string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1958' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-20    

Articles table of contents

Results : 20

Authors: Manfred F. Bukofzer
Citation: Manfred F. Bukofzer, Changing aspects of Medieval and Renaissance music, Musical quarterly , XLIV(1), 1958, pp. 1-18

Authors: Jacob Weinberg
Citation: Jacob Weinberg, Sergei Ivanovitch Taneiev, Musical quarterly , XLIV(1), 1958, pp. 19-31

Authors: Martin C. Burton
Citation: Martin C. Burton, Mr. Prencourt and Roger North on teaching music, Musical quarterly , XLIV(1), 1958, pp. 32-39

Authors: Ernest T. Ferand
Citation: Ernest T. Ferand, Embellished "parody cantatas" in the early 18th century, Musical quarterly , XLIV(1), 1958, pp. 40-64

Authors: H. Earle Johnson
Citation: H. Earle Johnson, Young American abroad, Musical quarterly , XLIV(1), 1958, pp. 65-75

Authors: John H. Long
Citation: John H. Long, Sneak's "noyse" heard again?, Musical quarterly , XLIV(1), 1958, pp. 76-81

Authors: Marc Pincherle
Citation: Marc Pincherle, On the rights of the interpreter in the performance of 17th- and 18th-century music, Musical quarterly , XLIV(2), 1958, pp. 145-166

Authors: John Clapham
Citation: John Clapham, The evolution of Dvorak's symphony "From the new world", Musical quarterly , XLIV(2), 1958, pp. 167-183

Authors: Charles Seeger
Citation: Charles Seeger, Prescriptive and descriptive music-writing, Musical quarterly , XLIV(2), 1958, pp. 184-195

Authors: Hugh Baillie
Citation: Hugh Baillie, Nicholas Ludford (c. 1485 - c. 1557), Musical quarterly , XLIV(2), 1958, pp. 196-208

Authors: Edward Arthur Lippman
Citation: Edward Arthur Lippman, The esthetic theories of Richard Wagner, Musical quarterly , XLIV(2), 1958, pp. 209-220

Authors: Hans Nathan
Citation: Hans Nathan, The twelve-tone compositions of Luigi Dallapiccola, Musical quarterly , XLIV(3), 1958, pp. 289-310

Authors: Knud Jeppesen
Citation: Knud Jeppesen, A forgotten master of the early 16th century: Gaspar De Albertis, Musical quarterly , XLIV(3), 1958, pp. 311-328

Authors: John Izon
Citation: John Izon, Italian musicians at the Tudor court, Musical quarterly , XLIV(3), 1958, pp. 329-337

Authors: Konrad Wolff
Citation: Konrad Wolff, Johann Samuel Schroeter, Musical quarterly , XLIV(3), 1958, pp. 338-359

Authors: Boris Schwarz
Citation: Boris Schwarz, Beethoven and the French violin school, Musical quarterly , XLIV(4), 1958, pp. 431-447

Authors: Harold S. Powers
Citation: Harold S. Powers, Mode and raga, Musical quarterly , XLIV(4), 1958, pp. 448-460

Authors: Howard Shanet
Citation: Howard Shanet, Bizet's suppressed symphony, Musical quarterly , XLIV(4), 1958, pp. 461-476

Authors: Rembert Weakland, O.S.B.
Citation: Rembert Weakland, O.s.b, The beginnings of troping, Musical quarterly , XLIV(4), 1958, pp. 477-488

Authors: R. W. Ingram
Citation: R. W. Ingram, Operatic tendencies in Stuart drama, Musical quarterly , XLIV(4), 1958, pp. 489-502
Results: 1-20