string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1956' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-24    

Articles table of contents

Results : 24

Authors: Rudolph Reti
Citation: Rudolph Reti, Egon Wellesz, musician and scholar, Musical quarterly , XLII(1), 1956, pp. 1-13

Authors: Ludwig Misch
Citation: Ludwig Misch, Fugue and fugato in Beethoven's variation form, Musical quarterly , XLII(1), 1956, pp. 14-27

Authors: Bruno Nettl
Citation: Bruno Nettl, Notes on infant musical development, Musical quarterly , XLII(1), 1956, pp. 28-34

Authors: William Austin
Citation: William Austin, The music of Robert Palmer, Musical quarterly , XLII(1), 1956, pp. 35-50

Authors: Maurice J. E. Brown
Citation: Maurice J. E. Brown, The posthumous publication of Chopin's songs, Musical quarterly , XLII(1), 1956, pp. 51-65

Authors: Rembert Weakland, O.S.B.
Citation: Rembert Weakland, O.s.b, Hucbald as musician and theorist, Musical quarterly , XLII(1), 1956, pp. 66-84

Authors: Ernst Fritz Schmid
Citation: Ernst Fritz Schmid, Mozart and Haydn, Musical quarterly , XLII(2), 1956, pp. 145-161

Authors: Edward E. Lowinsky
Citation: Edward E. Lowinsky, On Mozart's rhythm, Musical quarterly , XLII(2), 1956, pp. 162-186

Authors: Otto Erich Deutsch
Citation: Otto Erich Deutsch, Some fallacies in Mozart biography, Musical quarterly , XLII(2), 1956, pp. 187-192

Authors: Hans T. David
Citation: Hans T. David, Mozartean modulations, Musical quarterly , XLII(2), 1956, pp. 193-212

Authors: Frederick W. Sternfeld
Citation: Frederick W. Sternfeld, The melodic sources of Mozart's most popular lied, Musical quarterly , XLII(2), 1956, pp. 213-222

Authors: Nathan Broder
Citation: Nathan Broder, The first guide to Mozart, Musical quarterly , XLII(2), 1956, pp. 223-229

Authors: David D. Boyden
Citation: David D. Boyden, In memoriam: Manfred F. Bukofzer (1910-1955), Musical quarterly , XLII(3), 1956, pp. 291-301

Authors: Carl Czerny
Citation: Carl Czerny, Recollections from my life, Musical quarterly , XLII(3), 1956, pp. 302-317

Authors: Arnold Elston
Citation: Arnold Elston, Some rhythmic practices in contemporary music, Musical quarterly , XLII(3), 1956, pp. 318-329

Authors: Leo Schrade
Citation: Leo Schrade, Philippe De Vitry: some new discoveries, Musical quarterly , XLII(3), 1956, pp. 330-354

Authors: Christopher Hatch
Citation: Christopher Hatch, The education of A. W. Thayer, Musical quarterly , XLII(3), 1956, pp. 355-365

Authors: Ernest Brennecke
Citation: Ernest Brennecke, The "Country Cryes" of Richard Deering, Musical quarterly , XLII(3), 1956, pp. 366-376

Authors: Leonard G. Ratner
Citation: Leonard G. Ratner, Eighteenth-century theories of musical period structure, Musical quarterly , XLII(4), 1956, pp. 439-454

Authors: Hans Nathan
Citation: Hans Nathan, Early banjo tunes and American syncopation, Musical quarterly , XLII(4), 1956, pp. 455-472

Authors: Philip Keppler, Jr.
Citation: Philip Keppler, Jr, Some comments on musical quotation, Musical quarterly , XLII(4), 1956, pp. 473-485

Authors: Donald M. McCorkle
Citation: Donald M. Mccorkle, John Antes, "American dilettante", Musical quarterly , XLII(4), 1956, pp. 486-499

Authors: Edward E. Lowinsky
Citation: Edward E. Lowinsky, Matthaeus Greiter's "Fortuna": an experiment in chromaticism and in musical iconography - I, Musical quarterly , XLII(4), 1956, pp. 500-519

Authors: Gertrude P. Kurath
Citation: Gertrude P. Kurath, Antiphonal songs of Eastern woodland Indians, Musical quarterly , XLII(4), 1956, pp. 520-526
Results: 1-24