Results: 1-2 |
Results: 2

Authors: van der Heijden, PGM van Gils, G Bouts, J Hox, JJ
Citation: Pgm. Van Der Heijden et al., A comparison of randomized response, computer-assisted self-interview, andface-to-face direct questioning - Eliciting sensitive information in the context of welfare and unemployment benefit, SOCIOL METH, 28(4), 2000, pp. 505-537

Authors: Landsheer, JA Van der Heijden, P van Gils, G
Citation: Ja. Landsheer et al., Trust and understanding, two psychological aspects of randomized response - A study of a method for improving the estimate of social security fraud, QUAL QUANT, 33(1), 1999, pp. 1-12
Risultati: 1-2 |