string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1968' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/50

Authors: Cohen, Wilbur J.
Citation: J. Cohen, Wilbur, Social Indicators: Statistics for Public Policy, American statistician , 22(4), 1968, pp. 14-16

Authors: Hahn, Gerald J.
Citation: J. Hahn, Gerald, Some Uses of Time-Sharing Computers in Statistical Analysis, American statistician , 22(5), 1968, pp. 14-18

Authors: Gardner, John W.
Citation: W. Gardner, John, No Easy Victories, American statistician , 22(1), 1968, pp. 14-16

Authors: Mendelssohn, Rudolph C.
Citation: C. Mendelssohn, Rudolph, The Computer and Economic Analysis at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, American statistician , 22(2), 1968, pp. 16-19

Authors: Goodman, A. F.
Citation: F. Goodman, A., The Interface of Computer Science and Statistics: An Historical Perspective, American statistician , 22(3), 1968, pp. 17-20

Authors: Lunde, Anders S.
Citation: S. Lunde, Anders, The Applied Statistics Training Institute (ASTI), American statistician , 22(4), 1968, pp. 17-17

Authors: Bahn, Anita K.
Citation: K. Bahn, Anita, Mathematical Preparation for Training Statisticians in Biomedical Science and Public Health, American statistician , 22(4), 1968, pp. 18-22

Authors: Smith, William B. Hocking, R. R.
Citation: B. Smith, William et R. Hocking, R., A Simple Method for Obtaining the Information Matrix for a Multivariate Normal Distribution, American statistician , 22(1), 1968, pp. 18-20

Authors: Chambers, John M.
Citation: M. Chambers, John, A British Working Party on Statistical Computing, American statistician , 22(2), 1968, pp. 19-20

Authors: Kurtz, Thomas E.
Citation: E. Kurtz, Thomas, A Role of Time-Sharing Computing in Statistical Research, American statistician , 22(5), 1968, pp. 19-21

Authors: Noot, Vander T. J.
Citation: J. Noot, Vander T., Computers, Social Science Statisticians, and the A.S.A., American statistician , 22(3), 1968, pp. 20-22

Authors: Geary, R. C. Leser, C. E. V.
Citation: C. Geary, R. et V. Leser, C. E., Significance Tests in Multiple Regression, American statistician , 22(1), 1968, pp. 20-21

Authors: Schmitt, Robert C.
Citation: C. Schmitt, Robert, Migration Statistics in an Island State: The Hawaii Experience, American statistician , 22(2), 1968, pp. 20-23

Authors: Lerner, Monroe
Citation: Lerner, Monroe, Training of Statistical Personnel for State Health Departments, American statistician , 22(4), 1968, pp. 22-27

Authors: Chew, Victor
Citation: Chew, Victor, Some Useful Alternatives to the Normal Distribution, American statistician , 22(3), 1968, pp. 22-24

Authors: Nelson, Norma Feldman, Arnold Elveback, Lila
Citation: Nelson, Norma et al., The Teacher's Corner: A Note on Response-to-Treatment Percentages in Cancer, American statistician , 22(1), 1968, pp. 22-23

Authors: Siegel, Irving H.
Citation: H. Siegel, Irving, The Teacher's Corner: Supermatrix Approach to Least-Squares Adjustment, American statistician , 22(5), 1968, pp. 22-23

Authors: Cureton, Edward E.
Citation: E. Cureton, Edward, The Teacher's Corner: Unbiased Estimation of the Standard Deviation, American statistician , 22(1), 1968, pp. 22-22

Authors: Mantel, Nathan Pasternack, Bernard S.
Citation: Mantel, Nathan et S. Pasternack, Bernard, A Class of Occupancy Problems, American statistician , 22(2), 1968, pp. 23-24

Authors: Hudson, Derek J.
Citation: J. Hudson, Derek, The Teacher's Corner: A Short Cut Method for Estimating Only One of Two Parameters from a Set of Order Statistics, American statistician , 22(5), 1968, pp. 23-24

Authors: Brunk, H. D. Holstein, James E. Williams, Frederick
Citation: D. Brunk, H. et al., The Teacher's Corner: A Comparison of Binomial Approximations to the Hypergeometric Distribution, American statistician , 22(1), 1968, pp. 24-26

Authors: Kruskal, William
Citation: Kruskal, William, The Teacher's Corner: Note on a Note by C. S. Pillai, American statistician , 22(5), 1968, pp. 24-25

Authors: Kullback, S.
Citation: S. Kullback,, The Teacher's Corner: An Application of Tables of Symmetric Functions to Certain Distributions, American statistician , 22(5), 1968, pp. 25-27

Authors: Jarrett, Rheem F.
Citation: F. Jarrett, Rheem, The Teacher's Corner: A Minor Exercise in History, American statistician , 22(3), 1968, pp. 25-26

Authors: Hoyt, John P.
Citation: P. Hoyt, John, The Teacher's Corner: A Simple Approximation to the Standard Normal Probability Density Function, American statistician , 22(2), 1968, pp. 25-26
Results: 1-25 | 26-50