string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1961' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-22    

Articles table of contents

Results : 22

Authors: Richard Franko Goldman
Citation: Richard Franko Goldman, Aaron Copland, Musical quarterly , XLVII(1), 1961, pp. 1-3

Authors: Boris Schwarz
Citation: Boris Schwarz, Beethoveniana in Soviet Russia, Musical quarterly , XLVII(1), 1961, pp. 4-21

Authors: Robert E. Moore
Citation: Robert E. Moore, The music to Macbeth, Musical quarterly , XLVII(1), 1961, pp. 22-40

Authors: Kurt Von Fischer
Citation: Kurt Von Fischer, On the technique, origin, and evolution of Italian Trecento music, Musical quarterly , XLVII(1), 1961, pp. 41-57

Authors: H. Wiley Hitchcock
Citation: H. Wiley Hitchcock, The instrumental music of Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Musical quarterly , XLVII(1), 1961, pp. 58-72

Authors: Alice Anderson Hufstader
Citation: Alice Anderson Hufstader, Musical references in blue-stocking letters, Musical quarterly , XLVII(1), 1961, pp. 73-90

Authors: Friederich Blume
Citation: Friederich Blume, Requiem but no peace, Musical quarterly , XLVII(2), 1961, pp. 147-169

Authors: Edward N. Waters
Citation: Edward N. Waters, Chopin by Liszt, Musical quarterly , XLVII(2), 1961, pp. 170-194

Authors: Arthur Hutchings
Citation: Arthur Hutchings, The English concerto with or for organ, Musical quarterly , XLVII(2), 1961, pp. 195-206

Authors: Edwin R. Jacobi
Citation: Edwin R. Jacobi, G, F. Nicolai's manuscript of Tartini's "Regole per ben suonar il Violino", Musical quarterly , XLVII(2), 1961, pp. 207-223

Authors: Maurice J. E. Brown
Citation: Maurice J. E. Brown, Schubert: discoveries of the last decade, Musical quarterly , XLVII(3), 1961, pp. 293-314

Authors: Denis Stevens
Citation: Denis Stevens, Where are the vespers of yesteryear?, Musical quarterly , XLVII(3), 1961, pp. 315-330

Authors: Vernon Gotwals
Citation: Vernon Gotwals, Joseph Haydn's last will and testament, Musical quarterly , XLVII(3), 1961, pp. 331-353

Authors: Bruno Nettl
Citation: Bruno Nettl, Polyphony in North American Indian music, Musical quarterly , XLVII(3), 1961, pp. 354-362

Authors: Robert L. Weaver
Citation: Robert L. Weaver, Sixteenth-century instrumentation, Musical quarterly , XLVII(3), 1961, pp. 363-378

Authors: William Schuman
Citation: William Schuman, The compleat musician: Vincent Persichetti and twentieth-century harmony, Musical quarterly , XLVII(3), 1961, pp. 379-385

Authors: Edward T. Cone
Citation: Edward T. Cone, Music: a view from Delft, Musical quarterly , XLVII(4), 1961, pp. 439-453

Authors: Alexander L. Ringer
Citation: Alexander L. Ringer, Clementi and the "Eroica", Musical quarterly , XLVII(4), 1961, pp. 454-468

Authors: Milo. Velimirovi.
Citation: Milo. Velimirovi, Lisztiana, with three unpublished letters, Musical quarterly , XLVII(4), 1961, pp. 469-480

Authors: Harold S. Powers
Citation: Harold S. Powers, "Il serse trasformato" - I, Musical quarterly , XLVII(4), 1961, pp. 481-492

Authors: Barry S. Brook
Citation: Barry S. Brook, The "symphonie concertante": an interim report, Musical quarterly , XLVII(4), 1961, pp. 493-516

Authors: William S. Newman
Citation: William S. Newman, Kirnberger's "Method for tossing off sonatas", Musical quarterly , XLVII(4), 1961, pp. 517-525
Results: 1-22