string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1960' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25    

Articles table of contents

Results : 25

Authors: Paul Chancellor
Citation: Paul Chancellor, British bards and continental composers, Musical quarterly , XLVI(1), 1960, pp. 1-11

Authors: Nicolas Slonimsky
Citation: Nicolas Slonimsky, The weather at Mozart's funeral, Musical quarterly , XLVI(1), 1960, pp. 12-21

Authors: Michael Tilmouth
Citation: Michael Tilmouth, Nicola Matteis, Musical quarterly , XLVI(1), 1960, pp. 22-40

Authors: Donald W. MacArdle
Citation: Donald W. Macardle, Minor Beethoveniana II, Musical quarterly , XLVI(1), 1960, pp. 41-55

Authors: Edward R. Lerner
Citation: Edward R. Lerner, The "German" works of Alexander Agricola, Musical quarterly , XLVI(1), 1960, pp. 56-66

Authors: Arthur Mendel
Citation: Arthur Mendel, A brief note on triple proportion in Schuetz, Musical quarterly , XLVI(1), 1960, pp. 67-70

Authors: Paul Fromm
Citation: Paul Fromm, The Princeton seminar - its purpose and promise, Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 155-158

Authors: Roger Sessions
Citation: Roger Sessions, Problems and issues facing the composer today, Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 159-171

Authors: Edward T. Cone
Citation: Edward T. Cone, Analysis today, Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 172-188

Authors: Elliott Carter
Citation: Elliott Carter, Shop talk by an American composer, Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 189-201

Authors: Vladimir Ussachevsky
Citation: Vladimir Ussachevsky, Notes on "A piece for tape recorder", Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 202-209

Authors: Ernst Krenek
Citation: Ernst Krenek, Extents and limits of serial techniques, Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 210-232

Authors: Allen Forte
Citation: Allen Forte, Bartok's "serial" composition, Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 233-245

Authors: Milton Babbitt
Citation: Milton Babbitt, Twelve-tone invariants as compositional determinants, Musical quarterly , XLVI(2), 1960, pp. 246-259

Authors: Arthur Mendel
Citation: Arthur Mendel, Recent developments in Bach cronology, Musical quarterly , XLVI(3), 1960, pp. 283-300

Authors: Marcel Dietschy
Citation: Marcel Dietschy, The family and childhood of Debussy, Musical quarterly , XLVI(3), 1960, pp. 301-314

Authors: David D. Boyden
Citation: David D. Boyden, The missing Italian manuscript of Tartini's "Traite des agremens", Musical quarterly , XLVI(3), 1960, pp. 315-328

Authors: Martin Picker
Citation: Martin Picker, Three unidentified chansons by Pierre De La Rue in the "Album de Marguerite D'Autriche", Musical quarterly , XLVI(3), 1960, pp. 329-343

Authors: Claude V. Palisca
Citation: Claude V. Palisca, Vincenzo Galilei and some links between "pseudo-monody" and monody, Musical quarterly , XLVI(3), 1960, pp. 344-360

Authors: Stanley Sadie
Citation: Stanley Sadie, The chamber music of Boyce and Arne, Musical quarterly , XLVI(4), 1960, pp. 425-436

Authors: George S. Golos
Citation: George S. Golos, Some slavic predecessors of Chopin, Musical quarterly , XLVI(4), 1960, pp. 437-447

Authors: Daniel Heartz
Citation: Daniel Heartz, Parisian music publishing under Henry II: a propos of four recently discovered guitar books, Musical quarterly , XLVI(4), 1960, pp. 448-467

Authors: Zdenek Vyborny
Citation: Zdenek Vyborny, Paganini as music critic, Musical quarterly , XLVI(4), 1960, pp. 468-481

Authors: Clyde H. Thompson
Citation: Clyde H. Thompson, Marin Marais's pieces de violes, Musical quarterly , XLVI(4), 1960, pp. 482-499

Authors: David Lloyd-Jones
Citation: David Lloyd-jones, Borodin in Heidelberg, Musical quarterly , XLVI(4), 1960, pp. 500-508
Results: 1-25