string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1960' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-26    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/26

Authors: Woolsey, Theodore D. Dennis, Samuel J. Carter, Hugh Mills, Thomas J. Nassimbene, Raymond Demond, Helen F.
Citation: D. Woolsey, Theodore et al., Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 14(2), 1960, pp. 8-25

Authors: Bowman, Raymond T. Taeuber, Conrad Gehman, Clayton Kristof, Frank S.
Citation: T. Bowman, Raymond et al., Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 14(1), 1960, pp. 10-14

Authors: Riley, Donald C. Knowles, James W.
Citation: C. Riley, Donald et W. Knowles, James, Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 14(5), 1960, pp. 10-11

Authors: Lerner, William Cisar, Frank A. Dennis, Samuel J.
Citation: Lerner, William et al., Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 14(4), 1960, pp. 11-40

Authors: Stringham, Luther Bancroft, Gertrude Fahey, M. Douglas Crowder, Edward T.
Citation: Stringham, Luther et al., Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 14(3), 1960, pp. 11-13

Authors: Tanner, William F.
Citation: F. Tanner, William, Filtering in Geological Sampling, American statistician , 14(5), 1960, pp. 12-21

Authors: Baba, Yoshiyuki Arita, Shozo
Citation: Baba, Yoshiyuki et Arita, Shozo, The Teaching of Statistics in Japan, American statistician , 14(2), 1960, pp. 14-2

Authors: Bancroft, T. A.
Citation: A. Bancroft, T., The Organization of Statistical Instruction in Colleges and Universities, American statistician , 14(5), 1960, pp. 14-21

Authors: Barberi, Benedetto
Citation: Barberi, Benedetto, On the Teaching of Statistics in Italy, American statistician , 14(2), 1960, pp. 14-2

Authors: Shiskin, Julius
Citation: Shiskin, Julius, How Accurate?, American statistician , 14(4), 1960, pp. 15-17

Authors: Madow, William G.
Citation: G. Madow, William, Harold Hotelling as a Teacher, American statistician , 14(3), 1960, pp. 15-17

Authors: Magill, W. A. Whitworth, Fred. E. Ralston, D. L.
Citation: A. Magill, W. et al., Government of Canada Statistical Activities, American statistician , 14(1), 1960, pp. 15-15

Authors: Anderson, T. W.
Citation: W. Anderson, T., Harold Hotelling's Research in Statistics, American statistician , 14(3), 1960, pp. 17-21

Authors: Beach, E. F.
Citation: F. Beach, E., The Teaching of Statistics in Canada, American statistician , 14(5), 1960, pp. 17-18

Authors: Bantegui, Bernardino G.
Citation: G. Bantegui, Bernardino, Recent Statistical Development in the Philippines, American statistician , 14(4), 1960, pp. 19-32

Authors: Meissner, Frank
Citation: Meissner, Frank, Adventures in Statistics via Educational TV, American statistician , 14(2), 1960, pp. 19-20

Authors: Rubin, Ernest
Citation: Rubin, Ernest, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 14(5), 1960, pp. 19-21

Authors: Natrella, Mary G.
Citation: G. Natrella, Mary, The Relation between Confidence Intervals and Tests of Significance-A Teaching Aid, American statistician , 14(1), 1960, pp. 20-38

Authors: Horowitz, C. Morris
Citation: Horowitz, C. Morris, Card Tabulation by Adding Machine, American statistician , 14(2), 1960, pp. 21-25

Authors: Samuelson, Paul A.
Citation: A. Samuelson, Paul, Harold Hotelling as Mathematical Economist, American statistician , 14(3), 1960, pp. 21-25

Authors: Burdick, E. Douglass Seal, K. C.
Citation: Burdick, E. Douglass et C. Seal, K., Statistics in India, American statistician , 14(1), 1960, pp. 23-25

Authors: Poch, F. Azorin
Citation: Poch, F. Azorin, The Teaching of Statistics in Spain, American statistician , 14(4), 1960, pp. 23-26

Authors: Rubin, Ernest
Citation: Rubin, Ernest, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 14(2), 1960, pp. 23-25

Authors: Rubin, Ernest Schell, Emil D.
Citation: Rubin, Ernest et D. Schell, Emil, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 14(4), 1960, pp. 27-30

Citation: , A Note on "Characteristics of the Membership of the American Statistical Association, 1958", American statistician , 14(1), 1960, pp. 27-31
Results: 1-25 | 26-26