string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1954' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-16    

Articles table of contents

Results : 16

Authors: Claude V. Palisca
Citation: Claude V. Palisca, Girolamo Mei: mentor to the Florentine Camerata, Musical quarterly , XL(1), 1954, pp. 1-20

Authors: Jens Peter Larsen
Citation: Jens Peter Larsen, The text of Handel's Messiah, Musical quarterly , XL(1), 1954, pp. 21-28

Authors: Manfred F. Bukofzer
Citation: Manfred F. Bukofzer, John Dunstable: a quincentenary report, Musical quarterly , XL(1), 1954, pp. 29-49

Authors: Nino Pirrotta
Citation: Nino Pirrotta, Temperaments and tendencies in the Florentine Camerata, Musical quarterly , XL(2), 1954, pp. 169-189

Authors: Dragan Plamenac
Citation: Dragan Plamenac, An unknown composition by Dufay?, Musical quarterly , XL(2), 1954, pp. 190-200

Authors: Donald Mintz
Citation: Donald Mintz, Some aspects of the revival of Bach, Musical quarterly , XL(2), 1954, pp. 201-221

Authors: Jill Vlasto
Citation: Jill Vlasto, An Elizabethian anthology of rounds, Musical quarterly , XL(2), 1954, pp. 222-234

Authors: Alfred Einstein
Citation: Alfred Einstein, The conflict of word and tone, Musical quarterly , XL(3), 1954, pp. 329-349

Authors: Mina Curtiss
Citation: Mina Curtiss, Bizet, Offenbach, and Rossini, Musical quarterly , XL(3), 1954, pp. 350-359

Authors: Richard L. Greene
Citation: Richard L. Greene, John Dunstable: a quincentenary supplement, Musical quarterly , XL(3), 1954, pp. 360-363

Authors: Wilfrid Mellers
Citation: Wilfrid Mellers, John Bull and English keyboard music - I, Musical quarterly , XL(3), 1954, pp. 364-383

Authors: William Austin
Citation: William Austin, Santayana as a critic of music, Musical quarterly , XL(4), 1954, pp. 497-508

Authors: John Harley
Citation: John Harley, Music and musicians in Restoration London, Musical quarterly , XL(4), 1954, pp. 509-520

Authors: Ernest Sanders
Citation: Ernest Sanders, "Oberon" and "Zar und Zimmermann", Musical quarterly , XL(4), 1954, pp. 521-532

Authors: Norman Demuth
Citation: Norman Demuth, A musical backwater, Musical quarterly , XL(4), 1954, pp. 533-547

Authors: Wilfrid Mellers
Citation: Wilfrid Mellers, John Bull and English keyboard music - II, Musical quarterly , XL(4), 1954, pp. 548-571
Results: 1-16