string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1935' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-39    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-39/39

Authors: Adele T. Katz
Citation: Adele T. Katz, Heinrich Schenkers's method of analysis, Musical quarterly , XXI(3), 1935, pp. 311-329

Authors: Marc Blitzstein
Citation: Marc Blitzstein, The phenomenon of Stravinsky, Musical quarterly , XXI(3), 1935, pp. 330-347

Authors: Max Schoen
Citation: Max Schoen, The basis of music-mindedness, Musical quarterly , XXI(3), 1935, pp. 348-355

Authors: Victor Belaiev
Citation: Victor Belaiev, Turkish music, Musical quarterly , XXI(3), 1935, pp. 356-367

Authors: Alexander Tcherepnine
Citation: Alexander Tcherepnine, Music in modern China, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 391-400

Authors: Knud Jeppesen
Citation: Knud Jeppesen, On counterpoint, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 401-407

Authors: Ruth Hannas
Citation: Ruth Hannas, Cerone, philosopher and teacher, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 408-422

Authors: Arthur W. Locke
Citation: Arthur W. Locke, Descartes and seventeenth-century music, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 423-431

Authors: Isidore Philipp
Citation: Isidore Philipp, Some recollections of Stephen Heller, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 432-436

Authors: Karl W. Gehrkens
Citation: Karl W. Gehrkens, The psychological basis of conducting, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 437-441

Authors: Otto Ortman
Citation: Otto Ortman, What is tone-quality?, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 442-450

Authors: J. G. Prod'homme
Citation: J. G. Prod'Homme, Chabrier in his letters, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 451-465

Authors: David Ewen
Citation: David Ewen, The Vienna Strausses, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 466-474

Authors: André Coeuroy
Citation: André Coeuroy, Spitteler, writer and musician, Musical quarterly , XXI(4), 1935, pp. 475-483
Results: 1-25 | 26-39