string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1962' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-22    

Articles table of contents

Results : 22

Authors: Arthur Custer
Citation: Arthur Custer, Contemporary music in Spain, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(1), 1962, pp. 1-18

Authors: Nigel Davison
Citation: Nigel Davison, The motets of Pierre De La Rue, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(1), 1962, pp. 19-35

Authors: Joseph Kerman
Citation: Joseph Kerman, A romantic detail in Schubert's "Schwanengesang", Musical quarterly , XLVIII(1), 1962, pp. 36-49

Authors: Theodore Karp
Citation: Theodore Karp, A lost Medieval chansonnier, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(1), 1962, pp. 50-67

Authors: Claudio Gallico
Citation: Claudio Gallico, Newly discovered documents concerning Monteverdi, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(1), 1962, pp. 68-72

Authors: Harold S. Powers
Citation: Harold S. Powers, "Il serse trasformato" - II, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(1), 1962, pp. 73-92

Authors: Edward Downes
Citation: Edward Downes, The music of Norman Dello Joio, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(2), 1962, pp. 149-172

Authors: Alexander Main
Citation: Alexander Main, Maximilian's second-hand funeral motet, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(2), 1962, pp. 173-189

Authors: Harry R. Edwall
Citation: Harry R. Edwall, Ferdinand IV and Haydn's concertos for "lira organizzata", Musical quarterly , XLVIII(2), 1962, pp. 190-203

Authors: Gloria Rose
Citation: Gloria Rose, The cantatas of Giacomo Carissimi, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(2), 1962, pp. 204-215

Authors: William Austin
Citation: William Austin, Satie before and after Cocteau, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(2), 1962, pp. 216-233

Authors: Albert Cohen
Citation: Albert Cohen, The "fantaisie" for instrumental ensemble in 17th-century France - its origin and significance, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(2), 1962, pp. 234-243

Authors: Edward T. Cone
Citation: Edward T. Cone, The uses of convention: Stravinsky and his models, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(3), 1962, pp. 287-299

Authors: Wilfrid Mellers
Citation: Wilfrid Mellers, Stravinsky's Oedipus as 20th-century hero, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(3), 1962, pp. 300-312

Authors: Lawrence Morton
Citation: Lawrence Morton, Stravinsky and Tchaikovsky : Le Baiser de la fée, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(3), 1962, pp. 313-326

Authors: Robert U. Nelson
Citation: Robert U. Nelson, Stravinsky's concept of variation, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(3), 1962, pp. 327-339

Authors: Boris Schwarz
Citation: Boris Schwarz, Stravinsky in soviet russian criticism, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(3), 1962, pp. 340-361

Authors: Egon F. Kenton
Citation: Egon F. Kenton, The late style of Giovanni Gabrieli, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(4), 1962, pp. 427-443

Authors: Karl H. Worner
Citation: Karl H. Worner, Arnold Schoenberg and the theather, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(4), 1962, pp. 444-460

Authors: Vincent Duckles
Citation: Vincent Duckles, John Jenkins's settings of lyrics by George Herbet, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(4), 1962, pp. 461-475

Authors: W. L. Smoldon
Citation: W. L. Smoldon, The music of the medieval church drama, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(4), 1962, pp. 476-497

Authors: Barry S. Brook
Citation: Barry S. Brook, Simon Le Duc l'aine, a french symphonist at the time od Mozart, Musical quarterly , XLVIII(4), 1962, pp. 498-513
Results: 1-22