string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1919' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-45    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-45/45

Authors: F. Corder
Citation: F. Corder, Major versus minor: some curious statistics, Musical quarterly , V(3), 1919, pp. 348-356

Authors: Frederick H. Martens
Citation: Frederick H. Martens, The modern Russian pianoforte sonata, Musical quarterly , V(3), 1919, pp. 357-363

Authors: Charles L. Buchanan
Citation: Charles L. Buchanan, The unvanquishable Tchaikovsky, Musical quarterly , V(3), 1919, pp. 364-389

Authors: Constantin Von Sternberg
Citation: Constantin Von Sternberg, On plagiarism, Musical quarterly , V(3), 1919, pp. 390-397

Authors: J. G. Prod'homme
Citation: J. G. Prod'Homme, Unpublished Berlioziana, Musical quarterly , V(3), 1919, pp. 398-412

Authors: Francis Rogers
Citation: Francis Rogers, The male soprano, Musical quarterly , V(3), 1919, pp. 413-425

Authors: N. Lindsay Norden
Citation: N. Lindsay Norden, A brief study of the Russian liturgy and its music, Musical quarterly , V(3), 1919, pp. 426-450

Citation: , Rudolph E. Schirmer, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 451-452

Authors: Carl Engel
Citation: Carl Engel, The miraculous appeal of mediocrity, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 453-462

Authors: W. H. Grattan Flood
Citation: W. H. Grattan Flood, "Fair Harvard": Irish origin of the tune, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 463-468

Authors: Rudhyar D. Chennevière
Citation: Rudhyar D. Chennevière, Erik Satie and the music of irony, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 469-478

Authors: Orlando A. Mansfield
Citation: Orlando A. Mansfield, Musical discrepancies, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 479-493

Authors: Edward Rimbault Dibdin
Citation: Edward Rimbault Dibdin, Some letters of Mendelssohn, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 494-498

Authors: Natalie Curtis-Burlin
Citation: Natalie Curtis-burlin, Black singers and players, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 499-504

Authors: James Frederick Rogers
Citation: James Frederick Rogers, The three Beethovens, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 505-512

Authors: J.-G. Prod'homme
Citation: J.-g. Prod'Homme, Two hundred and fifty years of the opéra, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 513-537

Authors: William Barclay Squire
Citation: William Barclay Squire, Handel's clock music, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 538-552

Authors: Carl Van Vechten
Citation: Carl Van Vechten, On the relative difficulties of depicting heaven and hell in music, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 553-560

Citation: , Camille Saint-Saëns : a critical estimate, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 561-577

Authors: Phillips Barry
Citation: Phillips Barry, Greek music, Musical quarterly , V(4), 1919, pp. 578-613
Results: 1-25 | 26-45