string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1966' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-21    

Articles table of contents

Results : 21

Authors: Kurt Stone
Citation: Kurt Stone, Ives's fourth symphony : a review, Musical quarterly , LII(1), 1966, pp. 1-16

Authors: Maria Rika Maniates
Citation: Maria Rika Maniates, Mannerist composition in Franco-Flemish polyphony, Musical quarterly , LII(1), 1966, pp. 17-36

Authors: Hasley Stevens
Citation: Hasley Stevens, Some "unknown" works of Bartok, Musical quarterly , LII(1), 1966, pp. 37-55

Authors: Ruth Steiner
Citation: Ruth Steiner, Some monophonic latin songs composed around 1200, Musical quarterly , LII(1), 1966, pp. 56-70

Authors: Eugene K. Wolf
Citation: Eugene K. Wolf, The recapitulations in Haydn's London symphonies, Musical quarterly , LII(1), 1966, pp. 71-89

Authors: Chou Wen-Chung
Citation: Chou Wen-chung, Varese : A sketch of the man and his music, Musical quarterly , LII(2), 1966, pp. 151-170

Authors: R. M. Longyear
Citation: R. M. Longyear, Schiller and opera, Musical quarterly , LII(2), 1966, pp. 171-182

Authors: Richard L. Crocker
Citation: Richard L. Crocker, The troping hypothesis, Musical quarterly , LII(2), 1966, pp. 183-203

Authors: Owen Jander
Citation: Owen Jander, Rhythmic symmetry in the Goldberg variations, Musical quarterly , LII(2), 1966, pp. 204-208

Authors: James R. Anthony
Citation: James R. Anthony, Thematic repetition in the opera-ballets of André Campra, Musical quarterly , LII(2), 1966, pp. 209-220

Authors: Leon B. Plantinga
Citation: Leon B. Plantinga, Schumann's view of "romantic", Musical quarterly , LII(2), 1966, pp. 221-232

Authors: Gastone Belotti
Citation: Gastone Belotti, Three unpublished letters by George Sand and their contribution to Chopin scholarship, Musical quarterly , LII(3), 1966, pp. 283-303

Authors: Alexander L. Ringer
Citation: Alexander L. Ringer, The art of the third guess : Beethoven to Becker to Bartok, Musical quarterly , LII(3), 1966, pp. 304-312

Authors: David Tunley
Citation: David Tunley, The cantatas of Louis Nicholas Clérambault, Musical quarterly , LII(3), 1966, pp. 313-331

Authors: Clement A. Miller
Citation: Clement A. Miller, Erasmus on music, Musical quarterly , LII(3), 1966, pp. 332-349

Authors: Theodore Karp
Citation: Theodore Karp, Towards a critical edition of Notre Dame organa dupla, Musical quarterly , LII(3), 1966, pp. 350-367

Authors: Alexander L. Ringer
Citation: Alexander L. Ringer, The music of George Rochberg, Musical quarterly , LII(4), 1966, pp. 409-430

Authors: Allen B. Skei
Citation: Allen B. Skei, Jacob Handl's Moralia, Musical quarterly , LII(4), 1966, pp. 431-447

Authors: Frederick Neumann
Citation: Frederick Neumann, External evidence and uneven notes, Musical quarterly , LII(4), 1966, pp. 448-464

Authors: Graham George
Citation: Graham George, The structure of dramatic music 1607-1909, Musical quarterly , LII(4), 1966, pp. 465-482

Authors: Franklin B. Zimmerman
Citation: Franklin B. Zimmerman, Musical borrowings in the english baroque, Musical quarterly , LII(4), 1966, pp. 483-495
Results: 1-21