string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1971' AND fasc_issn='00031305' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-52    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/52

Citation: , A Study of Future Goals of ASA, American statistician , 25(4), 1971, pp. 11-16

Authors: Cochran, Robert S.
Citation: S. Cochran, Robert, Designs with Redeeming Social Aspects for Evenings of Social Bridge, American statistician , 25(2), 1971, pp. 12-15

Authors: Merriam, Ida C.
Citation: C. Merriam, Ida, ASA Membership Views on Annual Meetings, American statistician , 25(5), 1971, pp. 13-17

Authors: Birnbaum, Allan
Citation: Birnbaum, Allan, A Perspective for Strengthening Scholarship in Statistics, American statistician , 25(3), 1971, pp. 14-17

Authors: Moran, P. A. P. Neyman, J.
Citation: P. Moran, P. A. et J. Neyman,, The IASPS and its Satellite Symposia, American statistician , 25(1), 1971, pp. 15-18

Authors: Groeneveld, Richard A.
Citation: A. Groeneveld, Richard, A Note on the Sequential Sign Test, American statistician , 25(2), 1971, pp. 15-16

Authors: Shiskin, Julius
Citation: Shiskin, Julius, Modernizing Business Cycle Concepts, American statistician , 25(4), 1971, pp. 17-19

Citation: , Report of the Evaluation Committee on the University of Chicago Department of Statistics, American statistician , 25(3), 1971, pp. 17-24

Authors: Strait, Peggy Tang
Citation: Strait, Peggy Tang, A Note on Independence and Conditional Probabilities, American statistician , 25(2), 1971, pp. 17-18

Authors: Shiskin, Julius
Citation: Shiskin, Julius, Recent Developments in Federal Statistics, American statistician , 25(5), 1971, pp. 18-21

Authors: Guenther, William C.
Citation: C. Guenther, William, A Note on the Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimate of the Fraction of a Normal Distribution below a Specification Limit, American statistician , 25(2), 1971, pp. 18-20

Authors: Roberts, Harry V.
Citation: V. Roberts, Harry, Committee Selection by Statistical Sampling, American statistician , 25(1), 1971, pp. 18-20

Authors: Urquhart, N. S.
Citation: S. Urquhart, N., Nonverbal Instructional Approaches for Introductory Statistics, American statistician , 25(2), 1971, pp. 20-25

Authors: Clelland, Richard C.
Citation: C. Clelland, Richard, On Statistical Studies of University Education, American statistician , 25(4), 1971, pp. 20-24

Authors: Hartley, H. O. Rao, J. N. K.
Citation: O. Hartley, H. et K. Rao, J. N., Foundations of Survey Sampling (A Don Quixote Tragedy), American statistician , 25(1), 1971, pp. 21-27

Authors: Bancroft, T. A.
Citation: A. Bancroft, T., On Establishing a University-Wide Statistical Consulting and Cooperative Research Service, American statistician , 25(5), 1971, pp. 21-24

Authors: Rosenberg, Harry M.
Citation: M. Rosenberg, Harry, Census Data and the Analysis of Social Trends, American statistician , 25(5), 1971, pp. 24-27

Authors: Blight, B. J. N.
Citation: N. Blight, B. J., Some General Results on Reduced Mean Square Error Estimation, American statistician , 25(3), 1971, pp. 24-25

Authors: Ginsberg, William
Citation: Ginsberg, William, Instrumental Variables: Some Generalizations, American statistician , 25(2), 1971, pp. 25-26

Authors: White, Colin
Citation: White, Colin, The Committee Problem, American statistician , 25(4), 1971, pp. 25-26

Authors: Rutherford, J. R.
Citation: R. Rutherford, J., A Note on Variances in the Components of Variance Model, American statistician , 25(3), 1971, pp. 26-27

Authors: Skvarcius, Romualdas Cromer, Fred
Citation: Skvarcius, Romualdas et Cromer, Fred, A Note on the Use of Categorical Vectors in Testing for Equality of Two Regression Equations, American statistician , 25(3), 1971, pp. 27-29

Authors: Desu, M. M.
Citation: M. Desu, M., Optimal Confidence Intervals of Fixed Width, American statistician , 25(2), 1971, pp. 27-29

Authors: Wolfe, Douglas A. Hogg, Robert V.
Citation: A. Wolfe, Douglas et V. Hogg, Robert, On Constructing Statistics and Reporting Data, American statistician , 25(4), 1971, pp. 27-30

Authors: Kruskal, William H.
Citation: H. Kruskal, William, Mathematical Sciences and Social Sciences: Excerpts from the Report of a Panel of the Behavioral and Social Sciences Survey, American statistician , 25(1), 1971, pp. 27-31
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-52