string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1971' AND fasc_issn='00261424' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-15    

Articles table of contents

Results : 15

Authors: Golikova, T.I. Nalimov, V.V.
Journal: Metron
Citation: T.I. Golikova et V.V. Nalimov, Logical Foundation of Experimental Design, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 3

Authors: Bennet, B.M.
Journal: Metron
Citation: B.M. Bennet, Note on Optimum Allocation in Stratified Sampling, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 59

Authors: Rizzi, Alfredo
Journal: Metron
Citation: Alfredo Rizzi, Distribuzione dell'indice di cograduazione del Gini, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 63

Authors: Passaquindici, Maria
Journal: Metron
Citation: Maria Passaquindici, Alcune considerazioni sul problema delle 'forze di lavoro' trattato con la programmazione dinamica, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 74

Authors: Levy, Paul S.
Journal: Metron
Citation: Paul S. Levy, The Combination of Unbiased Estimators, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 130

Authors: Rosenberg, Saul H.
Journal: Metron
Citation: Saul H. Rosenberg, A Comparison of Five Methods of Estimating Variance Components for the Balanced Incomplete Block Design, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 156

Authors: Naik, Umesh D. Shetty, Ishwar D.
Journal: Metron
Citation: Umesh D. Naik et Ishwar D. Shetty, On the Size and Power of the Bilateral Test, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 170

Authors: Brock, Dwight B.
Journal: Metron
Citation: Dwight B. Brock, Bayesian Analysis for Markov Renewal Processes, Metron, (3/4), 1971, pp. 185

Authors: Andrukovich, P.F. Gribkov, V.S. Kozyrev, V.P. Nalimov, V.V. Terekhin, A.T.
Journal: Metron
Citation: P.F. Andrukovich et al., Abstract Painting as a Specific - Degenerate - Language. A Statistical Approach to the Problem, Metron, (1/2), 1971, pp. 3

Authors: Herzel, Amato
Journal: Metron
Citation: Amato Herzel, Un completamento del teorema fondamentale sulle medie ponderate di V. Castellano, Metron, (1/2), 1971, pp. 31

Authors: Calzoni, Giuseppe
Journal: Metron
Citation: Giuseppe Calzoni, Sulla costruzione di un indice di soddisfazione, Metron, (1/2), 1971, pp. 37

Authors: Rizzi, Alfredo
Journal: Metron
Citation: Alfredo Rizzi, Su un metodo per la generazione di sequenze di simboli binari pseudo-casuali, Metron, (1/2), 1971, pp. 61

Authors: Lionetti, Lidia
Journal: Metron
Citation: Lidia Lionetti, Funzioni di domanda ottimali legate ad un indice generalizzato del costo della vita, Metron, (1/2), 1971, pp. 71

Authors: Yang, Chung How
Journal: Metron
Citation: Chung How Yang, On Hypergeometric Distribution, Metron, (1/2), 1971, pp. 131

Authors: Kabe, D.G. Wani, J.K.
Journal: Metron
Citation: D.G. Kabe et J.K. Wani, Distributions of Dixon's Statistics for the Truncated Exponential, Rectangular, and Random Intervals Populations, Metron, (1/2), 1971, pp. 151
Results: 1-15