, D
Smith, B
Spillantini, P
Steuer, M
Stickland, DP
Stone, A
Stone, H
Stoyanov, B
Straessner, A
Sudhakar, K
Sultanov, G
Sun, LZ
Suter, H
Swain, JD
Szillasi, Z
Sztaricskai, T
Tang, XW
Tauscher, L
Taylor, L
Timmermans, C
Ting, SCC
Ting, SM
Tonwar, SC
Toth, J
Tully, C
Tung, KL
Uchida, Y
Ulbricht, J
Valente, E
Vesztergombi, G
Vetlitsky, I
Vicinanza, D
Viertel, G
Villa, S
Vivargent, M
Vlachos, S
Vodopianov, I
Vogel, H
Vogt, H
Vorobiev, I
Vorobyov, AA
Vorvolakos, A
Wadhwa, M
Wallraff, W
Wang, M
Wang, XL
Wang, ZM
Weber, A
Weber, M
Wienemann, P
Wilkens, H
Wu, SX
Wynhoff, S
Xie, L
Xu, ZZ
Yang, BZ
Yang, CG
Yang, HJ
Yang, M
Ye, JB
Yeh, SC
Zalite, A
Zalite, Y
Zhang, ZP
Zhu, GY
Zhu, RY
Zichichi, A
Zilizi, G
Zoller, M
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Muravenko, OV
Kozyrev, S
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Skobeleva, N
Li, JF
Protopopov, A
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