string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1933' AND fasc_issn='00028282' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-69    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/69

Authors: Frederick, George
Citation: Frederick, George, Accounting, Business Methods, Investments and the Exchanges, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 129-136

Authors: Thompson, Carl D.
Citation: D. Thompson, Carl, Capital and Capitalistic Organization, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 136-140

Authors: Bidwell, Percy W.
Citation: W. Bidwell, Percy, Tariff reform: the case for bargaining, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 137-151

Authors: Graham, Frank D.
Citation: D. Graham, Frank, Labor and Labor Organizations, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 140-145

Citation: , Money, Prices, Credit, and Banking, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 146-159

Authors: Fisher, Ernest M.
Citation: M. Fisher, Ernest, Speculation in suburban lands, American economic review , 23(4), 1933, pp. 152-162

Citation: , Public Finance, Taxation, and Tariff, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 159-165

Authors: Simpson, Herbert D.
Citation: D. Simpson, Herbert, Real estate speculation and the depression, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 163-171

Authors: Kuczynski, Robert R.
Citation: R. Kuczynski, Robert, Population and Migration, American economic review , 23(1), 1933, pp. 165-171

Authors: Engle, Nathanael H.
Citation: H. Engle, Nathanael, Economic phases of the wholesale market, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 189-199

Authors: Ayres, C. E.
Citation: E. Ayres, C., The basis of economic statemanship, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 200-216

Authors: Bradord, Frederick A.
Citation: A. Bradord, Frederick, Social aspect of commercial banking theory, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 217-233

Authors: Buehler, Alfred G.
Citation: G. Buehler, Alfred, Taxation and the minimiin of subsistence, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 234-244

Authors: Neiswanger, W. A.
Citation: A. Neiswanger, W., The expansion of banck credit, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 245-263

Authors: Simmons, Edward C.
Citation: C. Simmons, Edward, Mr. Keynes's Control Scheme, American economic review , 23(2), 1933, pp. 264-273

Authors: Morton, Walter A.
Citation: A. Morton, Walter, The aims of unemployment insurance with especial reerence to the Wisconsin act, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 395-412

Authors: Fetter, Frank Whitson
Citation: Fetter, Frank Whitson, Congressional tariff theory, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 413-427

Authors: Daugherty, Carrol R.
Citation: R. Daugherty, Carrol, Horsepower equipment in the united states, 1869-1929, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 428-440

Authors: Johson, E., A., J.
Citation: J. Johson, E., A.,, Gerard De Malynes and the theory of the foreign exchanges, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 441-455

Authors: Eiteman, Wulford J.
Citation: J. Eiteman, Wulford, The regulation of brokers' loans, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 456-465

Authors: Whittlesey, Charles R.
Citation: R. Whittlesey, Charles, Foreign investment and national gain, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 466-470

Citation: , The hungarian thrift-crown, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 471-474

Authors: Preston, Howard H.
Citation: H. Preston, Howard, The banking act of 1933, American economic review , 23(4), 1933, pp. 585-607

Authors: Comstock, Alzada
Citation: Comstock, Alzada, The british exchange equalization account, American economic review , 23(4), 1933, pp. 608-621

Authors: Hammond, Bray
Citation: Hammond, Bray, The banks, the states and the federal governament, American economic review , 23(4), 1933, pp. 622-636
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-69