string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1971' AND fasc_issn='00018678' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-17    

Articles table of contents

Results : 17

Authors: Miles R. E.
Citation: E. Miles R., Poisson flats euclidean spaces part ||: homogeneous poisson flats and the complementary theorem, Advances in applied probability , 3(1), 1971, pp. 1-43

Authors: Harding E. F.
Citation: F. Harding E., The probabilities of rooted tree-shapes generated by random bifurcation, Advances in applied probability , 3(1), 1971, pp. 44-77

Authors: Neuts Marcel F.
Citation: F. Neuts Marcel, A queue subject to extraneous phase changes, Advances in applied probability , 3(1), 1971, pp. 78-119

Authors: Van Der Meulen Edward C.
Citation: C. Van Der Meulen Edward, Three-terminal communication channels, Advances in applied probability , 3(1), 1971, pp. 120-154

Authors: Schal Manfred
Citation: Schal Manfred, The analysis of queues with state-dependent parameters by Markov renewal processes, Advances in applied probability , 3(1), 1971, pp. 155-175

Authors: Pakes A. G.
Citation: G. Pakes A., Some limit theorems for the total progeny of a branching process, Advances in applied probability , 3(1), 1971, pp. 176-192

Authors: Meshalkin L. D. Tatuo Petre Kitagawa Tosio Severo Norman C. Gart John J. Gani J.Krus V. P. Rvuchev L. A. Dietz Klaus Trevor Williams Bailey Norman T. J. Thomas Anthony S. Daniels H. E. Weiss George H. Dison Menachem Nagaev A. V. Saroyan O. V. Elveback Lila R.
Citation: D. Meshalkin L. et al., Who symposium on quantitative epidemiology, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 193-228

Authors: Reynolds David S. Savage I. Richard
Citation: S. Reynolds David et Savage I. Richard, Random wear models in reliability theory, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 229-248

Authors: Kyprianou E.
Citation: E. Kyprianou, The virtual waiting time of the GI/G/1 queue in heavy traffic, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 249-268

Authors: Iglehart Donald L.
Citation: L. Iglehart Donald, Functional limit theorems for the queue GI/G/1 in light traffic, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 269-281

Authors: Fahady K. S. Quine M. P. Vere-Jones D.
Citation: S. Fahady K. et al., Heavy traffic approximations for the Galton-Watson process, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 282-300

Authors: Pakes A. G.
Citation: G. Pakes A., A branching process with a state dependent immigration component, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 301-314

Authors: Keilson Julian Subba Rao S.
Citation: Keilson Julian et S. Subba Rao, A process with chain dependent growth rate. Part ||: the ruin and ergodic problems, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 315-338

Authors: Gani J. McNeil D. R.
Citation: J. Gani et R. Mcneil D., Joint distributions of random variables and their integrals for certain birth-death and diffusion processes, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 339-352

Authors: Miles R. E.
Citation: E. Miles R., Isotropic random simplifies, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 353-382

Authors: Ahlswede R. Wolfowitz J.
Citation: R. Ahlswede et J. Wolfowitz, Channels without synchronization, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 383-403

Authors: Tucker Howard G.
Citation: G. Tucker Howard, On asymptotic independence of the partial sums of positive and negative parts of independent random variables, Advances in applied probability , 3(2), 1971, pp. 404-425
Results: 1-17