string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1969' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-55    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/55

Authors: Lin, Chi-Yuan Berger, Paul D.
Citation: Lin, Chi-yuan et D. Berger, Paul, On the Selling Price and Buying Price of a Lottery, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 25-26

Authors: Stanley, Julian C. Glass, Gene V.
Citation: C. Stanley, Julian et V. Glass, Gene, An Algebraic Proof That the Sum of the Squared Errors in Estimating Y from X via b 1 and b 0 is Minimal, American statistician , 23(1), 1969, pp. 25-26

Authors: Cohen, Samuel E.
Citation: E. Cohen, Samuel, A Device for Sampling from Finite Populations on Successive Occasions, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 26-27

Authors: Elston, R. C.
Citation: C. Elston, R., An Analogue to Fieller's Theorem Using Scheffé's Solution to the Fisher-Behrens Problem, American statistician , 23(1), 1969, pp. 26-28

Authors: Stuart, Alan
Citation: Stuart, Alan, Reduced Mean-Square-Error Estimation of .p in Normal Samples, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 27-28

Authors: Meyer, Richard M.
Citation: M. Meyer, Richard, The k-th Largest Coordinate of an Ordered n-tuple, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 27-27

Authors: Duchan, Alan I.
Citation: I. Duchan, Alan, A Relationship between the F and t Statistics and the Simple Correlation Coefficients in Classical Least Squares Regression, American statistician , 23(3), 1969, pp. 27-28

Authors: Shah, S. M.
Citation: M. Shah, S., On the Minimum Property of the First Absolute Moment, American statistician , 23(3), 1969, pp. 27-27

Authors: Rangarajan, C. Chatterjee, S.
Citation: C. Rangarajan, et S. Chatterjee,, A Note on Comparison between Correlation Coefficients of Original and Transformed Variables, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 28-29

Authors: Bondy, Warren H.
Citation: H. Bondy, Warren, A Test of an Experimental Hypothesis of Negligible Difference between Means, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 28-30

Authors: Edwards, John B.
Citation: B. Edwards, John, The Relation between the F-Test and R^2, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 28-28

Authors: Smith, H. Fairfield
Citation: Smith, H. Fairfield, Approximate Formulae for Bias and Variance of Ratios, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 29-31

Authors: Sakuntala, Velpuri
Citation: Sakuntala, Velpuri, Simulation Studies for Comparison of Different Estimators, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 31-32

Authors: Hamdan, M. A. Al-Bayyati, H. A.
Citation: A. Hamdan, M. et A. Al-bayyati, H., A Note on the Bivariate Poisson Distribution, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 32-33

Authors: Brugger, Richard M.
Citation: M. Brugger, Richard, A Note on Unbiased Estimation of the Standard Deviation, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 32-32

Authors: Carmer, S. G. Cady, F. B.
Citation: G. Carmer, S. et B. Cady, F., Computerized Data Generation for Teaching Statistics, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 33-35

Authors: Bain, Lee J.
Citation: J. Bain, Lee, Moments of a Noncentral t and Noncentral F-distribution, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 33-34

Authors: Addelman, Sidney
Citation: Addelman, Sidney, The Generalized Randomized Block Design, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 35-36

Authors: Nemenyi, Peter
Citation: Nemenyi, Peter, Variances: An Elementary Proof and a Nearly Distribution-Free Test, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 35-37

Authors: Ifram, Adnan F.
Citation: F. Ifram, Adnan, A Note on Sequential Tests, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 36-37

Authors: Wilson, A. L. Douglas, A. W.
Citation: L. Wilson, A. et W. Douglas, A., A Note on Non-Linear Curve Fitting, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 37-38

Authors: Mihram, George A.
Citation: A. Mihram, George, A Cautionary Note regarding Invocation of the Central Limit Theorem, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 38-38

Authors: Pierce, David A. Dykstra, Richard L.
Citation: A. Pierce, David et L. Dykstra, Richard, Independence and the Normal Distribution, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 39-39

Authors: Canner, Paul L.
Citation: L. Canner, Paul, Some Curious Results Using Minimum Variance Linear Unbiased Estimators, American statistician , 23(5), 1969, pp. 39-40

Authors: Mullen, K.
Citation: K. Mullen,, A Note on Particle Counting, American statistician , 23(4), 1969, pp. 40-40
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-55