string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1952' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-21    

Articles table of contents

Results : 21

Authors: Willi Reich
Citation: Willi Reich, A guide to Wozzeck, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(1), 1952, pp. 1-21

Authors: Manfred F. Bukofzer
Citation: Manfred F. Bukofzer, Fauxbourdon revisited, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(1), 1952, pp. 22-47

Authors: Mina Curtiss
Citation: Mina Curtiss, Gounod before Faust, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(1), 1952, pp. 48-67

Authors: Egon Wellesz
Citation: Egon Wellesz, Early bizantine neumes, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(1), 1952, pp. 68-79

Authors: George Pullen Jackson
Citation: George Pullen Jackson, Pennsylvania Dutch spirituals, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(1), 1952, pp. 80-84

Authors: Dragan Plamenac
Citation: Dragan Plamenac, A reconstruction of the French Chansonnier in the Biblioteca Colombina, Seville - II, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(1), 1952, pp. 85-117

Authors: Wilfrid Mellers
Citation: Wilfrid Mellers, Recent trends in British music, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(2), 1952, pp. 185-201

Authors: Egon F. Kenton
Citation: Egon F. Kenton, A note on the classification of 16th-century music, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(2), 1952, pp. 202-214

Authors: Oswald Jonas
Citation: Oswald Jonas, A lesson with Beethoven by correspondence, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(2), 1952, pp. 215-221

Authors: Joseph Kerman
Citation: Joseph Kerman, Master Alfonso and the English madrigal, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(2), 1952, pp. 222-244

Authors: Dragan Plamenac
Citation: Dragan Plamenac, A reconstruction of the French Chansonnier in the Biblioteca Colombina, Seville - III, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(2), 1952, pp. 245-277

Authors: H. H. Stuckenschmidt
Citation: H. H. Stuckenschmidt, Synthesis and new experiments: four contemporary German composers, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(3), 1952, pp. 353-368

Authors: Frank Walker
Citation: Frank Walker, Orazio: the history of a pasticcio, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(3), 1952, pp. 369-383

Authors: Curt Sachs
Citation: Curt Sachs, Rhythm and tempo: an introduction, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(3), 1952, pp. 384-398

Authors: Claudio Sartori
Citation: Claudio Sartori, Monteverdiana, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(3), 1952, pp. 399-413

Authors: Sibyl Marcuse
Citation: Sibyl Marcuse, Transposing keyboards on extant Flemish harpsichords, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(3), 1952, pp. 414-425

Authors: Arnold Schoenberg
Citation: Arnold Schoenberg, My evolution, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(4), 1952, pp. 517-527

Authors: Otto Erich Deutsch
Citation: Otto Erich Deutsch, The discovery of Schubert's great C-major symphony: a story in fifteen letters, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(4), 1952, pp. 528-532

Authors: Sol Babitz
Citation: Sol Babitz, A problem of rhythm in Baroque music, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(4), 1952, pp. 533-565

Authors: A. Hyatt King
Citation: A. Hyatt King, A census of Mozart musical autographs in England, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(4), 1952, pp. 566-580

Authors: William C. Holmes
Citation: William C. Holmes, Pamela transformed, Musical quarterly , XXXVIII(4), 1952, pp. 581-594
Results: 1-21