string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1965' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-29    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/29

Authors: Halperin, Max Hartley, H. O. Hoel, P. G.
Citation: Halperin, Max et al., Recommended Standards for Statistical Symbols and Notation. COPSS Committee on Symbols and Notation, American statistician , 19(3), 1965, pp. 12-14

Authors: Webb, James E.
Citation: E. Webb, James, Decision-Making and Statistical Standards, American statistician , 19(5), 1965, pp. 16-20

Authors: Kotz, Samuel
Citation: Kotz, Samuel, Statistical Terminology-Russian vs. English-in the Light of the Development of Statistics in the U.S.S.R., American statistician , 19(3), 1965, pp. 16-22

Authors: Cox, Edwin B.
Citation: B. Cox, Edwin, The Teaching of Statistics in Business Schools-A Summary Report, American statistician , 19(1), 1965, pp. 17-19

Citation: , Family Income Distribution Statistics Published by Federal Agencies, American statistician , 19(5), 1965, pp. 18-23

Authors: Gani , J. Spier, A.
Citation: J. Gani , et A. Spier,, The Birth of the Journal of Applied Probability, American statistician , 19(4), 1965, pp. 18-36

Authors: Collins, John F.
Citation: F. Collins, John, Abstract of Remarks by Mayor John F. Collins of Boston, American statistician , 19(2), 1965, pp. 18-19

Authors: Wolfbein, Seymour L.
Citation: L. Wolfbein, Seymour, On the Nature and Conditions of Working Life, American statistician , 19(2), 1965, pp. 19-23

Authors: Eisenhart, Churchill
Citation: Eisenhart, Churchill, Anniversaries in 1965 of Interest to Statisticians, American statistician , 19(5), 1965, pp. 21-29

Authors: Shaw, William H. Benedict, Murray R. Blackwell, David H. Frankel, Lester R. Hauser, Philip H. King, Arnold J. Miller, Kenneth E. Moore, Geoffrey H. Nerlove, Marc Rapkin, Chester Teper, Lazare Watkins, Ralph J.
Citation: H. Shaw, William et al., Report of the Census Advisory Committee of the American Statistical Association, American statistician , 19(1), 1965, pp. 22-22

Authors: Davis, Joseph S. Frankel, Lester R. Stephan, Frederick F. Moore, Geoffrey H.
Citation: S. Davis, Joseph et al., Report of the Subcommittee on Criteria and Principles, American statistician , 19(1), 1965, pp. 22-27

Authors: Watts, Harold W.
Citation: W. Watts, Harold, The Test-O-Gram: A Pedagogical and Presentational Device, American statistician , 19(4), 1965, pp. 22-28

Authors: Ipsen, Johannes
Citation: Ipsen, Johannes, Statistical Hurdles in the Medical Career, American statistician , 19(3), 1965, pp. 22-24

Authors: Tukey, John W.
Citation: W. Tukey, John, The Technical Tools of Statistics, American statistician , 19(2), 1965, pp. 23-28

Authors: Laubscher, Nico F.
Citation: F. Laubscher, Nico, Interpolation in F-Tables, American statistician , 19(1), 1965, pp. 28-40

Authors: Freund, John E.
Citation: E. Freund, John, Puzzle or Paradox?, American statistician , 19(4), 1965, pp. 29-44

Authors: Harris, Lawrence
Citation: Harris, Lawrence, A Note on the Distinction between Enumerative and Analytical Surveys for Business Decisions, American statistician , 19(5), 1965, pp. 29-29

Authors: Satya D. Dubey
Citation: Satya D. Dubey, Statistical Solutions of a Combinatorial Problem, American statistician , 19(4), 1965, pp. 30-31

Authors: Peters, William S.
Citation: S. Peters, William, Some Error Formulas when Occurrences are Known but Non-Occurrences Must Be Estimated, American statistician , 19(5), 1965, pp. 30-31

Authors: Johnson, M. Clemens
Citation: Johnson, M. Clemens, Note on the Computer as an Instructional Tool in Statistics, American statistician , 19(4), 1965, pp. 32-36

Authors: Rothman, Abe Barker, Robert S. Bisgyer, Edgar M
Citation: Rothman, Abe et al., Characteristics of the American Statistical Association Membership, 1964, American statistician , 19(5), 1965, pp. 32-36

Authors: Rubin, Ernest
Citation: Rubin, Ernest, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 19(4), 1965, pp. 33-36

Authors: Rubin, Ernest
Citation: Rubin, Ernest, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 19(1), 1965, pp. 33-35

Authors: Rubin, Ernest Rosenblatt, David
Citation: Rubin, Ernest et Rosenblatt, David, Questions and Answers, American statistician , 19(3), 1965, pp. 36-39

Authors: Wilson, Edwin B.
Citation: B. Wilson, Edwin, Statistics, Then and Now, American statistician , 19(2), 1965, pp. 37-38
Results: 1-25 | 26-29