string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1940' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-32    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/32

Authors: Henry Askeli
Citation: Henry Askeli, A sketch of Sibelius the man, Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 1-7

Authors: Max Graf
Citation: Max Graf, The death of a music city (Vienna: 1600-1938), Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 8-18

Authors: Robert Hernried
Citation: Robert Hernried, Hugo Wolf's Corregidor at Mannheim, Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 19-30

Authors: Manfred Bukofzer
Citation: Manfred Bukofzer, Popular polyphony in the Middle Ages, Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 31-49

Authors: Hugh M. Miller
Citation: Hugh M. Miller, Sixteenth-century English faburden compositions for keyboard, Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 50-64

Authors: Hans F. Redlich
Citation: Hans F. Redlich, Egon Wellesz, Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 65-75

Authors: Pierre Soccanne
Citation: Pierre Soccanne, Jenny Colon, the "Somber Star", Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 76-86

Authors: Rodney Gallop
Citation: Rodney Gallop, Otomi Indian music from Mexico, Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 87-100

Authors: Ashley Pettis
Citation: Ashley Pettis, The WPA and the American composer, Musical quarterly , XXVI(1), 1940, pp. 101-112

Authors: Edwin T. Rice
Citation: Edwin T. Rice, Thomas and Central Park Garden, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 143-152

Authors: H. Earle Johnson
Citation: H. Earle Johnson, Early New England periodicals devoted to music, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 153-161

Authors: Otto Kinkeldey
Citation: Otto Kinkeldey, Waldo Selden Pratt: November 10, 1857 - July 29, 1939, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 162-174

Authors: Gisella Selden-Goth
Citation: Gisella Selden-goth, A new collection of music manuscripts in the United States, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 175-185

Authors: Oswald Jonas
Citation: Oswald Jonas, An unknown sketch by Beethoven, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 186-191

Authors: Edward Lockspeiser
Citation: Edward Lockspeiser, The French song in the 19th century, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 192-199

Authors: Emile Haraszti
Citation: Emile Haraszti, Berlioz, Liszt and the Rakoczy March, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 200-231

Authors: Alfred J. Swan
Citation: Alfred J. Swan, The Znamenny chant of the Russian Church: part I, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 232-243

Authors: William G. Hill
Citation: William G. Hill, Noise in piano tone, a qualitative element, Musical quarterly , XXVI(2), 1940, pp. 244-259

Authors: Alexis Kall
Citation: Alexis Kall, Stravinsky in the chair of poetry, Musical quarterly , XXVI(3), 1940, pp. 283-296

Authors: Burnet C. Tuthill
Citation: Burnet C. Tuthill, Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, Musical quarterly , XXVI(3), 1940, pp. 297-310

Authors: Alfred Loewenberg
Citation: Alfred Loewenberg, Gluck's Orfeo on the stage: with some notes on other Orpheus operas, Musical quarterly , XXVI(3), 1940, pp. 311-339

Authors: Rudolf Felber
Citation: Rudolf Felber, Schumann's place in German song, Musical quarterly , XXVI(3), 1940, pp. 340-354

Authors: Edwin H. Pierce
Citation: Edwin H. Pierce, "Gospel hymns" and their tunes, Musical quarterly , XXVI(3), 1940, pp. 355-364

Authors: Alfred J. Swan
Citation: Alfred J. Swan, The Znamenny chant of the Russian Church: part II, Musical quarterly , XXVI(3), 1940, pp. 365-380

Authors: Otto Gombosi
Citation: Otto Gombosi, The melody of Pindar's "golden lyre", Musical quarterly , XXVI(3), 1940, pp. 381-392
Results: 1-25 | 26-32