string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1953' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-17    

Articles table of contents

Results : 17

Authors: Albert Mell
Citation: Albert Mell, Paganiniana in the Muller Collection of the New York Public Library, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(1), 1953, pp. 1-25

Authors: William Austin
Citation: William Austin, The idea of evolution in the music of the 20th century, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(1), 1953, pp. 26-36

Authors: Denis Arnold
Citation: Denis Arnold, Giovanni Croce and the concertato style, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(1), 1953, pp. 37-48

Authors: Eta Harich-Schneider
Citation: Eta Harich-schneider, The present condition of Japanese court music, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(1), 1953, pp. 49-74

Authors: H. Earle Johnson
Citation: H. Earle Johnson, The Germania musical society, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(1), 1953, pp. 75-93

Authors: Nigel Fortune
Citation: Nigel Fortune, Italian secular monody from 1600 to 1635: an introductory survey, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(2), 1953, pp. 171-195

Authors: Mina Curtiss
Citation: Mina Curtiss, Fromental Halévy, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(2), 1953, pp. 196-214

Authors: Maurice J. E. Brown
Citation: Maurice J. E. Brown, Schubert's Winterreise, part I, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(2), 1953, pp. 215-222

Authors: H. J. W. Tillyard
Citation: H. J. W. Tillyard, Byzantine music about A.D. 1100, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(2), 1953, pp. 223-231

Authors: Luigi Dallapiccola
Citation: Luigi Dallapiccola, The genesis of the "Canti di prigionia" and "Il prigioniero": an autobiographical fragment, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(3), 1953, pp. 355-372

Authors: Edward E. Lowinsky
Citation: Edward E. Lowinsky, English organ music of the Renaissance - I, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(3), 1953, pp. 373-395

Authors: Jan Chiapusso
Citation: Jan Chiapusso, Bach's attitude towards history, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(3), 1953, pp. 396-414

Authors: Arnold Hartmann, jr.
Citation: Arnold Hartmann, Jr, Battista Guarini and "Il pastor fido", Musical quarterly , XXXIX(3), 1953, pp. 415-425

Authors: Ernst Krenek
Citation: Ernst Krenek, Is the twelve-tone technique on the decline?, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(4), 1953, pp. 513-527

Authors: Edward E. Lowinsky
Citation: Edward E. Lowinsky, English organ music of the Renaissance - II, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(4), 1953, pp. 528-553

Authors: Edward Arthur Lippman
Citation: Edward Arthur Lippman, Symbolism in music, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(4), 1953, pp. 554-575

Authors: K. G. Fellerer
Citation: K. G. Fellerer, Church music and the Council of Trent, Musical quarterly , XXXIX(4), 1953, pp. 576-594
Results: 1-17