string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1943' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-33    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/33

Authors: Otto Mayer-Serra
Citation: Otto Mayer-serra, Falla's musical nationalism, Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 1-17

Authors: John W. Klein
Citation: John W. Klein, Stendhal as music critic, Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 18-31

Authors: Fritz Callomon
Citation: Fritz Callomon, Some unpublished Brahms correspondence, Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 32-44

Authors: Edward E. Lowinsky
Citation: Edward E. Lowinsky, The goddess Fortuna in music: with a special study of Josquin's Fortuna dun gran tempo, Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 45-77

Authors: William C. Loring, jr.
Citation: William C. Loring, Jr, Arthur Bird, American, Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 78-91

Authors: Henry G. Mishkin
Citation: Henry G. Mishkin, The solo violin sonata of the Bologna School, Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 92-112

Authors: H. Earle Johnson
Citation: H. Earle Johnson, George K. Jackson, doctor of music (1745-1822), Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 113-121

Authors: Marius Barbeau
Citation: Marius Barbeau, French Canadian folk-songs, Musical quarterly , XXIX(1), 1943, pp. 122-137

Authors: Harold Bauer
Citation: Harold Bauer, Self-portrait of the artist as a young man, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 153-168

Authors: Rudolf Kolisch
Citation: Rudolf Kolisch, Tempo and character in Beethoven's music - part I, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 169-187

Authors: Ralph Hill
Citation: Ralph Hill, Some reflections on music criticism, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 188-197

Authors: Juan Bautista Plaza
Citation: Juan Bautista Plaza, Music in Caracas during the colonial period (1770-1811), Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 198-213

Authors: Francis Rogers
Citation: Francis Rogers, Handel and five prima donnas, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 214-224

Authors: Gerhard Herz
Citation: Gerhard Herz, A "new" Bach portrait, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 225-241

Authors: Hans Nathan
Citation: Hans Nathan, Two inflation songs of the Civil War, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 242-253

Authors: Alfred J. Swan
Citation: Alfred J. Swan, New developments in the transcription of Byzantine melodies, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 254-256

Authors: Gustave Reese
Citation: Gustave Reese, The Hewitt edition of the Odhecaton, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 257-265

Authors: Igor Boelza
Citation: Igor Boelza, A communication from Moscow, Musical quarterly , XXIX(2), 1943, pp. 266-268

Authors: Doron K. Antrim
Citation: Doron K. Antrim, Music in industry, Musical quarterly , XXIX(3), 1943, pp. 275-290

Authors: Rudolf Kolisch
Citation: Rudolf Kolisch, Tempo and character in Beethoven's music - part II, Musical quarterly , XXIX(3), 1943, pp. 291-312

Authors: Jan Lowenbach
Citation: Jan Lowenbach, Czechoslovak composers and musicians in America, Musical quarterly , XXIX(3), 1943, pp. 313-328

Authors: Milo. .afránek
Citation: Milo. .afránek, Bohuslav Martin., Musical quarterly , XXIX(3), 1943, pp. 329-354

Authors: Marion Bauer
Citation: Marion Bauer, Charles T. Griffes as I remember him, Musical quarterly , XXIX(3), 1943, pp. 355-380

Authors: Curt Sachs
Citation: Curt Sachs, The road to major, Musical quarterly , XXIX(3), 1943, pp. 381-404

Authors: Henry Bellamann
Citation: Henry Bellamann, Isidor Philipp, Musical quarterly , XXIX(4), 1943, pp. 417-425
Results: 1-25 | 26-33