string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1955' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-17    

Articles table of contents

Results : 17

Authors: Edward N. Waters
Citation: Edward N. Waters, Liszt and Longfellow, Musical quarterly , XLI(1), 1955, pp. 1-25

Authors: Denis Stevens
Citation: Denis Stevens, A recently discovered English source of the 14th century, Musical quarterly , XLI(1), 1955, pp. 26-40

Authors: H. Wiley Hitchcock
Citation: H. Wiley Hitchcock, The latin oratorios of Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Musical quarterly , XLI(1), 1955, pp. 41-65

Authors: Hans F. Redlich
Citation: Hans F. Redlich, Claudio Monteverdi: some problems of textual interpretation, Musical quarterly , XLI(1), 1955, pp. 66-75

Authors: Nathaniel Burt
Citation: Nathaniel Burt, Opera in Arcadia, Musical quarterly , XLI(2), 1955, pp. 145-170

Authors: Hans Holländer
Citation: Hans Holländer, The music of Leos Janacek - its origin in folklore, Musical quarterly , XLI(2), 1955, pp. 171-176

Authors: Egon Wellesz
Citation: Egon Wellesz, Recent studies in western chant, Musical quarterly , XLI(2), 1955, pp. 177-190

Authors: Nan Cooke Carpenter
Citation: Nan Cooke Carpenter, The study of music at the University of Oxford in the Renaissance (1450-1600), Musical quarterly , XLI(2), 1955, pp. 191-214

Authors: Everett Helm
Citation: Everett Helm, Carl Orff, Musical quarterly , XLI(3), 1955, pp. 285-304

Authors: Nino Pirrotta
Citation: Nino Pirrotta, "Commedia dell'arte" and opera, Musical quarterly , XLI(3), 1955, pp. 305-324

Authors: Bruno Nettl
Citation: Bruno Nettl, Musical culture of the Arapaho, Musical quarterly , XLI(3), 1955, pp. 325-331

Authors: Arthur Mendel
Citation: Arthur Mendel, On the pitches in use in Bach's time - I, Musical quarterly , XLI(3), 1955, pp. 332-360

Authors: Alexander L. Ringer
Citation: Alexander L. Ringer, Willem Pijper and the "Netherlands School" of the 20th century, Musical quarterly , XLI(4), 1955, pp. 427-445

Authors: Donald W. MacArdle Ludwig Misch
Citation: Donald W. Macardle et Ludwig Misch, Minor Beethoveniana, Musical quarterly , XLI(4), 1955, pp. 446-465

Authors: Arthur Mendel
Citation: Arthur Mendel, On the pitches in use in Bach's time - II, Musical quarterly , XLI(4), 1955, pp. 466-480

Authors: Boris Schwarz
Citation: Boris Schwarz, Karol Rathaus, Musical quarterly , XLI(4), 1955, pp. 481-495

Authors: Carl Johann Perl
Citation: Carl Johann Perl, Augustine and music: on the occasion of the 1600th anniversary of the saint, Musical quarterly , XLI(4), 1955, pp. 496-510
Results: 1-17