string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1944' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-39    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-39/39

Authors: Hugo Leichtentritt
Citation: Hugo Leichtentritt, The reform of Trent and its effect on music, Musical quarterly , XXX(3), 1944, pp. 319-328

Authors: Serge Bertensson
Citation: Serge Bertensson, The Tchaikovsky Museum at Klin, Musical quarterly , XXX(3), 1944, pp. 329-335

Authors: Amédée Gastoué
Citation: Amédée Gastoué, A great French organist, Alexandre Boëly, and his works, Musical quarterly , XXX(3), 1944, pp. 336-344

Authors: Harold Courlander
Citation: Harold Courlander, Notes from an Abyssinian diary, Musical quarterly , XXX(3), 1944, pp. 345-355

Authors: Igor Boelza
Citation: Igor Boelza, Communications - I. from Moscow, Musical quarterly , XXX(3), 1944, pp. 356-367

Authors: Darius Milhaud
Citation: Darius Milhaud, To Arnold Schoenberg on this seventieth birthday: personal recollections, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 379-384

Authors: Heinrich Jalowetz
Citation: Heinrich Jalowetz, On the spontaneity of Schoenberg's music, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 385-408

Authors: Doron K. Antrim
Citation: Doron K. Antrim, Music therapy, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 409-420

Authors: Sergei Prokofieff
Citation: Sergei Prokofieff, The war years, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 421-427

Authors: Carl Parrish
Citation: Carl Parrish, Criticisms of the piano when it was new, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 428-440

Authors: Maurice Dumesnil
Citation: Maurice Dumesnil, Gabriel Dupont, musician of Normandy (1878-1914), Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 441-447

Authors: Arthur Farwell
Citation: Arthur Farwell, America's gain from a Bayreuth romance: the mystery of Anton Seidl, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 448-457

Authors: Hans Tischler
Citation: Hans Tischler, English traits in the early 13th-century motet, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 458-476

Authors: Melville J. Herskovits
Citation: Melville J. Herskovits, Drums and drummers in Afro-Brazilian cult life, Musical quarterly , XXX(4), 1944, pp. 477-492
Results: 1-25 | 26-39