string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1961' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-24    

Articles table of contents

Results : 24

Authors: Bowman, Raymond T. Knowles, James W. Hurley, Ray
Citation: T. Bowman, Raymond et al., Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 9-15

Authors: Wolfbein, Seymour L.
Citation: L. Wolfbein, Seymour, Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 15(3), 1961, pp. 11-13

Authors: Knowles, James W. Corcoran, Tom Samuels, Jane Perlman, Jacob
Citation: W. Knowles, James et al., Federal Statistical Activities, American statistician , 15(2), 1961, pp. 11-13

Authors: King, E. P. Deming, W. Edwards Mandel, Leo Somermeijer, W. H.
Citation: P. King, E. et al., Letters to the Editor, American statistician , 15(4), 1961, pp. 12-23

Authors: McHugh, Richard B.
Citation: B. Mchugh, Richard, Confidence Interval Inference and Sample Size Determination, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 14-17

Authors: Craig, C. C.
Citation: C. Craig, C., The First Course in Mathematical Statistics, American statistician , 15(5), 1961, pp. 14-25

Authors: Bernard M. Levin Norman C. Severo
Citation: Bernard M. Levin et Norman C. Severo, Applications of Statistics in Post Office Automation, American statistician , 15(4), 1961, pp. 14-18

Authors: Bross, Irwin D. J.
Citation: J. Bross, Irwin D., Statistical Dogma: A Challenge, American statistician , 15(3), 1961, pp. 14-15

Authors: Willcox, Walter F. Leonard, William R.
Citation: F. Willcox, Walter et R. Leonard, William, Walter F. Willcox: Statist, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 16-19

Authors: Kerrich, J. E.
Citation: E. Kerrich, J., Random Remarks, American statistician , 15(3), 1961, pp. 16-20

Authors: Hoffmann, Robert G.
Citation: G. Hoffmann, Robert, On Teaching Statistics, American statistician , 15(5), 1961, pp. 17-18

Authors: Anderson, Kenneth E.
Citation: E. Anderson, Kenneth, Computation of t by Analysis of Variance, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 18-19

Authors: Rubin, Ernest Sostad, O. M.
Citation: Rubin, Ernest et M. Sostad, O., Questions and Answers, American statistician , 15(5), 1961, pp. 19-21

Authors: Sasso, Roberto
Citation: Sasso, Roberto, The Teaching of Statistics in Costa Rica, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 20-22

Authors: Lieberson, Stanley
Citation: Lieberson, Stanley, Non-Graphic Computation of Kendall's Tau, American statistician , 15(4), 1961, pp. 20-21

Authors: Anscombe, F. J.
Citation: J. Anscombe, F., Bayesian Statistics, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 21-24

Authors: Harter, H. Leon Glick, Paul C. Heer, David M.
Citation: Harter, H. Leon et al., Letter to the Editor, American statistician , 15(3), 1961, pp. 21-27

Authors: Thompson Jr., W. A. Endriss, Jack
Citation: A. Thompson Jr., W. et Endriss, Jack, The Required Sample Size When Estimating Variances, American statistician , 15(3), 1961, pp. 22-23

Authors: Rubin, Ernest Ely, J. Edward
Citation: Rubin, Ernest et Ely, J. Edward, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 23-26

Authors: Rubin, Ernest Richter, Luba
Citation: Rubin, Ernest et Richter, Luba, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 13(5), 1961, pp. 24-27

Authors: Auble, Arthur G.
Citation: G. Auble, Arthur, A Note on the Demographic Base of Household Formations in the 60's, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 25-26

Authors: Schmitt, Robert C.
Citation: C. Schmitt, Robert, Statehood and National Statistics, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 27-30

Authors: Rubin, Ernest
Citation: Rubin, Ernest, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 15(1), 1961, pp. 29-30

Authors: Rubin, Ernest Hoover, Ethel D.
Citation: Rubin, Ernest et D. Hoover, Ethel, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 15(4), 1961, pp. 32-34
Results: 1-24